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User Journal

Journal Journal: in which i am a noob all over again 17

I haven't posted a journal here in almost three years, because I couldn't find the button to start a new entry. ...yeah, it turns out that it's at the bottom of the page.

So... hi, Slashdot. I used to be really active here, but now I mostly lurk and read. I've missed you.

User Journal

Journal Journal: a return which is long overdue (plus achievements!) 17

I've lurked at /. without posting for ages, mostly because I just don't have the time to interact like I used to.

But I've been clicking through the old RSS feed more and more lately, and when I saw the PAX Plague thread today, I came over to comment, since I'm kind of affected by the whole damn thing. I thought I'd take a look around since I haven't been here in awhile, and I saw that there are freaking ACHIEVEMENTS associated with our accounts. It's silly, and I'm sure it's been here forever, but I thought it was awesome and I was delighted when I read it.

I didn't realize how much I missed Slashdot until I spent some time here today, and I bet that anyone who joined in the last 2 years doesn't even give a shit about my stupid comments or anything, but it felt good to come back here, and feel safely among my people again.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Announcing the release of my new book 22

This feels like a mega-spam entry, and I'm very self conscious about posting it, but I'm excited about this and I wanted to share . . .

I just published my third book, The Happiest Days of Our Lives. I mention it here because it's all about growing up in the 70s, and coming of age in the 80s as part of the D&D/BBS/video game/Star Wars figures generation, and I think a lot of Slashdot readers will relate to the stories in it.

I published a few of the stories on my blog, including Blue Light Special. It's about the greatest challenge a ten year-old could face in 1982: save his allowance, or buy Star Wars figures?

After our corduroy pants and collared shirts and Trapper Keepers and economy packs of pencils and wide-ruled paper were piled up in our cart, our mom took our three year-old sister with her to the make-up department to get shampoo and whatever moms buy in the make-up department, and my brother and I were allowed to go to the toy department.

"Can I spend my allowance?" I said.

"If that's what you want to do," my mom said, another entry in a long string of unsuccessful passive/aggressive attempts to encourage me to save my money for . . . things you save money for, I guess. It was a concept that was entirely alien to me at nine years old.

"Keep an eye on Jeremy," she said.

"Okay," I said. As long as Jeremy stood right at my side and didn't bother me while I shopped, and as long as he didn't want to look at anything of his own, it wouldn't be a problem.

I held my brother's hand as we tried to walk, but ended up running, across the store, past a flashing blue light special, to the toy department. Once there, we wove our way past the bicycles and board games until we got to the best aisle in the world: the one with the Star Wars figures.

I'm really proud of this book, and the initial feedback on it has been overwhelmingly positive. I've been reluctant to mention it here, because of the spam issue, but I honestly do think my stories will appeal to Slashdotters.

After the disaster with O'Reilly on Just A Geek, I've decided to try this one entirely on my own, so I'm responsible for the publicity, the marketing, the shipping, and . . . well, everything. If this one fails, it will be because of me, not because a marketing department insisted on marketing it as something it's not.

Of course, I hope I can claim the same responsibility if (when?) it finds its audience . . . which would be awesome.


Journal Journal: i need a new computer - advice? 29

Simple tasks like switching between Firefox and Thunderbird are driving the load on my machine up over 4, and if I'm trying to run Amarok at the same time, it drives it up to 8. In fact, my machine frequently climbs up into the 7-9 range, bringing my apps to a crawl and frustrating the hell out of me.

So I've decided it's time to buy a new computer. I'm going to replace my aging Sony Vaio desktop machine (which runs Linux) with something newer that has more RAM, a faster processor, and a bigger hard drive.

The thing is, I'm not entirely sure where to start looking. A quick walk through Circuit City a month or so ago lead me to believe I can get a rather "big" computer for as low as five hundred bucks, which further leads me to believe that if I were to buy something online, I can get a huge pile of RAM, a fast processor, and a big honkin' hard drive for even less.

I run Kubuntu, and use KDE as my desktop (though I occasionally switch to Gnome when I get bored) and I mostly use Firefox, Thunderbird,, Amarok, and run PokerStars in wine. I'm looking for something that can do all of that without slowing my machine to a crawl.

Anyone have any suggestions on where to start looking?

Edit: I don't think I have the patience to build my own machine out of individual parts. I also don't have any real loyalty to any particular company or architecture. New Egg has lots of machines with AMD processors, and though I've always had Intel processors because more things seemed to run on x86, that's not as much of an issue as it once was, right?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Realists vs Reality 5

James Baker and the whole Iraq Study Group are a confirmed collection of idiots. They want us to go off and ask Iran if they'll help us stabilize Iraq.

I think we've already gotten Iran's reply.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Reflections on the election 3

Orson Scott Card lays down some pretty heavy words that are worth reflecting on.

Me, I'm going to vote and it'll be an almost straight Republican line. I'll vote for Leiberman because he's earned my respect on defense and I'm not a huge supporter of some of the social aspects of the Republican line. Yeah, Joe's a flaming liberal on everything except the war, but right now that's the big #1 thing in my book. (The image of Lamont with Sharpton behind him and people chanting "Bring them home!" was just too much.)

So, that's where I stand on this and I think Card's captured the big issue correctly.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Poor squiggle 4

Not happy enough to shut down debate, he also had to go and bitch about it. Not in my JE mind you, but as a coda to a question that I posed in his journal.

The irony is his ending:

As I said, go fuck yourself. You're a liar, a troll, and I'm amazed I held out this long.

Apparently he thinks that he should be rewarded for his perseverance in the face of a challenge to his authority. (Two posts being apparently his limit for "sufferring fools".)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gee, he foe'd me. 6

Apparently when you don't toe the line for the Democratic party purity test and maybe question some people's ideas it earns you a spot on their foe list. squigleslash accused me of trolling, rebutted my post, and foe'd me so I'd be unable to respond.

A truely class act.

Further indicative of the open-minded, big tent attitude of those who are busy labelling Lieberman as a traitor because he didn't meet the latest Democratic purity test (this test being decided by less than 10% of the Democrats in Connecticut mind you).

User Journal

Journal Journal: GMontag gets an Instalanche! 1

Congrats to Guy for landing a link from the Instapundit. Here

This should be intersting. If we link back enough then the Instalanche versus the SlashDot effect could make the Internet cease to exist...

User Journal

Journal Journal: On the importance of perspective 1

Some food for thought in the form of a screedy bleat.

This sums up the sheer amazement I felt as certain congress critters and senators got up this week and were busy declaring Iraq an abject failure amidst all of the news that was streaming in.


Journal Journal: Oil Industry-sponsored FUD at Slashdot? 12

I am absolutely stunned that Slashdot's editors would give credibility to a completely false story, pushed by a paid industry PR professional. As Rugrat said,

The "article" is not an article, but a press release written by an employee of a public affairs company.

"Tom Harris is mechanical engineer and Ottawa Director of High Park Group, a public affairs and public policy company."

For a website that spends so much time and energy combating FUD from Microsoft, and the MPAA and RIAA, it is baffling that FUD that was paid for and is pushed by the oil industry would make the front page here.

Come on, Slashdot. You can do better.

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