The Race Is On For .net 85
mikrorechner writes "As reported previously, ICANN is looking for a new registrar for the .net tld. The biddings are in now, and The Register has a lengthy article about the five contenders. Their guess is that only two really have a chance: VeriSign and DeNIC. We will know more in two months."
Fraud (Score:3, Interesting)
What a fraud!!
Anybody knows who to complain or what to do to take this idiot down?
Re:Fraud (Score:4, Funny)
Yeah, post the link to slashdot...
Re:Fraud (Score:5, Funny)
i just bought from them!
Re:Fraud (Score:1)
Re:Fraud (Score:1, Informative)
That demo server doesn't actually verify the availablity of domains requested, sinc
Re:Fraud (Score:1)
Re:Fraud (Score:1)
i think u can get a lot more hits if u buy that...
Re:Fraud (Score:2)
Well, as far as taking them down, posting a link to them on Slashdot was probably a good first step...
microsoft (Score:4, Funny)
Re:microsoft (Score:1)
.Net to M$; .mac to Apple? (Score:2)
Re:.Net to M$; .mac to Apple? (Score:1)
Anyone but Verisign (Score:5, Insightful)
I know there's no totally-impartial, non-profit-driven corporation or entity that can do this job well, but Verisign's past practices ("Site Finder" and its blind ignorance of how the Internet should work is a perfect example) have led me to see them as worse than the rest of the pack. I simply don't trust them to do the job right because they can't understand that the Internet != the WWW.
Re:Anyone but Verisign (Score:5, Informative)
I know there's no totally-impartial, non-profit-driven corporation or entity that can do this job well,
Actually, DeNIC is a non-profit organization (, and they manage 8336375 .de-Domains at the moment ( html)
Re:Anyone but Verisign (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Anyone but Verisign (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Anyone but Verisign (Score:1)
Blind ignorance?
Or open-eyed arrogance?
Re:Anyone but Verisign (Score:2, Insightful)
I'd say that Nominet do an excellent job of managing
Re:Anyone but Verisign (Score:2)
I think it is possible to develop some type of DNS system that is decentralized and secure enough to be reliable and trustworthy, but how do we move to a place where REGISTERING for a domain isn't centralized on 2 corporations? Country codes like
Re:Anyone but Verisign (Score:1)
As long as we have someone to bitch to when it fails, and something is done.
If the not-for-profit organisations such as ICANN and friends actually worked, your point might be taken with more than a grain of salt. But as it is, the commercial registrars at least do what they have to (in order to keep their profit).
Verisign stinks (Score:1, Flamebait)
they royally stink. Just google "verisign" to see why.
Re:Verisign stinks (Score:3, Insightful)
How do you know... (Score:5, Funny)
A: You can hear screams of "YOU FUCKING INCOMPETENT COCKSUCKERS!" from six cubes away rather than the usual three.
Re:How do you know... (Score:1)
Wow... live and learn.
Re:How do you know... (Score:2)
I've been on hold for at least 20 minutes with them because their web system rejects my dns servers. Listening to the same 1 song on infinite repeat. I'm sure (if they actually answer) they'll say something like "Your user ID doesn't give you permission to change DNS". Ignoring, of course, that we called two weeks ago to make sure we had the right access. They'll fix it as soon as I send my blood type on fake company letterhead.
The last domain I transfered from them was
Re:How do you know... (Score:2)
Re:How do you know... (Score:1)
Please submit your answer via facsimile.
Not for profit (Score:5, Interesting)
"In Deutschland ist es die DENIC, die diese Aufgabe als "designated administrator" im Sinne des RFC1591 übernommen hat. Sie erfüllt sie ohne Gewinnerzielungsabsicht zum Nutzen und Wohle der gesamten deutschen Internet Community, neutral und unabhängig, fachkundig und verantwortungsbewusst, diskriminierungsfrei und in Übereinstimmung mit den international anerkannten Standards für den Betrieb einer Domain-Registrierungsstelle."
This roughly translates to
"In germany, DeNic took this duty as 'designated administrator' according to RFC1591. It achieves its duty without any aim for financial profits, but for the benefit of the hole internet community, neutrally and independently, competently and responsibly, withouth discrimination and in accordance to international standards for domain registration services."
Re:Not for profit (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Not for profit (Score:2)
I believe that a Co-op is the right organisational framework.
Don't get the UN or Verisign involved. The UN is a diplomat's talkshop with a lot of overhead. Esp. those Internet Governance people shall get wiped out. They make a lot of fuzz in the lobby of ICANN an they know that they had real success at the ITU (=UN)
Re:Not for profit (Score:2, Informative)
Can't see how Verisign could win.. (article) (Score:4, Informative)
So Denic isn't messing about and while ICANN would love nothing more than VeriSign to lose the
So it appears that The Registrar thinks that DENIC eG will win the bid. This is especially apparent when contrasted with their earlier snippet about Verisign's bid:
These very reasons are also why ICANN would desperately love for its old foe to be humbled. With VeriSign weakened, ICANN can start to assert itself properly over the Internet. It may even mean the end of the lengthy legal battle that VeriSign has been running against ICANN - something that is as much a bartering chip as it is a legal dispute.
So there, the Registrar actually thinks that DENIC eG will win, despite their own conclusion and the story submission.
Re:Can't see how Verisign could win.. (article) (Score:3, Insightful)
So it appears that The Registrar thinks that DENIC eG will win the bid. This is especially apparent when contrasted with their earlier snippet about Verisign's bid:
That was just an unfortunate choice of words by The Register. Reading further one sees that Denic is aggressive
Re:Can't see how Verisign could win.. (article) (Score:4, Insightful)
In which case, I suspect that ICANN would probably have stuck with the Devil they already knew and hoped that the move would have smoothed the troubled waters between them and Verisign. That would however have led to all sorts of allegations about the selection process. Assuming that he's come to the same conclusions as the Register then the appointment of the independent body is quite a canny move by Dr. Twomey. Whatever happens, they should hopefully avoid any mudslinging after the announcement and can get on with what they should be doing.
Personally, I'd have to say that DeNIC is much better positioned than Verisign to be our .net gTLD overseer come July. DeNIC already runs a ccTLD with more domains that .net, so there should be no problems there. Moving the .net gTLD to DeNIC means that all the main gTLDs are managed by seperate entities; diversity is good here. Moving
control of gTLDs about is certainly doable because .org has already been reassigned, and DeNIC has the additional advantage of knowing where PIR had problems. Finally, DeNIC is not a US company which addresses another issue for ICANN; they can use that as an argument against the UN/ITU's claims that control of the Internet is too US centric.
By contrast, all Verisign seems to be offering is a continuation of the status quo, for which they have managed to earn themselves a less than stellar reputation. Sure, they can do the job, but where's the vision? Big changes are afoot for the Internet over the next few years with VoIP, streaming media services and more all gaining momentum; I hardly think "status quo" is going to be a winning argument against that dynamic backdrop.
Re:Can't see how Verisign could win.. (article) (Score:3, Insightful)
Vision? I don't know if you have noticed, but ICANN has basically prevented anyone from doing anything visionary. ICANN has consistently delayed reconsideration rulings [].
Heck, VeriSign has been seeking approval for Wait Listing Service for years, and ICAN
Re:Can't see how Verisign could win.. (article) (Score:2)
And it only took 15 years! Now that is progress!
root for Afilias (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:root for Afilias (Score:1)
Re:root for Afilias (Score:2)
From the Afilias Website []:
Thatindicates to me that Afilias conducts its
Re:root for Afilias (Score:1)
If you want independent confirmation, check out their bids for the registries, such as nts-13.htm#Response13TheInternetSocietyISOC []
They got considerable flak for this the first couple times (orchestrated none too subtly by Oracle)
The only one that has chance is VeriSign (Score:2, Interesting)
The biddings are in now (Score:2)
That's an interesting turn of phrase. Perhaps our old friend Timothy should have done some minor editing.
It's amusing how the Register comments on the credibility of various bidders, while acknowledging that verisign has been conducting a full-court press campaign.
Looking For Someone? (Score:1)
are current registrations honored? (Score:2)
Re:are current registrations honored? (Score:1, Informative)
Re: Registrar and registry backend processes. (Score:3, Informative)
Subject: Re: Registrar and registry backend processes.
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 18:16:25 -0800
[second posting attempt, apologies if the first identical post ever arrives]
On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 15:47:50 -0700, Michael Loftis> wrote:
>It's clearly broken, and needs to be put up for
>public review by 'the powers that be' so that it can
>be fixed. What's happening now feels close to a
>boiler room poker game, noone seems to know all the
>players, and even fewer know all the rules, so in the
>end everyone is a loser.
i suspect part of the reason for it feeling this way is because of the large amounts of money that are made specifically off of the
anyhow, it also makes me wonder about the motivations behind this incident coming so close to the application deadline for administration of the
can anyone comment on the reputations of the
VeriSign Has Challengers to Run
The New York Times
Published: January 17, 2005
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - As long as the Internet runs smoothly, few people think too much about its workings. But later this month, the system's underpinnings will become a topic of debate when rival companies publicly bid to run
This will be the first time that VeriSign's
About 40 percent of government domains allow access through
So far, at least three companies in addition to VeriSign have indicated that they plan to vie for the franchise, which expires June 30. They are NeuStar, a Sterling, Va., company that runs
Selecting the domain manager is the job of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. But Icann finds itself in a ticklish position because it has publicly clashed with VeriSign over the company's proposed Site Finder service, which would redirect queries from inactive or defunct Web addresses to a search engine supported by advertisers signed up by VeriSign.
When Icann concluded that was an unacceptable diversion and refused to allow the service, VeriSign accused the group
Guess I was mistaken (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Guess I was mistaken (Score:2)
Re:Guess I was mistaken (Score:2)
I never understood why Microsoft spent so much money hyping a word that wouldn't survive as a trademark. But then again, look at the terms "Windows" "Word" and heck, look at my signature!
Re: Registrars serve no useful purpose (Score:4, Interesting)
From: David M. Besonen>
Subject: Re: Registrars serve no useful purpose
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 09:06:31 -0800
[a dated, biased (what isn't?), insightful, and
relevant interview]
Published on Policy DevCenter
( karl.html
Karl Auerbach: ICANN "Out of Control"
by Richard Koman
Editor's note: Strong forces are reshaping the Internet these days. To understand these forces--governmental, business, and technical--Richard Koman interviews the people in the midst of the changes.
This month, Richard talks to Karl Auerbach, a public board member of ICANN and one of the Internet governing body's strongest critics.
October's distributed, denial-of-service attack against the domain name system--the most serious yet, in which seven of the thirteen DNS roots were cut off from the Internet--put a spotlight on ICANN, the nongovernmental corporation responsible for Internet addressing and DNS. The security of DNS is on ICANN's watch. Why is it so susceptible to attack, when the Internet as a whole is touted as being able to withstand nuclear Armageddon?
It's religious dogma, says Karl Auerbach, a public representative to ICANN's board. There's no reason DNS shouldn't be decentralized, except that ICANN wants to maintain central control over this critical function. Worse, Auerbach said in a telephone interview with O'Reilly Network, ICANN uses its domain name dispute resolution process to expand the rights of trademark holders, routinely taking away domains from people with legitimate rights to them, only to reward them to multinational corporations with similar names.
Auerbach--who successfully sued ICANN over access to corporate documents (ICANN wanted him to sign a nondisclosure agreement before he could see the documents)--will only be an ICANN director for a few more weeks. As part of ICANN's "reform" process, the ICANN board voted last month to end public representation on the board. As of December 15, there will be zero public representatives on the ICANN board.
How does ICANN justify banishing the public from its decision-making process? Stuart Lynn, president and CEO of ICANN, said the change was needed to make ICANN's process more "efficient." In a Washington Post online discussion, Lynn said: "The board decided that at this time [online elections] are too open to fraud and capture to be practical, and we have to look for other ways to represent the public interest. It was also not clear that enough people were really interested in voting in these elections to create a large enough body of voters that could be reflective of the public interest. This decision could always be reexamined in the future. In the meantime, we are encouraging other forms of at-large organizations to self-organize and create and encourage a body of individuals who could provide the user input and public interest input into the ICANN process."
Former ICANN president Esther Dyson is also supporting the move away from public representation on the board. "I did believe that it was a good idea to have a globally elected executive board, [but] you can't have a global democracy without a globally informed electorate," Dyson told the Post. "What you really need [in order] to have effective end-user representation is to have them in the bowels (of the organization) rather than on the board."
Auerbach isn't buying. "ICANN is pursuing various spin stories to pretend that they haven't abandoned the public interest," he says in this interview. "ICANN is trying to create a situation where individuals are not allowed in and the only organizations that are allowed in are those that hew to ICANN's party line."
Re: Registrars serve no useful purpose (Score:2)
Re: Registrars serve no useful purpose (Score:1)
Re:Where do those 8 bucks I pay to GoDaddy go? (Score:2)
You're right that it doesn't cost $7/year to maintain a domain name in a database. When
Verisign illustrates the problem... (Score:1)
And yet, this is just one of the smallest examples of capitalism's rule of profit over people. Heh.
I already know more right now. (Score:1)
Race on for .NET? (Score:1)
from the what-about-dot-p-e-t department (Score:1)