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Comment Hold up a minute (Score 1) 34

Because first world nations are spending their own money.

Excuse me? As a taxpayer I can very much assure you they are NOT spending "their own" money. They are spending the money of the citizens of those countries.

They spend either my tax money, OR by printing more money destroy the purchasing power of money I have. Either way they are spending my money.

Comment Rules for thee but not for me (Score 3, Interesting) 34

Poor countries must demonstrate clearer accounting and transparency to back up their calls for trillions of dollars of climate finance,

Why, when no first world nation does the same?

At this point trillions of dollars have gone into climate related slush funds with much of it siphoned off to make some very rich people incredibly richer, with a tiny portion actually going to real efforts to help the environment.

Why shouldn't the third would be allowed to dine at the same trough? Sounds like a racist thing if I'm being honest.

Comment Re:who cares about debt? (Score 1) 253

The rest of the world won't, because their own currencies are currently inflating more than the USD.

The U.S. is squarely in the middle of the list of world inflation (you can sort by tapping on column headers).

But the bigger problem is inflation ahead, which is illuminated quite well by the debt to GDP ratio map, where only a handful of countries are worse off... the interest payments for the U.S. debt are nearing exponential increase.

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