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IBM Unveils New Power4 CPU 111

Climbing out from under my mountain of spagetti code and strange bugs (I think I'm finally on top of it actually) to post linkage to a pretty interesting looking new IBM CPU. The Power4 processor puts 2 processors and an L2 cache on the same die. Clock speed over a gigahertz and bus speed over 500mhz.
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IBM Unveils New Power4 CPU

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  • My guess on how CPU's could/should progress:

    1a) More than one CPU on same chip (now IBM did it)

    1b) CPU's and really good 3d (e.g. TNT2-style)graphics engine on same chip

    1c) Reconfigurable computing (Transmeta?)

    2) More than one reconfigurable CPU on same chip

    3) Large reconfigurable CPU which can divide itself in a way that it becomes several independent CPU's of arbitrary size according to use at the moment.

    4) Large reconfigurable CPU with the #4 stuff, but in a 3D design (a cube), once somebody figures out how to layer it and cool it.

    Anyway, just some ideas.
  • by crayz ( 1056 )
    Nintendo is going to use a G3(300MHz, IIRC)
  • Posted by Nr9:

    this is a 64 bit implementation of the powerpc chip. power3 and power4 are followups to the PowerPC 620 design(power3 was originally called PowerPC 630). it is simliar in design but i'm not suggesting binary compatiblity with 32 bit powerpc chips like the G4
  • I was under the impression that PowerPC was a spinoff of the Power2 chip, which was 32bit. I remember having lots of fun when I had an IBM 3BT Power2 at 67MHz and a 43P with a PPC604 running at 133 to play with. Ahh... The good 'ol days of three years ago. :-) At one point they were nice machines, until the 3BT started having power supply problems. The 43P was never good for much other than looking at and using it as an X display terminal (32Mb of RAM).

  • Posted by Nr9:

    actually shared cache over a fast bus(same die) is very fast
  • MEMS = Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems. MEMS deals with implementing mechanical and electronic systems together on the same chip using semiconductor manufacturing technologies, like pressure sensors and the related circuitry on the same die, micromirror display technology like TI's DLP(Digital Light Processing). MEMS does not even remotely involve anything like multiple CPUs and networks on a single die.

    So "we're not getting closer to the MEMS idea." MEMS is something totally different, out there, and will be a very, very important field in the near future.
  • Yes, but I can stick a SCSI tape drive on the back of a running AIX box, run 'cfgmgr' and then use said tape drive.

  • This is GREAT! This technology has been rumored to be part of IBM/Mot plans for the generation of PowerPC after G4 (I think it's called V-Ger). This is the first official document that I have seen mention it.

    I think the rumor sites have the multi-PowerPC chip slated for 2001/2002... but that's not taking into account the Book-E architecture that they are developing too. That's due around the same time... it's another "wait and see and hope" scenario I guess.

    The Power"X" line always gets the cool technologies before they trickle down to PowerPC but at least now I know the plans are definitely in the making.

    mmmmmm... multicore PowerPC... mmmm
  • OS/2 for the PowerPC was released and available for some time. It got killed because of poor demand for the product. About the other ones, well, IBM wasn't alone in their development (Apple and Motorola were there too), so they can't be given all the blame for it.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    the chips seem to be pretty much the same in as400/rs6k and ppc now, with usually better floating point math in the the rs6k and much higher i/o rates for as400. the power4 chip will probably be made in burlington vermont at some point as they are building a nice new mask house here, and i'm sure it it will also be made in fishkill and/or pokipsie(sp). ps as far as i know gekko is being developed in burlington vt

  • The biggest difference between the PowerPC (Motorola-made) and Power3/4 chips is instruction set. IBM went for all out, "God on Silicone" power and Motorola did a version of the MMX instruction set for theirs. the IBM's don't have AlteVeca(sp?), so just do straight bruteforce and floating point processing.
  • This translates into AIX, Linux, and maybe MacOS/OSX. The world doesn't revolve around Intel- and shortly the rest of the world will come to the realization. Merced doesn't run any of the x86 architecture either. The subject becomes moot.
  • by RISCy Business ( 27981 ) on Thursday August 05, 1999 @12:41PM (#1763015) Homepage
    Now you've gone and gotten the resident RS/6000 pimp and guru involved.

    First off; 500MHz bus is so incredibly easy for IBM to achieve, it's not funny. The problem is that they don't have a matching processor to use 500MHz bus. And 500/2 is NOT 262MHz. And you can't cleanly get 340MHz out of it either. Those speeds correspond to the RS64-II processors housed inside the RS/6000 S70 Advanced Server and the RS/6000 H70, two of the fastest single-system computers in the world.

    IBM can do it. They've been doing all that for ages, save for the twin-die. In case all of you have forgotten, IBM/Motorola are now in bed together again. This is a very good thing, seeing as they share the CopperGold patents which are used in the production of all of IBM's PowerPC processors. I suspect it's also used in the motherboard manufacturing process.

    Let's do a quick lookover of the RS/6000's I mentioned above; the S70 Advanced Server and the H70 in basic single processor configurations.

    SPECint95: N.A. 144
    SPECfp95: N.A. 182
    OLTP Perf: 46.0 16.7
    (N.A. denotes 'Not Available' - The S70AS does not have SPECint/SPECfp results publically available.)

    How about handling the web?

    In their max configurations.. the S70 Advanced Server with 12 RS64-II's at 262MHz achieves a SPECweb96 ops/sec score of an astounding 20,200.
    The H70, with 4 processors, achievs an astounding score of 11,774. Now let's jump ship on the more 'typical' RS/6000's and look at where IBM will more than likely stick this processor first.

    The legendary SP2, otherwise known as Deep Thought. Yes, that's right. Deep Thought is available for *retail* sale, and eats no less than 60 spaces on the top 500 supercomputer list, in it's many retail configurations.

    A *single* Type 9076 Wide node with dual POWER3 processors running at just 200MHz achieves the unbelievable SPECint95 of 222 and SPECfp95 of 468.
    Keep in mind this; these processors are running at just 200MHz. *DEAD* slow for you Intel weenies. Ancient technology, some would say.

    Yet they achieve higher SPECint95 and SPECfp95 scores than pIII-Xeon 550's. By far. The single processor configuration achieves int95 of 111 and fp95 of 243. Now, cram 16 of those into a single computer known as the SP2, which is really just an active backplanar chassis. Realize the performance increase is a 'pure' curve; each wide node added is worth a SPECint95 score of 111 and a SPECfp95 score of 243. 16 of those give you an overall SPECint95 score of 1776 and an overall SPECfp95 score of 3888. That's 16 200MHz processors with 256M of memory per processor and 4M of L2.

    IBM can do it, and deliver on it by the end of December if they wanted to! IBM knows what they're doing, and knows what they're saying. IBM doesn't do vaporware. They said OS/2 Warp 5 was going into beta months ago. Two weeks after they said that, I recieved my beta CDs. When they say they'll have a fix for an AIX problem within a week, you have it within a week.

    IBM doesn't deliver vaporware; they deliver promises. Clouds with a silver lining, if you will, since this means that Motorola also gets access to this technology. (Assuming I understand their current pact correctly.) Who wants to jump the x86 ship with me now?

    -RISCy Business | Rabid System Administrator and BOFH
  • i.e. a plug-in LAN on a motherboard.
    What exactly would be the advantage of having a plu-in LAN on a die? Why would you want to network with yourself?

    If I'm way off, please let me know. I didn't quite understand that point.
  • That should be on the horizon for consumer type people soon, if it hasn't happened already in a manner of speaking. Right now things such as 3D now and other SIMD extensions are additional processing power and are quite close to having an additional processor on the same die. They accelerate a sub genus of instructions much like math coprocessors did in the 80's to early 90's. They've of course been assimilated into the main core for quite some time now as well.

    If Moore's law holds out by 2010 we'll have approximately 8 times the number of transistors in a socket as we do presently. So instead of ~20 million it'll be around ~160 million. That's a lot of transistors. More massive onchip cache will be one of the first improvements and maybe a moderate bump in bus width. I say only a moderate increase because more density on a motherboard is expensive and isn't scaling at the same speed as circuit density. Chances are you'll see 2 or 4 way SMP on consumer processors instead. You also might see true system integration: RAM, ROM, CPU and graphics subsystems etc, this would be for what is now the sub 1000 dollar market.
  • Hmmm - doesn't that put

    Linux = software crop von the....

    Er... let's not go there...
  • Posted by Nr9:

    it doesn't need to waste a lot of cycles doing it.. just used the same as normal L2 cache
  • At last, that AS400 laptop I've been dreaming of!

  • IBM's processor stuff looks good on paper, alone, but they are not anywhere near leading the pack -- especially for integers. The Alpha and HP PA-RISC processors are where you find top notch speed. Last I heard, IBM can't even do SMP with more than 12 processors. Don't respond with IBM SPs...I said SMP.

    I'm won't even touch the price/performance ratio of IBM gear.
  • ...doing the fabs for transmeta?
  • What kind of operating systems will we be able to run on this new chip? I'd hate to see such wondrous technology squandered by the need for new proprietary software.
  • no, it will run on AS/400 and RS/6000 systems so it will run OS/400 and AIX operating systems. that is if it actually works
  • The article says AIX and AS400's will be running on it. Not likely x86 compatible.. but why would they want that anyways? :-)
  • Wow.. a cool new brain for use in a Mac! Pop one of those on a ZIF card and shove it in my aging beige G3 box.. can't wait =)

    Linux user: if (nt == unstable) { switchTo.linux() }
  • Probably the best bet is that it will not be Intel compatible, and that whatever runs on the Power3 will run on the Power4. Which means IBM's UNIX.
  • Nope... Considering IBM's bad habit of monolithic microcode, it will probably be word-for-word, byte-for-byte compatible with their existing AS/400 and RS/6000 product lines.. (And all 400 and 6000 machines before them) So your choices will be limited to AIX, OS/400 or the yet-to-be-released Yellowdog Linux... Imagine for a second; a 16 way RS/6K, with each twinned processor running at 1Ghz. Recompile the entire OS three times a second..
  • The article mentions AIX and AS/400. And considering IBM's interesting in Linux, possibly that in the future.
  • POWER, POWER2, PowerPC, POWER2SuperChip, and POWER3 are all not intel compatible, I don't think POWER4 will be either.

    You're OS choices will be AIX, OS/400, Linux, and Monteray.

  • by FascDot Killed My Pr ( 24021 ) on Thursday August 05, 1999 @11:12AM (#1763048)
    First rule of responsible journalism: Don't provide free advertising by printing a press release as a real story.

    Example: "The processor will be used in both the AS400 and RS/6000 server families, which are slated to hit the market in 2001."

    In other words: "Even in our wildest dreams this product won't be available for at least 18 months and that's real time, not Internet time."

    That's not an "exciting new product", that's a load of crap. I used to watch Beyond 2000 and other programs that "showcase new technology" until I realized that the promises of "you'll see it in 3-5 years" never came true. Same thing here.

    What this fellow (not to mention /. itself) could do to salvage the situation is to print "IBM claims that..." before stories like this and track them all with hit/miss stats given. That way there would be less "free advertising" incentive because if they over-promised and under-delivered they'd be caught out.
    Put Hemos through English 101!
    "An armed society is a polite society" -- Robert Heinlein
  • I really doubt it will be PowerPC compatible. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Power line of chips has little in common with the PowerPC line, except for that they are made my IBM and are both RISC.
  • I doubt they're going to be quick to provide Linux support for it; even though they've invested in Linux, they're probably more interested in getting on the desktop or low-end servers. They aren't going to want to throw away years of work on their version of Unix - they still want their ultra-powerful servers to be AIX.

  • Press Releases, they are an awful thing.

    I took an English course in college, and we actually did a lot of media analysis.

    Companies write article-like pieces and send them to media services, who are starving for stories, and often don't have the capital for more (or better) writers. When a nice press release like this comes, its really easy to put a staffwriters' name on it and just publish it right away, especially if they really don't know much about the topic, or just don't have time to do research.

    You see it all the time on the media. Last month, I was watching Headline News, and there was a 4 minute segment all about how RV Sales have increased, and detailing all of the new features. Four minutes on RVs for a 30 minute news broadcast? Seems a little strange.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 05, 1999 @11:22AM (#1763052)
    Ummm ... you may not be very familiar with IBM. IBM tends to be careful about announced release schedules. That is a nice way of saying paranoid and slow. And, being larger than many countries, they face little incentive to keep hopes high -- they would rather be surprisingly early than late and disappoint, so they don't mind lowballing the numbers. It's IBM. Where else are you going to buy s70s and s/390s? If IBM says 2001, that should mean end of 2000, with everything (down to workstations and NCs) over by late 2001. As I am sort of familiar with what is actually going on there, I can also say that this is going to be out a lot earlier -- early Q2'00 -- for basic workstations, allowing 4x desktops, and for replacement SP nodes, as most of those are getting seriously long in the tooth compared to the larger stuff from Sun and SGI and HP. Of course, I like IBM, so I may be cutting them more slack than they deserve. I am still waiting for full MWave support of Thinkpads with Linux (not the flakey bootleg stuff that is out now), but on the whole they are getting better.
  • So, what you're saying is that in the clear stark light of day, companies like Intel and Microsoft (sorry, had to bring MS in) aren't such a big deal when compared to IBM. That's the way it's been, and looks to be. But IBM documentation... aaaaaaarrrrrghhh!
  • I agree 100%. I've spent about 5 years total contracting in and out of IBM Austin's RS/6000 divisions (AIX defect support, CPU stress test, and some early web development) and was very impressed with every department I spent time with.

    In the hardware labs (back in '91) I was like a kid in a candy store; the early 320, 520 and 530 was rolling through and at the time were sweet boxes. I think the processor planar on the 320 ran at 37mhz, but smoked 100mhz Pentiums in floating point and integer.

    The data path between the CPU/data/instruction cache were a whopping 288 bits (on the ancient 340s).

    Way back in '91 they were working on a split transaction crossbar buss for the upcoming SMP systems which I think turned into the J30.

    Throw AIX in the mix with all its cool features and you have a nice rock solid system.

  • IBM doesn't announce vaporware: one of the conditions of the old IBM antitrust settlement was stopping the FUD campaigns of vaporware announcements (the tactics MSFT often uses now).
    IBM is very careful to comply with the rules.
  • 1) Do POWER processors have an integrated FPU? If
    so, does this 2-CPU on a die have a
    shared FPU or 2 separate FPUs?
    2) Is it possible and/or likely that they might
    share certain components without
    performance degradation?
    3) Does this use the copper fab stuff that IBM
    announced some time ago?
  • If you check this page.... p_260_specs.html

    You'll see that they really only do about 13.2 SPECint, and 30 SPECfp. The "rate" numbers can't be compaired with normal SPEC numbers...
  • Power is the parent, PPC is the child. Or in other words, the PPC series were started by taking the Power architecture and simplifying it a lot.

    The first PowerPC chip to ever come out, the PPC 601, actually had a larger instruction set than what the more recent PPC chips have. The compilers of the time were optimized for the larget instruction set of the Power architecture and the first Mac PPC programs couldn't be used on the 604 and 603 as they weren't 100% binary compatible.

  • Sorry, but their processors work just fine. The point being that integer crunching is not the focus of business machines, and never will be.

    Hence while IBM succeeds with in business all these other companies spout their "crunch" capability and wonder why business doesn't care.

    Sometimes its not how much you do, but what you do.

    Besides, if you want a reliable server you use an AS/400. (which has been 64bit for some time now - oh lest I forget - to go from 32bit to 64bit did not require rewrites on 99% of software???)
  • POWER3 is a 64-bit PowerPC chip. The PowerPC family of processors was designed from the ground up with 32-bit and 64-bit binary compatibility. Code compiled for a POWER3 will run on a PPC 750, albiet a bit slower since the PPC 750 was not designed with 64-bit words in mind. (32-bit code will also run slower than 64-bit code on a POWER3, so it's not that more bits is faster.) However, all the instructions that work with 32-bit and 64-bit values are implemented in both 32-bit and 64-bit silicon, I believe. Of course, the 64-bit / 32-bit deal is just over integers. The FPU on both series of chips is 64-bits.

    This is fruition of the G2K project that Motorola and IBM were working together on before the split over Altivec. Multiple processor cores on a single chip and 1 GHz speeds were their goals for that project. While the 500 MHz memory bus is probably a long way off from coming to Macs due to the expense, I wouldn't be too sure that a multi-core G4 is so far away from being in Macs.
  • IBM has been working on this for at least 3 years already. I remember back when the G3s were just a product plan, that the AIM map for the PPC family included the G2K project which included such features as multi-core PPCs and 1GHz operating speeds. The 1.1 GHz chip demoed over a year ago was part of the fruition of that project.

    This is IBM, not Intel. They are one of the more conservative corporations about press releases. This targetted release date is exactly consistent with the estimates that the G2K project had projected 3 years ago -- that they would have test chips in 2000 and production silicon by 2001. Compare this to the ever shifting projections for the IA-64 family's debut.
  • No. Sorry. While the POWER3 and POWER4 are members of the PPC family, they will not be droppable into a Mac ever.

    Yes, they could run the 32-bit Mac PPC code, but there are some serious archetectural differences regarding bus implementation that will make it impossible to place them in PowerMacs. The difference between PCI and NuBus Macs pales compared to the current 100 MHz memory bus archetecture and the newer 500 MHz memory bus archetecture. Not to mention that, I believe, the POWER3 family uses a 128-bit bus while the current G3s all use a 64-bit bus.

    Sorry, but the performance difference is way too extreme to even bother with trying to make a ZIF card that can talk between the bus archetectures. It would be way too expensive for way too little performance gain.
  • There is an excellent article in this month's Performance Computing (from the Unix Review) about the roadmap IBM has leading up to the Power4..

    Plus there's a super whizzy electron scan cross section of a chip built using IBMs new SOI chip process which basically builds the transistors with a small substrate of Silicone Dioxide on top of an insulator which sits on top of the silicon wafer. Apparently, the bigger the piece of silicon you use for the transistors, the more capacitance it has, and the more energy it takes to charge/discharge the transistor, so these new chips take less power and can be packed closer... Hope I'm getting some of these technical details right...

    Anyway, basically IBM is using it's way-better-than-everyone-else chip manufacturing technology to kick some major butt. This thing looks sweet. One thing not mentioned here (at least I didn't see it) is that because they're gonna bump up to 1 GHz, they had to lengthen the pipeline -> each instruction may take more clock cycles now. What they were doing to compensate was to make the chip able to run instructions out-of-order, beefing up the code branching analysis, and adding an L3 cache (off the die) to improve memory performance.
  • Well, in the Performance Computing Article I read, it said that IBMs current processors have 15 million and 12 million transistors... The Power4 is supposed to have 170 million... fun, huh?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Does it run Windows?
  • the Power line of chips is IBM version of the PowerPC chip that they collaborated with motorola on. Motorola is the company that calls em PowerPC's.
  • Are you positive about this? We have a bunch of old AIX RS6K boxes as well as SP2:PWR2 series. A few years ago we converted a series of compaq 'mac clones' (at the time they were going for $3k) to ppc boxes running AIX (200 mhz ppc). Basically, w/out compiler specific flags on their compilers (xl*) (-qtune,-qarch) you can your code pretty much anywhere... (on AIX).. I believe ppc machine code is mostly a subset of the pwr series maybe a few other things thrown in for grins :)

  • Fact 1: Yellowdog is working on supporting the current generation of RS/6000 machines. Fact 2: IBM has an ingrained perpensity to slap a slab of monolithic microcode over the hardware. (So they don't lose any of the legacy software market with their new products) Conclusion: We may be able to run Linux on this new Power4 beast. A sixteen way Linux box that could recompile its own kernel a thousand times a second.. My knees are weak...
  • by nadador ( 3747 )

    No. Its a 64 bit PowerPC chip. No Windows there.

    Andrew Gardner
  • Heh why not? Add a new downtime for kernel recompile. Perhaps AIX is a bit over-engineered...but I'm not complaining.
  • One question: did you read the article?

    Learn to read, then ask questions.


  • Although pervious posts seem to conclude that the Power and PowerPC lines are different, the designs seem remarkably similar - multiple processor cores, large L2 caches, good SMP support... Does anyone know exactly how similar these two processors really are, and whether or not a variant of LinuxPPC could be run on such a beast?
  • it is not the chip for the new nintendo. this is the "Gigaprocessor" the nintendo thing is the Gekko.
    This will run AIX and OS/400(maybe linux in the distant future).
    It is 64-bit. I believe IBM only has linux running on their 32-bit systems that are based on their PowerPC chips that are similar to Motorola's. (the 603, 604, 750 etc.)
    PowerPC is an architecture based on IBM's Power architecture some time ago and was developed with Motorola.
    Motorola has nothing like this in the works. This will not ever be in a Macintosh.
    They are actually very far along on the design. The problem is that the die is huge and sucks a lot of power. 2001 seems reasonable because a while back EET reported it would be out in 2000.
  • If there's one thing I know, it's that management never learns from it's mistakes.

    See, I work for a fairly successful company (which shall remain nameless) that just upgraded to the 12-way RISC, and is gambling on this next 400 to be there when we outgrow the new one in 2 years.

    The problem is, the last time they took this gamble, IBM promised and promised but nothing showed up in time. We were forced to Opti-connect 2 boxes together just to get by.

    The biggest mistake in this gamble now is that they got rid of the Opti-connect environment when they upgraded! What a mess! At least if they continued testing for Opti, we would have some sort of failsafe but they nixed that too.

    So now when IBM fails to come through again we're dead!

    After all, management sure isn't gonna take the blame.
  • These are NOT PowerPC's, they are part of the Power Series by IBM. Thus, they will not run standard PowerPC software including MacOS.
    Note that there is serious bus differences between the Power and the PowerPC such that a G3 (and a G4) look like a meager paper-cup-with-thread communications protocol.
    However, Linux will probably run on it just fine with a few modifications to the current Power version.
  • Actually each processor on the die have 2 FPU's. Thats a total of 4 for one chip. And these are stupid-ass fast FPU's. Very impressive.

    It seems from what I got out of the article that they will basicaly act like seperate CPU's but they WILL support MERCI SMP so each chip will be able to access each others cache. Possibly even the L1.

    And , yes, it will be using the copper process. All CPU's IMB makes now are made using copper. And they will atleast be using the .18 process. I think by that time they may instead use .15-.13
  • Can a AA battery handle 50+W worth of power? :)
  • 1) There are two complete CPU cores (two FPU units per core) => 4 FPU units per chip.
    2) They share a common L2 cache and it is of high enough bandwidth such that performance is not degraded.
    3) It uses the copper process, but it's not the same process as the one IBM announced. This is a newer process (0.18 micron targeted instead of 0.25 micron).
  • The process IBM uses for the G3 now is .2 . I don't know what the use for the Power3 (powerPC 630) but I believe its .25 as you said. Motorola uses .25 and you can tell the difference when you look at the dies on the chips in a Mac from each company.
  • What exactly would be the advantage of having a plug-in LAN on a die? Why would you want to network with yourself?

    It's already being done. The example I know about is Motorola's QUICC core, which they combine on the same die as a CPU. The 68360 is essentially a 68040 (except they use the CPU32 architecture, which has a slightly stripped-down instruction set from the full 68040) plus the QUICC core. There are also the PowerPC 860 variants, which are a PowerPC 60x (not sure of the exact model) plus QUICC on the same die. These are fairly popular chips to design embedded communications systems around.

    I do embedded software, not board designs, so I don't know all the tradeoffs of having this type of CPU core. I assume that keeping the chip count down is one of the major advantages. The QUICC is an incredibly flexible unit -- it can handle framing for most any protocol. Ethernet, ATM, T1, SONET, LAPB/D, etc. So, it eliminates the need for specialty framing logic, perhaps even an ASIC, as long as you get the firmware set up right.

    There are some pretty interesting notes about the QUICC (more than I'm going to read!) on the Motorola Semiconductor [] web site. Just enter "QUICC" in the "Search" box.

    (Disclaimer: I don't work for Motorola, I've just had to program on a number of these chips and have been impressed by what gets stuck on the same die with the CPU.)

  • SPECint95 rating of 111 for 1 200MHz CPU? You must be dreaming. The highest official single-CPU SPECint95 ratings belong to the Compaq XP1000 with 37.5 (1 x 21264A CPU at 667MHz) . Be careful with that stuff you've been smoking.
  • No. The POWER chips (it stands for something, though I forget what at the moment) are NOT PowerPC chips. The POWER chips are big 64 bit chips for heavy iron. The PowerPC chip is a 32 bit chip based on the POWER architecture and scaled down for use in personal computers. The POWER3 could run 32 bit PPC binaries I believe, so I'd expect the POWER4 can do it as well.
  • It's not true vaporware until somebody spreads a rumor that it will be the next-generation Amiga CPU.

    (cf. Transmeta and Sun's MAJC)

    For that matter, I think that in the years since Commodore folded, the always-forthcoming new Amiga has been rumored to use a 680x0 (x > 6), x86, Alpha, PowerPC, HP PA-RISC, and now Transmeta and MAJC. I wonder if anyone can dig out any Sparc or MIPS rumors. (Or start a few.)

  • Darn! I was just going to ask on Ask Slashdot when we'd be getting SMP-on-a-chip, seeing as it *is* the natural progression (more so IMO than video and sound integration, but don't get me started on that :)

    Anyhow, this is not i386, so I still ask: does anyone anywhere have any idea when i386 (be that ia32 or ia64 or...) will show its ugly face in SMP-on-a-chip congigurations?
  • The power3 and power4 chips are a varient of the PowerPC architecture. the PowerPC chips that everyone is familiar with (603,604,750 etc.) that IBM makes are done on the East Coast, burlington,Vt or Poughkipsie, NY. (somewhere out there)

    The power3 and power4 chips are designed in Austin, Tx. so, they are completely different teams.

    The Power name is now just a name. The PowerPC architecture was developed by IBM and Motorola to compete with Intel and it was based off of IBM's existing Power architecture.(Power, Power2, Power2SC are examples of the power chips)

    Although IBM makes PowerAS chips (AS/400) PowerRS and Power chips (RS/6000) and PowerPC chips(RS/6000, mac) they are all essential powerpc architecture chips. but, they are also all different. they are designed with specific tasks in mind.

    F.Y.I. The nintendo gekko is being developed on the east coast.
  • add a new device, compile a module, insmod said module. no downtime needed.

There is no opinion so absurd that some philosopher will not express it. -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, "Ad familiares"
