Y2K Has Gone Too Far 72
benjyFeen writes "You can all relax now. We'll still have sandwiches come the millenium. This ensures it. "
I'm so amazingly sick of Y2k. Now I know the truth-
It's a marketing scam. I thought it was a media scam all
this time. Who knew.
What about this? (Score:1)
Just observing, feel free to draw your own conclusions.
You people just don't get it! (Score:1)
And don't walk by any cash machines on January 1! Those little lasers on the inside of the monitor will be flying everywhere! You could get blinded for life!
Yep... (Score:1)
A day at the movies (Score:1)
Argh! (Score:1)
oww... my... spleen... (Score:1)
You know, after having worked on the phones at an ISP for about a week and talking to the Window-using freaky-deakies out there, my confidence in human intelligence has been eroded to the point where I'm fairly certain that there will be a significant market for this product.
y2k - the ultimate solution (Score:1)
Don't laugh!!! (Score:1)
My last cutting board/knife product was not Y2k complient, and during a year 2000 testing run it got confused over the date, since it was only using the last two digits of the year, and crashed, which caused me to accidentally sever my penis.
Well I'm glad our food preperation utilities are y2k compliant, I hope no time was wasted to fix anything important like the banks and airlines!
Also, what if the plates aren't y2k compliant, WHAT WILL WE DOOOOO!!!! aarrrhrhh
Heheheh (Score:1)
But does it have the Unix 2038 bug? I think that is just as important
y2k - the ultimate solution (Score:1)
find / -type f \
-exec tr '[ky]' '[yk]' {}.$$ ; \
mv -f {}.$$ {} \;
a breif history of the calander. (Score:1)
straight from encylcopedia.com...
system of reckoning time usually based on a recurrent natural cycle, such as the cycle of the sun through the seasons (see YEAR) or the moon through its phases (see MONTH). Because the solar year is 365 days 5 hr 48 min 46 sec and the lunar year (12 synodic months of 29.53 days) is 354 days 8 hr 48 min, people have been confronted from ancient times with the problem of the discrepancy. Because the year is not exactly divisible by months and days, the practice arose of making arbitrary divisions and inserting extra (intercalary) days or months. The Gregorian calendar, generally accepted today, evolved from the Roman calendar reformed (46 B.C.) by Julius CAESAR. In the Julian calendar April, June, September, and November had 30 days, February 28 days (29 days every fourth, or leap, year), and all other months 31 days. The date was computed by counting backward from the Kalends (the 1st day), the Nones (the 7th day in March, May, July, and October; the 5th day in other months), and the Ides (the 15th day in March, May, July, and October; the 13th day in other months); hence Jan. 10 was the 4th day of the Ides of January. Because the Julian year of 365 days 6 hr was too long, by the 16th cent. the vernal equinox was displaced
from March 21 to March 11. Pope GREGORY XIII ordained that 10 days be dropped in 1582 and that years ending in hundreds be leap years only if divisible by 400. The non-Roman Catholic countries were slow to accept the Gregorian (New Style) calendar; it was adopted in England in 1752 and by the Eastern Church in the 20 cent. The Christian
ecclesiastical calendar was based on the belief that JESUS' resurrection was on a Sunday, hence Easter should fall on Sunday. The First Council of NICAEA (325) decreed that Easter be the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal EQUINOX; today the date varies from the astronomical reckoning because certain factors of the lunar period are not considered. Other calendars include the Jewishcalendar (12 months, plus intercalary months 7 times in 19 years) and the Muslim lunar calendar. See also FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY CALENDAR.
We're all gunna die! (Score:1)
Wow. (Score:1)
I hate slicing bread so much that I used to always get naged ( by mom of course ) for my 3" thick slices.
This might help things.
Thean again it still neads a blade
vacuum cleaners and fridges (Score:1)
Here's my guess as to what'll happen (Score:1)
life savings, and the Banks will collapse.
Jerry Falwell will declare that not only are the Teletubbies gay, but so is the cast of "Frasier",
the US Congress, and NASA Administrator Dan Goldin. Exactly five nuclear missiles will launch and land in the south china sea, and Paramount will declare "Star Trek: Voyager" to be the offical TV show of the second coming. Bill Clinton will privately inform slashdot.org of a nefarious plot to destroy the world through a revolt by cellular phones. Pierce Brosnan will become a cross-dresser, and Wallmart stores will become
havens for the survivalists.
Of course, reality is stranger than fiction.
-- SG
hmmm... (Score:1)
What about food? (Score:1)
Year 2000 stuff = Just Plain Stupid. (Score:1)
Really, It's time to grow up and move past Microsoft vs. Gov, Pres vs. Gov, and 2yk.
Yes, but are WE Y2K compliant? (Score:1)
Y2K IS A HOAX! (Score:1)
What this'll likely cause is mass panic, and rapid market fluxuations... from all the people buying stuff they don't need to (8 months of refried beans).... and then selling it back once they don't need it.
The perception of reality here is more important than reality itself!
Don't Let the Millennium Bug You (Score:1)
Myth alert! It's not just UNIX (Score:1)
I can kill because in god I trust, yeah.
oww... my... spleen... (Score:1)
Darn, now I have to upgrade... (Score:1)
Dammit, I just bought a bread slicer template, and wouldnt you know it: I diddnt check if it was y2k complient.
I guess Ill haeve to push back my purchase of that H&K so I can insure I can slice my bread next year.
Hang on... what about the certifying agency? (Score:1)
oww... my... spleen... (Score:1)
Tito - pass me a tissue (Score:1)
Seriously though, Sanyo makes electronics as well,
so I guess there's a perl script or something
that stamps the Y2K logo on every product photo
the company makes.
I like the Y2K compliant bread warmer even more...
What about this? (Score:1)
Let's get it right (Score:1)
To my knowledge, 32-bit Unix rolls over in 2038.
January 19, 2038, to be exact ('Twas reading the postgreSQL time/date format page when I read this).
Actually though, I would suspect that we won't be in such big trouble in 2038, because it shouldn't be THAT hard to move to 64-bit systems and use an 8-byte date, especially given the fact that we will have over 30 years warning.
On top of that, it's a lot easier to attach impending doom to a number like 2000 than 2038
BTW, Mr. 2001 is the new millenium, is 2000 a leap year? was 1900?
Let's get it more right (Score:1)
Hang on... what about the knife? (Score:1)
knife is NOT y2k compliant? How can they
guarantee that it will work after 23:59:59.99
December 31st since it explicitly requires
a knife to do the task it is designed for?
They should provide a list of aprooved Y2K
compliant knifes and bread manufacturers.
Come to think of it, we need a certifying
agency to ensure that those products are
INDEED Y2K compliant.
I hope my swiss army knife is Y2K compliant.
I'd hate life without it.
root@brain# set rant=off
I did? (Score:1)
"BTW, Mr. 2001 is the new millenium, is 2000 a leap year? was 1900?
Let's get it right (Score:1)
Leap years are those that are divisible by 4 -and- not divisible by 100 or divisible by 400.
Many, many programers failed to put the checks for 100/400 divisibility. Even I am guilty of this sin.
This means that 1900 would be (incorrectly) considered a leap year, and so would 2100 and other non 400 divisible centuries. Fortunately 2000 is one of the 'exceptions' so bad code won't cause much grief.
Y2K problem... (Score:1)
Oh no.... (Score:1)
Ever stock your Laser printer with thermal paper?
It provides much crisper darker text and graphics.
Let's get it right -- Y2k = ? (Score:1)
K = "kilo" = 1024
2K = 2 * 1024 = 2048
Therefore Y2K = Year 2048
John Riney III
We're all gunna die! (Score:1)
Although the article states that the real reasons are "too complex for the average layman to understand", top scientific minds have stated that upon the stroke of midnight, Dec. 31, 1999, the very core of our civilization will collapse. Thousands of aircraft will fall out of the sky, nuclear missiles will arm and fire themselves indiscriminately, and, most frightening of all, OUR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES WILL TURN AGAINST US!!!! That's right friends. Due to the "embedded micro-processor units" in nearly all consumer products, highly placed officials say, these very devices that we depend on for day to day life will assume a consciousness of their own and begin to attack us. Everything from our vaccum cleaners to our toasters will rise up and seek retribution for their years of indentured servitude. Western Civilization itself will grind to a halt, signalling the beginning of a new, thousand-year Dark Ages.
It's all in print, people. I don't know about you, but before I go to bed on New Years, I'm putting the blender under the sink and taking the hypoallergenic filter bag out of my Hoover.
John Riney III
Let's REALLY get it right (Score:1)
While I hate people who say new millenium when they mean 2000, I hate people who try to go the other way and try to convince people that 2000 means nothing either. Why do all these people want people to stay home and be bored on Dec 31, '99? Why not let them party?! Heck, how often do you take note of when your odometer (in your car) hits 100,001? No, you notice 100,000!
In short, correct people who incorrectly state 2000 to be the new millenium, but don't snap at them for just wanting to celebrate NY2k. (New Year 2000) Shit, I plan on partying like hell both years!
Slicing board not y2k compliant after all? (Score:1)
Let's get it right (Score:1)
Nukes will be a fly'n (Score:1)
the Los Angeles UPN station did a report on y2k
where they basically said all nuclear missles will
start firing off randomly at random targets come
Jan 1, 2000. *sigh* We are going to have
more problems from the clueless masses lead by the clueless media freaking out over y2k than actually y2k problems.