How Do 'Singing Magnets' Work? 89
dpbsmith asks: "Singing magnets are available at all of the usual geek-toy emporia, and, for all I know, ordinary toy emporia as well. They consist of a pair of magnets made of a polished substance with the general appearance of hematite. What is surprising, pleasing, and unexpected is that when the magnets strike each other under their own power, they produce a sharp, loud buzz that rises in pitch. The sound lasts a good fraction of a second and climbs somewhere into what sounds like the 200-500 Hz range. The exact sound and its duration are somewhat unpredictable and depend on how the magnets happen to strike each other. It is a little like the sound that you get when you mash a pingpong ball against a pingpong table with a paddle. What physics are involved in the production of these sounds?"
"Google searches turn up some forum postings that indicate that it is a synthetic magnetic substance similar to hematite that's available cheaply in China as an industrial byproduct. The singing magnets are a little larger than size of olives; the shape is similar to a (U. S.) football but slightly more elongated. Their major axis is about 5 cm long, their minor about 1 cm. They are fairly powerful and will jump together when placed on a desk about three inches apart. They can distort the colors on a CRT display from a distance of over 20 cm.
Contrary to expectation, the poles of the magnets are oriented along one of the minor axes of the ellipsoid, not the major axis.
Neodymium magnets in 'ordinary' shapes produce boring 'plinks' when they snap together. Something about the shape of these magnets makes the sound much longer-lasting and entertaining. It is not simply the bounding rebound of two objects made of stiff-but-elastic material. Transfers of linear to angular momentum are clearly involved.
If course, I'd love to know whether these things were 'invented' or 'discovered', and by whom, trying to do what.
Bounce. (Score:2, Insightful)
Okay, that was a wild ass guess.
Re:Bounce. (Score:3, Interesting)
Not physics (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Not physics (Score:1)
Only if it weighs the same as a duck (Score:2)
Um. (Score:5, Informative)
I don't have any so I can't verify this theory.
Re:Um. (Score:4, Insightful)
Additionally, the central location of the poles helps to maintain equilibrium and reduce the range of possible contact points.
(Unlike a round magnet which would have a wider range of effective contact points thus allowing more slop in the bounce cycles with a coincident reduction in tonal quality).
Re:Yup. (Score:5, Interesting)
If you try to isolate the system by throwing them up in the air so they pull together and strike each other while airborne, they will generally buzz for quite a long time - generally, it stops because the motion was dampened by your hand (or whatever else they land on) rather than coming to a stop on its own.
The whole effect is made even more fun because if you throw them in the air, they will spin around each other like a cat in zero gravity. []
Re:Um. (Score:1)
Example []
The cats LOVE those things.
Re:Um. (Score:1)
"The modulus of elasticity is high, and because of the shape of the objects they can only contact at one point."
Also, their shape probably reduces the contact with the supporting surface, which prevents the ringing from being damped out.
Singing Sword (Score:1)
Very useful if Prince Valiant needs a replacement sword.
Re:Singing Sword (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Singing Sword (Score:1, Interesting)
Today we call this metal "stainless steel", and blades made from it are found in just about every kitchen.
Re:Singing Sword (Score:5, Informative)
A properly made sword rings when tapped. This is because the fittings (hilt, pommel and handle) are tight, and do not dampen vibration. If the blade has any cracks, these will also dull the ring of a sword.
Additionally, a good western sword flexs a fair amount during cutting or thrusting. This in itself is not a positive or negative feature. However, a blade that returns too much vibration to the hand may be uncomfortable to use (think about how a bat stings your hands when you hit something with it).
The addition of chromium to a steel in quantities of over 13% makes 'stainless' steel. Not only does the addition of high levels of Cr make the steel resistant to stains, it makes in more 'deep hardening'. This is in refference to the cooling of steel from the the point at which all of the carbon in the steel is disolved in the solution(AC1, also called the Currie point, which is generally above 1350 degress F) down to below the point(MS, below 900 degrees F) at which martensite (hardened steel) is formed.
In this process, a variety of different crystaline forms can be produced. If you cool slowly, you will probably end up with pearlite. This is soft, and relitively flexible, and not at all good for blades. If you cool faster, you will end up with grains (crystals) of martensite, which is harder, and more springy (once tempered) much better for knives and swords.
Now, back to why stainless is bad for swords. Stainless is deep hardening because the chromium pins the edges of the grains (crystalline stuructures of carbon and iron), preventing them from growing when heat is applied. Smaller grain sizes lead to increased hardness. Unfortunately, the introduction of the chromium into the edges of the crystals causes them to be less strong. This leads to lower flexiblity. Lower flexility leads to swords that fail castastrophically durning use.
I'm not a metallurgist by any means, but I have made a half dozen swords, a hundred plus knives, and been studying heat treating of swords for about a dozen years. Please, spend 300+$ on good old fashioned carbon steel if you must have a sword. Heck, even get a good stainless steel sword from Rob Criswell or one of the Dawsons, but quite buying that cheap stainless crap on ebay and in the Mall cutlery stores. Support a sword smith with real talent, here in the US. There are lots of us, It's a better deal in the long run.
Josh Powell, owner and operator of Josh Powell Custom Knives.
Re:Singing Sword (Score:1)
Magnets made me sing one time... (Score:4, Funny)
I took the magnets out of an old SCZI drive bigger than my head, and pried them apart with a screwdriver.
Well I was holding a magnet in each hand, and while I was walking they got a little too close, and my was caught in-between. Oh I sang, like a little girl in church choir.
Long story short, I didn't need stitches, but I did have one very bruised bone, not to mention my ego...
Re:Magnets made me sing one time... (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Magnets made me sing one time... (Score:2)
Re:Magnets made me sing one time... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Magnets made me sing one time... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Magnets made me sing one time... (Score:1)
Bouncing (Score:3, Informative)
If you listen, you can hear the pitch of the sound getting higher and higher as they start to hit each more frequently, until they stop moving.
wow (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:wow (Score:2, Insightful)
The magnets do the same, but the have the additional non-linearity in the force which adds even more to the frequency shift. I mentioned the "tennis ball" like loss when I was talking about the heat loss
Re:wow (Score:3, Insightful)
Only in a vacum my friend. Air resistance plays a part in the energy loss as well.
Re:wow (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:wow (Score:2)
Re:wow (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:2, Informative)
Now for the singing magnets the force must show some non-linear dependance on the amplitude, which allows (or better: forces) it to oscillat
Re:wow (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:2)
You apparently didn't listen close enough.
Magnets utilize the magnetostatic force, not the electrostatic force, which is attraction between charges, not magnets.
Magnetic attraction is far more complicated, because there aren't any "magnetic charges", just constrained loops of magnetism. It really depends
i think .. (Score:2, Funny)
Re: i think .. (Score:1, Offtopic)
Amazing explanation (Score:5, Insightful)
Amazing explanation and Mod him up. (Score:1)
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:5, Funny)
Indeed (Score:3, Funny)
$1,200.00 is not that much for a high quality digital cable, but notice the arrows on the pictures. They indicate the direction in which the sound should flow. Of course it works best with quantum sound purifiers [] which strips electronic noise from individual electrons. When you are at it, don't forget to buy your tuning dots []: "Marigo's VTS Tuning Dots have been one of the most effective and dramatic steps I have taken to improve my s
Re:Indeed (Score:2)
Re:Indeed (Score:1)
Re:Indeed (Score:3, Informative)
Did you mean that to imply that there is some set of conditions, liable to be encountered in a home audiophile environment, under which there is ANY justification at all for a $1200 digital interconnect? That there is any way in which that cable will actually outperform a $2.99 Radio Shack coax cable?
Because, being the great exposer of snake oil that you are, I'm sure you're aware that the only way a DIGITAL in
Re:Indeed (Score:2)
I like your rule of thumb. It can be supported well with some calculations, if needed. Works fine. I submit that my
Sounds like ass (Score:2, Informative)
I am sure that none of us would want to hear any jitter that sounds like ass--i.e. like this []--but that doesn't mean that any of us would buy a $1900.00 USB cable. Also, the USB power is strong enough to power the iGrill [] (which is great, by the way, because now I don't have to carry around the bulky Zero-Point generator [] while I'm hunting when I have a laptop anyway), so we also don't have to worry about the power line impedance so much, unless we use kilometres long USB cables, which is not so popular as it
Re:Indeed (Score:2)
you might have been able to find such receivers 20 years ago, but nobody makes such retarded receivers anymore.
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:3, Insightful)
What part of DIGITAL don't people understand?
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:1, Interesting)
In my experience (and I bought one of the earliest iMacs with USB & FireWire, so I've had more than most) the gague of cable does have a significant effect on the operation of some bus-powered peripherals. If the cable run is too long (or the gague too small), series resistance can cause voltage drops that may prevent the device working properly. Bus powered hard drives exhibit the most obvious symptoms (refuse to spin up), but there have been occasions wh
slight correction: (Score:2, Informative)
Sorry, that should have been "plugging appliances into power boards". Using different mains outlets around a room can cause the same ground problems. And always calculate the total loading.
Oh, and while I'm ranting: "Oxygen Free Cable"? If it's shiny, its oxygen free, you golden-eared idiots. Besides, most cable deteriorates because of chloride contamination from the PVC sheath, not because of oxygen (which is why we
Re:slight correction: (Score:2)
Ooooh. Often wondered about that. It seems to be worse on wire that gets damp - repairing electrical connections in cars is often difficult. Funny it always seems to be the negative leads - and the negative lead of NiCads are by far the worst I've seen for it!
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:2)
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:2)
Indeed. []
modern-day snake oil salesmen (Score:1, Insightful)
Fascinating stuff. An utter load of crap sold at a substantial profit, all through the magic of ubfuscatory language.
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:2)
Impressive (Score:3, Funny)
"Sharpen razors overnight with a patented proprietary magnetic field. After each shave simply place the blade edge on the Razor-Mate. Razor blades are reported to last up to ten times longer, and give a smoother, closer shave." Looks impressive, but I only use free magnetic fields and I am strongly against field patents.
Re:Amazing explanation (Score:1, Funny)
As PT Barnum may have said, "there's a sucker born every minute".
Bah (Score:1)
That's nothing! Back in my day, when we wanted miraculous healing properties of water, we used radium ore []: "By the patented composition of highly selected and scientifically compounded radium ores of which the Revigator is made, this lost element is
Singing Midgets? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Singing Midgets? (Score:1)
Hey, some of my best friends are midgets!
Re:Singing Midgets? (Score:2, Funny)
Willy Wanka? That sounds nasty.
I'm not a physics geek, so this is just a SWAG (Score:2)
I have an idea... (Score:3, Interesting)
View their "Ball Bouncer Demonstration"
I have a hunch that these "singing magnets" are coated with a Liquidmetal-like material which preserves some 99% of the impact force and returns it quite energetically, causing the magnets to come together, be pushed apart, come together, be pushed apart, fast enough to create a "tone" of sorts.
When the ball gets to the end of the ball bouncer demonstration, it does largely what the original poster was asking about with regard to the sound it produces.
Re:I have an idea... (Score:2)
then, i'm going wardriving.
Re:The shape makes the sounds (Score:3, Insightful)
they produce a sharp, loud buzz that rises in pitch. The sound lasts a good fraction of a second and climbs somewhere into what sounds like the 200-500 Hz range.
I also don't believe its a simple bounce. If that were so then it should work with any magnets with a a strong surface. I've never heard of this.
Someone pointed out that liquidmetal demos the same rising pitch behaviour. They do this by having an inredibly efficient 99% bounce. But singing magnets have been around for a while be
A Startling Array of Features (Score:1)
I have info from several good authorities (Score:2)
Drop a ball bearing. (Score:1)