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Comment Re:The AI we currently have (Score 1) 125

We don't know all the details, but the basics (learning semantics first) has been the central tenant for a very long time. I think Chomsky is generally credited with developing the model, but it's a fundamental pillar in how we understand mesolithic art, Genevieve von Petzinger's signs, etc.

It's why animal behavioural studies work the way they do, why animal behavioural users tried to teach gorilla's sign language, had dolphins use touch screens, taught African grey parrots numbers, why people tested bees for numeracy.

What I'm describing lies at the core of all this work. The semantics all arose when minimal-information noise was all there was. The syntax came later. In humans, much later.

Comment What we have learned... (Score 3, Insightful) 63

1. Google has an inept backup system, since it took a week to recover. Thus should have been a few hours, tops, a few minutes if properly done.

2. Google doesn't sanity-check any settings.

3. The customer had a backup system on another provider but was clearly unable to fail over to it over the entire period, which means this wasn't properly designed or tested.

4. Google doesn't provide warnings.

5. Google's delete policy is extremely aggressive.

6. The customer had failed to research Google's policies properly.

7. Signing off was done with a poor understanding of the system.

8. Neither side had comprehensive monitoring.

9. That users were concerned about a cyber attack shows the customer had failed to keep users properly informed, creating a panic unnecessarily.

10. Cloud providers don't necessarily have any more expertise than the customers and may choose to go cheap in the hope of few accidents.

Comment Re:Not much information in the article... (Score 1) 54

How about this:

Router vendors can provide a ROM version of firmware that will get loaded if they get a dhcp address in a certain range and from there only take a tftp patch, as a failsafe.

That would require a minimal unpatchable bootloader which could potentially be a problem, but maybe the risks of a full flash overwrite are larger.

Imagine the ISP logistics of unbricking millions of devices.

Comment Re:I never knew this existed (Score 5, Interesting) 19

> how could their marketing / PR fail to the extent that people like us wouldn't even be aware of it?

Oh, I gotchu on this:

Some exec comes up with a hairbrained idea that everybody on the team thinks is peak retardation but they have to implement it to make him happy.

It goes it, gets hidden behind a shit UI, and nobody ever talks about it again.

Marketing is warned on the D/L that they will look stupid if they promote it.

As soon as he gets promoted the feature is deprecated.

The Dilbert Filter is in operation on this one.

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