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Addendum to The Slashdot Effect Internet Paper 101

Spock_NPA writes "An addendum to the Slashdot Effect Internet Paper is available here. It details the effect of Slashdot on the Slashdot Effect Internet Paper."
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Addendum to The Slashdot Effect Internet Paper

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  • ...will take down a server fast than NT can :)

    Seriously, the white paper and the addendum are interesting looks into many abject statistics...bundled up and analyzed to make sense against the fact that "[insert Slashdot featured server name here]'s connection is crap" or that their machines can't handle the load. I shouldn't complain, my sites are run on a shared server that wouldn't dream of handling Slashdot-caliber traffic just for a single hosting client.

    Interesting white paper, I enjoyed reading it.

  • I'd love to know the answers to the following:

    How many registered people are there on Slashdot ?

    How many unregisterered people use Slashdot ?

    Maybe Slashdot ought to have a statistics page, showing the effect of the Slashdot effect on Slashdot!
  • by JanneM ( 7445 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @01:00AM (#1500153) Homepage
    Isn't it time for the slashdot crew to write a statistical analysis of the reading frequency of the slashdot stories about the slashdot effect papers? If everybody keeps this up, we'll have a new academic subdiscipline in no time! "slashdot science", maybe, or "statistical geekology". If we get the terms 'postmodern' or 'cultural imperialism' into the title as well, we'll be rolling in grant money...

  • I don't know if it'd be faster than NT.... :)

    Seriously though, yes, I'd both love and hate to be /.'d. Love because of all the attention and page views, but I'd hate it because my site runs off a virtual account... my ISP would be pretty pissed when my site makes the other 249 on that server sleepy molasses. Besides, they'd probably call me and say I need to pay more money for a bigger account. 'Tis hard to do when you're a student with no money and a site without banner ads.

    Ok, I must be tired... I'm rambling. If you want to /. my site (just went online last night) it's here [frozenlinux.com]. It's a web directory for linux related sites- I need submissions.

  • ...is there gonna be a SlashDotEffectAddendumAddendum? :)
  • When is the addendum to the addendum to the Slashdot Effect Internet Paper detailing the effect of Slashdot on the Slashdot Effect Internet Paper addendum due?

    Seeing as being published on a regular basis seems to be the key to academic funding these days, it looks like someone has found something to keep their career moving.

  • will there now be an addendum to the addendum?

    "The Slashdot Effect as documented on the addendum documenting the Slashdot Effect on the original article on the Slashdot Effect."


  • If people would just stop writing replies to them, nobody with a threshold of 0 or more would even know they were there. Maybe that would make them stop it. And if not, nobody would notice the difference.
  • by ghoti ( 60903 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @01:17AM (#1500161) Homepage
    What about including a click-through counter in every link that's posted on ./? And then have a top ten ranking which links got clicked most in the last month or so (or maybe ranked by clicks/time unit).

    That would also be interesting to get an idea what load these servers have to deal with. I am not sure if the Slashdot Effect paper is really very representative.
  • What i see, is a huge oprotunity(sp?) here. Seeing as to how many people visit This site in particular (not to mention the others), and how much weight slashdot seems to carry on all other inet news folks (wired, msnbc, etc... ).
  • Yesterday's Red Hat article doesn't seem to have any first posts. It was released in the middle of the night after the kids had been sent to bed.
    • When is the addendum to the addendum to the Slashdot Effect Internet Paper detailing the effect of Slashdot on the Slashdot Effect Internet Paper addendum due?

    Well we can't say when, but the addendum does address the question:

    • To conclude, this will be the last paper related to the Slashdot effect. If for some reason this addendum to the /. effect generates a new /. effect on the server, this will most likely not be presented as an Addendum to an Addendum.

  • by Money__ ( 87045 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @01:26AM (#1500166)
    On Jan 28th, around 1pm, Linux Today announced the article and published a text only version on their web site. Slashdot followed with an announcement of the article and a hyper link to the article at around 4pm. One can see the very impressive surge in hits after the Slashdot announcement in which the hit rate went from about 30 hits/minute up to over 250 hits/minute in about a 15 minute period.

    250 hits per minute. Now we know how big the slashdot effect is. Has anyone else seen surges this big (from 30/min to 250/min) from other sources other that /.?

  • by navindra ( 7571 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @01:30AM (#1500167) Homepage
    There is a second resurgence, on a much smaller scale, two day's later which peaks at about 9:30am, with an abrupt fall off and then a re-resurgence around 6pm that day. This is seen in Figure 4. plot. The author scanned the various Linux news web pages for posting of the /. effect article but found none. This small resurgence occurring 2 days after the initial posting by /. is unexplained and open to interpretation.

    It's easy to log the referrer in Apache. I do it using a combination of .htaccess/cgi hacks. I've found some interesting things this way, including links from news sites/mailing-lists/newsgroups from over the world that I wouldn't have found otherwise. A link to the author's paper could have been posted on a russian linux news site, for example.

    If you're curious as to how this can be done under Apache, here's a rough description (apologies in advance for any ugly or careless code and any "Slashdot munging" in indentation, etc that may occur).

    (1) Point people to a CGI script, not the direct page. If you want this file to end with .html, this isn't a problem as you can have a .htaccess file that specifies something like "AddHandler cgi-script .html" or you can point people to the directory and respecify the DirectoryIndex.

    (2) Now here's the fun part. The script dumps the page to the requester then logs the interesting environment variables set by Apache.

    Example script:

    # Navindra Umanee <navindra@cs.mcgill.ca>

    # Give them the page.

    open(indexPage, "/path/to/real/content.html");
    @fileStats = stat(indexPage);
    $modifiedTime = gmtime($fileStats[9]);
    $modifiedTime =~ s/^(...) (...) (\d\d?) (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (\d\d\d\d)/$1\, $3 $2 $5 $4 GMT/;

    # first, print HTTP header
    print "Content-Type: text/html\n";
    print "Last-Modified: $modifiedTime\n";
    print "Content-Length: $fileStats[7]\n";
    print "Accept-Ranges: bytes\n\n";

    # then, print body


    # Now log the information.

    $localtime = `date`;

    open(logFile, ">>$log");
    print logFile "$localtime";
    print logFile "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} - $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}\n";
    print logFile "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\n";
    print logFile "$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}\n";
    print logFile "\n";

  • by xQx ( 5744 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @01:31AM (#1500168)
    I'm not sure if I'm babbeling sh*t here or not, but I am ABSOLUTLY SURE I have seen that paper before, reported on /. 6 or 12 months ago. It *MAY* have been the origional but I am fairly certain it was an addendum to the origional reporting the effects of the /. effect on the report of the /. effect.

    The graphs had lines saying when it was posted on betanews, /. etc... I dunno. Comments included "what next, a report on the /. effect on the report of the report of the report of the /. effect" etc.

    Again, I may just be dribbling sh*t (or dajavu or something)


  • by navindra ( 7571 )
    Ah suck, Slashdot did munge the stuff very slightly despite my best efforts and I managed to press "submit" instead of "preview" before fixing some of the code and removing that extraneous ';' before one of the print statements there.

    Oh well, if you have trouble figuring it out, you can always email me and ask.
  • Yeah probably! It's stupid that way though I managed to avoid that myself.
  • It's also missing any file locking come to think of it, but the general idea is there.
  • by Money__ ( 87045 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @01:50AM (#1500174)
    date: 6:21am

    uptime: 50 days, 21:18, 1 user,

    load average: 0.49, 0.35, 0.24

    processes: 132

    yesterday: 76525

    today: 1

    ever: 203679322

    These stats [slashdot.org] are shown in a 'slashbox' for registered users. A Custom Page [slashdot.org] that show these stats along with many other items.

    What's missing from the /. stats is the average ratio between 'proccesses' and 'unique visits'. This number would prove valuable. Rob? are you reading this ? :)

  • by Jonas Öberg ( 19456 ) <jonas@gnu.org> on Sunday November 28, 1999 @01:54AM (#1500175) Homepage
    Or; you can just change the logformat in Apache. This is what I use. It gives the same output format as the default log format, but has two entries appended to it for referer and user-agent.

    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\""

  • Ahh, but this doesn't work in the .htaccess context of course. I guess it's reasonable to assume if you're setting yourself up to be slashdotted, that you have access to the Apache configuration, though.
  • We'll just call is WASEP (WASEP Addendum to the Slashdot Effect Paper), and then we can recurse all we want.
  • I'm not sure if I'm babbeling sh*t here or not, but I am ABSOLUTLY SURE I have seen that paper before, reported on /. 6 or 12 months ago. It *MAY* have been the origional but I am fairly certain it was an addendum to the origional reporting the effects of the /. effect on the report of the /. effect.
    I'll do a "Me too" to that. When I saw it I immediately remember that I had seen it before here on /. not the paper itself, but the addendum.

    It's quite interesting that a paper that has a Last Modified header saying "Tuesday, February 16, 1999" suddenly appears on /. as "news". That's slightly scary.

  • Why not a combination? Cultural Imperialism and Statistical Geekology in a Postmodern Slashdot Society.
  • This small resurgence occurring 2 days after the initial posting by /. is unexplained and open to interpretation.

    Well, here's one possible interpretation. It represents the most likely point at which people will receive e-mails from friends saying "I saw this great link on /.".

  • Dear over-stuffed officious suit at DOD,

    My name is Dr. Vinnyboombas and I seek funding for the following research:

    Building a quantitative model of Postmodern Slashdot Societies effect on Cultural Imperialism and Statistical Geekology. and ummm oh yea..can I have a supercolider and a mindstorm kit?

    Thank you Santa, I've been a good boy this year. :)

  • Even geeks sleep in on Sunday.
  • I'll do a "Me too" to that.

    And I'll do a "me too" to the "me too".

    I checked, and Slashdot search turns up this [slashdot.org] as part of some quickies.
  • The two-days-later surge would have been easily explained if he had looked at a referer log.

    It's the time when the story hits the top of the "older stories" list.

    Harald, counter.li.org [li.org] slashdot victim/beneficary
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Whilst about an 800% increase in traffic is significant (30-250 hpm), 250 hits per minute is only just over 4 hits per second- hardly a major burden on Apache even on a modest Pentium 166.

    Yet many of the stories we heard about the "Slashdot Effect" prior to this paper (and its addendum) spoke of servers being brought to their knees by the increased traffic- not something that seems likely at a meagre 4 hps.

    This suggests that the paper only measured the magnitude of the effect for moderately popular articles- to gauge a 'Slashdottings' full potential for wreaking havoc, it would be useful to see the figures for truly popular articles (something like the annoucement of the original Mindcraft benchmarks, perhaps). My guess is that if the article is sufficiently interesting to pull in even 50% of the slashdot readership, the hit rate will go way over 4 hps.

    jtjm - (anon. coward only while waiting for his password to arrive. Suspects it's stuck in a mailqueue somewhere between slashdot and his ISP.)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    But look at it another way:

    A moderator, who has only five points to begin with, moderates your post to -1, using one of his points.

    Because of _you_, another more deserving post doesn't get moderated up.

    So even if it seems like it doesn't hurt someone...

    it does.
  • Read the last few lines of the Addendum.
  • Few other news sites post links like slashdot does.
    It is, by the way, maazing to see how many hits you get merely submitting a story and including your homepage as a username link.. I hope my poor server at home is never "discovered" to carry anything cool (Unlikely, fortunately)... it'd go down in flames. ;-)
  • Also don't forget that many, many sites carry/mirror freshmeat articles (courtesy of Daily Update and similar scripts), so there's another reason for "delayed" hits, and for a higher "background noise".
  • I agree with: 250 hits per minute is only just over 4 hits per second- hardly a major burden on Apache even on a modest Pentium 166.

    I would also posture a guess that at least 25% of the people experiencing the /. effect are indeed experiencing normal lag (packets dropped by routers a few hops away) combined with bad timing.

    For example: Prime time (United state 7PM to 10PM) evening net use is 'spotty at best'.

  • nah...more likely us lovely Europeans waking up and reading Slashdot with our morning coffee - this is a rather international community here, remember
  • A new academic discipline. Means some university could be the first to offer a degree in BSD. Bachelor of SlashDot.

    Maybe you could get honorary's for significant contributions to the advancement of the art. Like publishing the definitive guide to the MSWord .doc format.
  • Here, here. I guess it is sort of hard for them to search quickies, but if all of us remember this as already having been posted, certainly it can't be too hard for someone to do a check. And maybe the idea of a limit on the age of articles isn't too bad either...
  • There won't be an addendum to the addendum. Somewhere in the article, can't remember where, either at the top or the bottom, it claims that there will be no further addendums to this, unless something of educational relevancy comes up. So, as long as we don't do anything educational (ie: crack site and deface it with the theory of relativity), we ought to be safe... : )

  • The question which has to be answered is, if these statistics are including or excluding graphics. If you have graphics on your html page you'll have much more hpms as you would have otherwise. If you have 5 .gif files on your page you'll have 4hpm * 6 = 24hpms. This is much more significant for P-166.

    Normally processor power isn't a real issue if you have no perl scripts or other dynamic content. (perl needs about 12 seconds to load on my i486)

    Bandwidth is much more critical at most server locations. (Yes, I know there are fibers out there ;-))) )
  • Was there really any educational revelance to the original paper? Or the addendum?

    Come on, that whole page could be summarized in a few words:

    "Site's hitrates go up when news-sites advertise stories on said servers."


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • The "today" stat is broken. It always says 1.
  • LOL! A supercolider and a mindstorms kit? What kind of monster are you planning on building? Or are you trying to make a replica of the Penguin Computing Tux that squashed Redmond? ;)
  • True, but I'm only a user on my system, not an admin. :-)
  • Yeah -- 4 hps isn't enough to make your ISP turn off your T1, which is what happened to www.xfce.org when /. posted the announcement of version 3.2.0!

    On the other hand, an academic article like the three examples is only going to pick up the cream of slashdotters. I'd say that hitrate is at least quadrupled if you look at something that gets people more worked up, like Mindcraft.
  • by jacobm ( 68967 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @05:13AM (#1500207) Homepage
    Y'know, it would go a long way if they just kept a database of all the (non-"mailto:") links they posted and searched it when they posted a new story. They seem to have an automatic link-leeching thing going on anyhow, so they could probably do it totally transparently. All they'd need is another table in a database and a little routine that checked to see, when a story was about to be published, if the link was in the database- if so, have a little warning screen. "A link in your story ($linkName) has been previously posted on $oldLinkDate attached to the story $oldStoryName. Are you sure you want to post it again? [Yes] [No]"

    Might be worth coding up, /. people. Of course, there is the whole "time to write + performance hit / embarassment avoided" ratio, which might not be low enough to warrant implementation.
  • Sorry Slashdot does not sleep, (see the /. effect paper)

    We Europeans ( Well Swiss actually ) are reading and posting before EastCoast wakes up and the Aussies are doing it after you go to bed.

    Try thinking Globally. The world does not start in New York and end in California.

  • Since the "date" listed, is listed as a time, maybe that's the number of hits for that "day", which is now recognized as that exact "time", hence, it is correct.

  • California, my ass! What about Alaska and Hawaii? We're tired of beeing second class Americans!

    Be warned, Continental United States snobs, you'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes!

    (now where's that bottle of S'More Schnapps I was "sampling"?)
  • Has anyone else seen surges this big (from 30/min to 250/min) from other sources other that /.?

    Yeah, Cruel Site of the Day [cruel.com]. My Saga of Roter Hutmann [nothingisreal.com], which relates the story of a computer science nerd who falls in love with a Turing Test program, was nominated back in May. The resulting surge in hits nearly downed my ISP's server. To this day, including May in my domain's graphical statistics program introduces a spike so large that the rest of the months bottom out near 0.


  • You're right, it's more Maine to Hawaii.

    (It had to be said)

    Maybe we (America) have a monopoly on f1r5t p0st/warez lusers.

  • That would imply, though, that /. gets ~ 1 hit/minute, which isn't very plausible. I've actually never seen that counter be anything other than 1.

    On the other hand- as I've been checking, the "yesterday" figure keeps increasing. Probably the slashbox is just broken so that yesterday is today's stat and today points off into never never land somewhere.
  • It starts in Nevada, and continues for 12,500 miles in all directions :)

    hawk, esq., who refuses to wear those silly eastern ties stolen from 19th century british officers' uniforms
  • As the subject states, one of my servers gets 600-1000 hits/min on a regular basis. (meaning all damn day). 99% of those hits requires at least 1 MySQL query also and about 30% require at least 2 inserts. This server also does quite a bit of background processing also but is still extremely fast for a dual p2/400.

  • by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Sunday November 28, 1999 @06:58AM (#1500219)
    > actually i think all this "ph1r5t p05t" stuff is rather funny.

    A lot of stuff on /. is if you step back and look at it. There's also the meta-moderation that started after the moderation scheme was set up. And then there is the meta-meta-moderation comments that people started making after they noticed the meta-moderation. (It was amazing how quickly the term "meta-moderation" sprang up and came into common use.) Now I'm sure someone will point out that my commenting on meta-meta-moderation may qualify as meta-meta-meta-moderation; and of course you know what the comment on that will qualify for.

    Other things are the numerous "that's not worth posting" posts, which always strike me as really ironic, since someone is taking the trouble to comment on something that they say wasn't worth mentioning in the first place.

    And then there are the obligatory "that's been mentioned before" posts.

    And the "just got to work my political views in" posts, where people can't resist mentioning the moral status of [Bill_Clinton, George_Bush] (almost always in the subject line, since it doesn't do much good to hide inflammatory views down in the body of a post).

    I'm sure there are more that I haven't noticed. Perhaps this would be a suitable topic for a companion paper, or at least a Guide to Slashdot.

    All in all, I can imagine that this is really an entertaining site for those lurkers with a sense of humor about human nature.

    It's October 6th. Where's W2K? Over the horizon again, eh?
  • The Freshmeat effect seems to be powerful as well, and much easier to achieve than the Slashdot effect (since it's easier to get on Freshmeat). When my `program' (my 15 kB FTP server, now 20 kB) first hit Freshmeat, I got more hits in a single day than I had in a single month. Of course, nowadays linuxberg.com stands for over 80% of my referrals (if you exclude the cases where people have entered the URL directly), I'd suppose. My traffic spikes every time I make a new version and Freshmeat announce it.

    Thanks, scoop.

    /* Steinar */
  • If two packets leave their respective servers at the same time, one coming to you at 30ms and 19 hops, and the other at 50ms and 12 hops, which packet will arrive first, and how sooner?

    Slashdot math problem from hell

    It's amazing though, not one mean hateful post in this whole conversation...
  • So encourage moderators not to waste points on this. It's not like they're doing God's work here or anything.

    A school of thought on this would be that most people cruise slashdot at a -1 threshold or something at or above 1. What good does cruising at 0 give you anyway? If you want to see everything..you choose -1. If you want the filter..go at 1 or above. Since most "First Post" people post as AC, they get an automatic 0 to start out with, the -1'ers are going to see them regardless, and the filter people won't. Calling them Offtopic is just a waste.

    Actually, any down moderation is a waste, people who don't want to see the crap are already cruising at +1 or more, thus filtering out all the 0 AC's. Why waste points to moderate them down further? Use the points to make the good posts more visible.

  • And the number of credits you start out with will be proportional to your Slashdot karma...

    Jedi Hacker (Apprentice) and Code Poet
  • Actually, I seem to recall seeing the counter be greater than 1. Before Rob got the new servers, there were days that it would be 2, 3, 4, or even 5. I never saw it larger than 5, though.

    I had always assumed it to be current users (or current instances of root). This conclusion came from the fact that the more other people posted (Hemos, Cliff, Robin, et al), the higher the number was...

    'Course, I too, could be full of it...

    Jedi Hacker (Apprentice) and Code Poet
  • A web server with a story of the slashdot effect on papers about the slasdot effect, undergoing the slashdot effect.
  • I am such a geek that I found so FUNNY! Nothing like a bit a chemistry humor on a Sunday afternoon to brighten my day...

    Teacher: "Is the bond covalent or ionic?"
    Student1: "Isn't it ionic?"
    Student2: "Don't you think?"
  • I used to cruise slashdot at a 0 threshhold. A lot of cowards aren't moderated up for saying decent things (remember: AC's aren't ALL bad..), and a lot of decent comments are moderated down. But now, I've become so annoyed with the bad moderation that I cruise at -1 with scores hidden. Why don't we change it so moderators aren't anonymous?

    i dont display scores, and my threshhold is -1. post accordingly.
  • Just a thought:

    Is this a record for latest first post claim? I mean, we're used to 2 or 3, but 73?

    Oh well...

  • It occurred to me that ad banner companies could make a bit of extra cash from the slashdot effect. Suppose you were an ad company with banners at many different sites, if you kept track of which sites were referenced on /., you could sell advertising on those sites at a premium during the /. effect. It would be like buying a spot during the Super Bowl. You're guaranteed to have a whole bunch of eyes look at your ad.

    Of course it probably won't work too well if you're trying to advertise MS Windows 2000 :-)
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Exactly my point! People who believe all people are saying good things cruise at -1. People who just want to filter stuff out due to time, or whatever are cruising at 1 or above. Moderators are doing *nothing* good moderating things down. Moderation should be used solely to moderate up. If you feel the AC's at 0 may have something to say, you are also the type of person cruising at -1 already.

  • I did some Apache load testing on my server. It doesn't have the bandwidth to handle heavy traffic.

    It's a Pentium 225 w/ 128mb of ram (it was 200Mhz, with only 96mb of ram when I benched). On static and SSI pages, it would certainly flood the pipe (512 simultanious requests, total of 8192 or so in Ab). On phtml (PHP3 page), the load went up to 65 for a while (heheh) ;-) Took 16 minutes to do the same load dynamic, that took 6 seconds static.

    Lesson to be learned: if you have dynamic content, have an Apache module to regenerate dynamic page X every N minutes. Serve up said generated page. This is what Slashdot does (IIRC), as well as other "serious" dynamic content sites (Yahoo patent comes to mind). I'm not sure if said module exists, but it'd be great if it did exist (instead of using cron scripts).
  • certainly it can't be too hard for someone to do a check

    Actually, I'd disagree with that. If it hadn't been a slashdot-related article, I wouldn't have been sure whether I saw it on slashdot, LWN, or somewhere else.

    When I've submitted stories, time differences mean that its generally just before the slashdot crew start going through their submissions in the morning. There are about 300-350 submissions, of which 5-10 are accepted. Noone can keep up with that, especially a story from February. Someone else might have posted that one, and, as part of quickies, it wouldn't have been as noticeable.
  • I propose that we launch a massive Slashdot statistics program. It would involve a significant amount of invasion of "privacy", i.e., almost every link off of /. would be logged, but we could get a lot of raw data to look at in interesting ways. Here are a few of my ideas:

    • Karma tracking: This itself would not need any data-gathering things. Grab stats based on user's karmas. Examples:
      • Number of requests to main page by karma
      • Number of comments posted per (unit of time) vs. karma
      • Average moderation vs. karma
      • Number of users at a certain karma
      • Number of comments containing the words "FIRST POST!!!" vs. karma
      • Collary to the last one: Number of times it actaully is first post vs. karma
    • Stats:
      • How many times users check their stats (could also study karma on this).
      • Number of times other users check a user's stats
    • Areas: Record popularity of different areas of Slashdot (Funny, Red Hat, GNU, etc.) by how many users read articles and of those, how many post comments, and the average moderation of those comments (and average karmas of people who post there; what "the elite" visit).
    • Referring=Slashdot: Quick redirects embedded in each link off of Slashdot (at least on the main page, maybe even on users' comments, and don't forget those *@$# ads) could could hits by link. This would make studying the Slashdot Effect even easier. If the Slashdot servers were fast enough, and you could analyze the ethical issues of doing so, links could link to a cgi script that would request the web page, and this way the banner ads and other stuff would be preserved, but you could do more counts like whether the server was overloaded or (ethical question mark) track links from the linked-to site.

    There are more! Let someone else suggest them, though. I think that analyzing the raw data gained by these approaches would be a good statistics project for any upper high school or college student. And hey, I like Slashdot, and if I get credit for it, even better! (Well, it would be mostly raw data, not the real site, but still...)


    PS - I would do such a project. Anybody who wouldn't?

  • I just read somebody else's comment about click-through counters. Post any arguments about that as replys to that comment. (It's a reply to one of the top 5 posts, subject is descriptive. You find it.)


  • just because we only see the time in mm:ss, does not mean that it isn't actually figured hits for mm:ss.alotofdecimalplaces. That is what I meant.

  • Ah, but you're forgetting that the site had pretty graphs! :-)

  • A paper about the Slashdot effect being Slashdotted... Deliciously self-referential!

    If you haven't read Hofstadter's books "Godel, Escher, Bach" and "Metamagical Themas" you should check them out.

    This comment doesn't have an
  • I didn't think Intel made a 225Mhz processor?
  • He probably overclocked it using a 75mhz system bus.
  • It's a multiplier locked Pentium w/ MMX. The only way to OC it is to increase the bus speed. Right now, it's at 3x75Mhz (225Mhz). This is stable with the SDRAM DIMM I have (lots of kernel recompiling and checking for sig11 :-).

    I also run my K6-2 with a 75Mhz system bus and a 3.5 clock multiplier because my mobo doesn't natively support the 300Mhz speed the chip could do (and I'm not going to pus the mobo to 83Mhz bus speed). So it's a 262.5Mhz chip :-)
  • It's a multiplier locked Pentium w/ MMX. The only way to OC it is to increase the bus speed. Right now, it's at 3x75Mhz (225Mhz). This is stable with the SDRAM DIMM I have (lots of kernel recompiling and checking for sig11 :-).

    I also run my K6-2 with a 75Mhz system bus and a 3.5 clock multiplier because my mobo doesn't natively support the 300Mhz speed the chip could do (and I'm not going to pus the mobo to 83Mhz bus speed). So it's a 262.5Mhz chip :-)
  • My web server had a spike from 3.5 hits/min to over 800 hits/min. This happened because it serves earthquake information for Southern California, and the spike happened about 15 minutes after the October 16th Hector Mine quake. The server statistics report graphs looked just like the graphs in the article. And yes, the server was on its knees for several hours after the quake. How do other servers handle sudden large spikes in traffic?
  • We Europeans are very late risers. :)

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
