Corel Netwinder GS Available 48
Here's a copy of the announcement I received via email
Dear Corel Customer,
Thank you for your interest in Corel Computer and our NetWinder family of products. The response to date for our Linux-powered thin clients and servers has been tremendous, and we appreciate all the great feedback that customers like you have provided.
Corel Computer is proud to announce the commercial release of our latest NetWinder product...The NetWinder Group Server, a powerful new Open-Source Web server ideally suited for Internet Service Providers (ISPs), workgroups and small businesses. Powered by the Linux operating system, the NetWinder Group Server sets a new standard for Internet and intranet appliances, and comes complete with Apache Web Server software and an easy-to-use, comprehensive set of HTML-based configuration tools.
Special Introductory Offer: To celebrate its launch and to reward our customers who have been waiting to purchase the NetWinder Group Server, we are extending the following special offer: Order before February 12, 1999 and receive a discount of US$100 on each NetWinder Group Server ordered (discount offer applies to a maximum of three NetWinder Group Servers per customer; discount applied at time of purchase).
Order Information: To have a Corel representative contact you and process your Online NetWinder Order, please complete the form at link A Corel representative will contact you as soon as possible after receipt of your submission.
Or call our Toll-Free Order Line (in North America): 1-877-282-6735 Call Direct (outside North America): 1-613-788-6001 (When ordering, please have your credit card ready, or arrange to place your order via a corporate purchase order.)
For more information on Corel Computer and our NetWinder family of products, please visit link
For announcements about Corel Linux software and hardware, and for announcements of general interest to the Linux community, please visit "> link and ."> link "
Netwinder GS? (Score:1)
Funny prices (Score:1)
Size/low power is nice, but I can have dual PII 350MHz PC100 256MB SDRAM 2x43 UW SCSI for same or smaller price. 700MHz od PII...
My first thought was "ok, I'll have three of them then" before I knew they were above $1000 range which I think is last acceptable for 6GB EIDE/64MB SDRAM machine. Probably $1200 if it was SCSI / 128MB SDRAM.
What I need on the Netwinder (Score:1)
I'll buy when they release USB for the Netwinder. The *day* they release USB for the Netwinder!
2 words: 15 Watts (Score:1)
15 Watts. 15 Watts. 15 Watts.
Run it on a battery all day long.
Put it in your car.
15 Watts. 15 Watts. 15 Watts.
Just needs USB, so you can hook all the new cool peripherals to it, and lots of them...
I don't really see an advantage (Score:1)
What's the diff? (Score:1)
Good for MP3-Car... Except: (Score:1)
Low power consumption (Score:1)
I've got one. It saves me money on my electric bill, doesn't heat up my very small home office, and takes up virtually no desk space. Plus the two ethernet ports makes it perfect for a gateway between my home network and the Internet.
Netwinder Discontinued (Score:1)
I keep seeing the big time computer market analysts predicting a huge growth in "thin-clients" ("network computers", or whatever) in 2002 or 2003. My guess is that Corel is thinking along these lines and is trying to get into that market early. Not only can they make money off of hardware, but it helps with sales of WordPerfect. How else could they take on Microsoft Office?
I can't see them going out of business. Sales of CorelDraw and WordPerfect should keep the company going for a long time.
Corel vs. Cobalt (Score:1)
Cobalt Qube 2700WG, 32MB RAM, 6 GB disk: $1449
Corel NetWinder GS, 32MB RAM, 6 GB disk: $1839
The Qube has a 150MHz MIPS chip in it, and the NetWinder has a 275MHz StrongARM. The Qube has a backup system (backup to workstation disk), while the NetWinder doesn't (at least, not that they mention). The Qube has a PCI slot and one 10MB Ethernet interface; the NetWinder has no slots, but lots of different interfaces (parallel & serial ports, sound, video). You can have a local console on the NetWinder, but not on the Qube.
It seems that the Qube is more aligned towards the thin server market; the NetWinder is more general-purpose. The Qube is also cheaper, which is a major factor at this price point, and the feature set seems better thought out. OTOH, the NetWinder is faster, more expandable, more flexible, with better power requirements.
I'd give the edge here to the Qube. The lack of a bundled backup strategy and the higher price are the two deciding factors. Fortunately, both are easily fixable.
Corel vs. Cobalt (Score:1)
With the Netwinder, you'd just use any normal network backup method (rdump, tar to an NFS-mounted drive, etc). I don't know if Corel has any GUI frontend for this, but it wouldn't be hard to add (maybe I'll put it on my list of Netwinder projects).
I must be missing something.. (Score:1)
It looks like with the GS you're paying for software and setup convenience (definitely targeted for corporate users). The DM (same hardware, DIY software) is much better priced, and does have some advantages over a bare x86 system:
- Integrated video and audio in/out
- Low power (add a $30 gel-cell for a UPS)
- Quieter (good for 24x7 in your bedroom), though the fan is still a bit too loud
- Small real-estate requirements
- IrDA and IR remote control interface
- 2 Ethernet ports (great home server for ADSL/cable)
- Coolness Factor
- Help to encourage other companies to support Linux (this should be worth at least $50)
- New architectures tend to expose hidden bugs in software and encourage greater portability, thus helping the rest of the free software community.
However, the price is still a bit on the high side, and has gone up since I got mine in the summer. Presumably Corel will bring the price down when they want to sell more units, but if the current price sells enough to keep their manufacturing near capacity, they will probably keep it there (I have no idea what their actual sales/manufacturing numbers are, however).
But then, I paid over CDN$500 for a 14.4 modem a few years back, and I remember when even a 4M SIMM was a few hundred. All computer hardware is obscenely cheap these days.
What's the draw? (Score:1)
Netwinder (Score:1)
I somewhat fail to see what the big deal is.
A computer with say 2/3 the Integer performance, and 1/3 the fp performance of an AMD K6-2, with Red Hat installed ( of a highly proprietary nature) with a bunch of Open Source apps on it, with some severe hardware handicaps ( RAM upgradability, no SCSI port, IDE disks only, pathetic video etc.)
And they want HOW MUCH??
Even IBM and Compaq don't charge like this any more..
Also, what is the difference between the Group Server and the Web Server models, other than the price tag???
I must be missing something.. (Score:1)
Is this anything besides a glorified Linux distro which happenes to come with its own CPU and pretty little case. Is there some reason to warrant the incredible amount of money they're charging for it?
Yet (Score:1)
Corel is not a big company, they need volume to get price down.
I'm still waiting for Notebook.. (Score:1)
Web site now has details up... (Score:1)
http://www.corelcomput er.com/products/linux/netwinder_gs.htm [corelcomputer.com] for details.
I think it's way overpriced, though I dig the design. I'm hoping the LC desktop model is cheaper.
If Corel is quoting CDN dollars... (Score:1)
Act quick, though. Our buck is rising. Not on its own, though; merely because the Euro is trashing the American buck.
Plug-and-Go (Score:1)
When you want to set up 8 departmental webservers, you come to appreciate a machine that's always the same, fully supported in all regards, and can be slapped into a rack and running 20 minutes after you tear off the bubble wrap.
Mmmmm. Yummy. Though I'm a little torn on their use of the StrongARM CPU: peppy and cool-running, yes. But I can't use those oh-so-convenient x86 binary
Gimme. Can't wait for the rackmount one. 80 CPUs per one-sided rack and all sorts of preinstalled stuff set up for practical use! Joy!
And any machine with an IrDA port is a friend of mine.
Price seems more than fair to me (Score:1)
But for that smaller price tag, you gate a case 5x the size of one of these, you have to supply your own NIC and install drivers for it yourself, plus, worst of all from an institutional perspective, ordering the same model from the same non-premium vendor doesn't get you the same parts from system to system. Unlike the HPs and Compaqs of the world, who charge more but make their boxes identical, the lower-cost vendors will use different suppliers from week to week. You can order two "identical" Dells and get an IBM hard drive in one and a Western Digital in the other. This doesn't make busy techs happy.
This is why the high-road mainstream vendors like HP, Compaq and IBM continue to do well against the likes of Dell in corporate, government and education markets, despite Dell making quality machines. Quality is sometimes only a starting factor, and this is what Corel and Cobalt seem to understand. (Notice how Cobalt Qubes still run a fairly old kernel and a 1.2.x Apache? Their market sees this as a Good Thing.)
What's the diff? (Score:1)
My Netwinders are pretty stable most of the time, but I'm running one of the farthest things from a stock Corel Computer NetWinder that's around.
And no, they do not have to deal with Red Hat. Actually, currently there is nothing from Red Hat on a NetWinder. It is partially based off a Red Hat 5.1 distribution that the people at Corel Computer put together. Current NetWinders do not ship with anything from Red Hat.
Hey, but what do I know. I just play with versioned libc, fix the odd package and have a small ftp site with NetWinder stuff.
What's the diff? (Score:1)
Rod m. Stewart
stewart (at) nexus (dot) carleton (dot) ca
What about the RM? (Score:1)
It really isn't viable (for me, anyway) until they have SCSI!
(Does anyone know if the SCSI support is via the daughter card, or on the main board?)
What's the diff? (Score:1)
(cleaner packaging... Snap concept)
their video products don't support linux? (Score:1)
What's up with this?
Good for MP3-Car... (Score:1)
Man... (Score:1)
(This would definately be one of them).
I just can't really figure out what the BEST use for it would be, any suggestions? ; )
RE: What's the diff? (Score:1)
It's real simple and they make it that way...the bios is all set to be able to easily upgrade the whole system image. The system draws only 12 volts and is always up on my desk with KDE. I agree that it's a beta machine in that there's much development going on for the strongarm ports but it reminds me of the earlier days of Linux.
I love it....
FPU?who cares (Score:1)
Akia MBP, multiple PowerPC 604t RISC CPU portable (Score:1)
$$ (Score:1)
Netwinder (Score:1)
So what's the beef about being proprietary??