fMRI + Marketing = Consumer Control? 129
anonomouse writes "NYT magazine has an interesting article on the use of neuro-imagery in marketing. Best (old) quote: 'Half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I don't know which half'. Good, bad, whatever? Does this bode well for job opportunities for the new crops of cognitive systems graduates? Most importantly, what does brain state tell us about behavior, if anything?"
I wonder (Score:1, Funny)
human evolution (Score:3, Interesting)
Human Evolution & Other Competitive Pressures (Score:3, Informative)
I suspect you're right, though really we're only talking about a couple hundred thousand years of evolution. Homo species prior to Sapiens probably didn't have the kind of symbolic processing ability that would make such linguistic or visual appeals, or the the ability to resist them, evolutionarily important, even if they had language, which is also under question. And in any case, the combined Homo and Austro primate branches have only been around for about 5 (+/- 1) million years.
However, let's say that
One word. Looker. (Score:1, Interesting)
Watch it.
Learn it. Love it. Live it..
Re:One word. Looker. (Score:2, Informative)
Watch the movie. It's 100% relevant to the topic. It's prophetic.
It's not a T&A movie as the shallow of mind would think, it's about mind control and marketing. The use computer generated models combined with mind controlling embedded signals to not only compell people to buy things they don't want/need they end up using the same technique to convince people to vote for a faux presidential candidate.
Jeez people, can't you ever use your minds to see through the bling-bling to see t
Re:One word. Looker. (it is not offtopic) (Score:1)
It's not uncommon at all. Even the dude in Terminator 3 was mostly CGI (the mercury metal guy)
And the gubmint does use "flash" weapons now. They have extremely bright strobe light guns that the aim in your face when they storm a house in a raid. They avoid the effects by wearing special goggles that counter-react
Avarage mind vs a / (Score:5, Funny)
1. See if they can use the product being advertise.
2. Check if there is a free alternative.
3. Check Google/Google groups for negative comments about the product.
4. Search Google/Google groups for competitive product.
6. Do an on-line merchant price comparison.
5. Check their bank account balance on-line and see if they have dough. Some of them will actually start doing spread sheet calculation to see how it fits to the overall monthly budget.
6. Buy the product if it is deemed worthy.
Your average Joe on the other hand will:
1. See and add while watching Survivor.
2. Think the product is very good because the add was cool.
3. Go out and buy the product the next day.
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:2)
Thanks for being anal though.
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:2)
oh the irony....
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:3, Funny)
For that matter, he might even put a '.' in the title of his post, so the '/' doesn't get loney.
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:1)
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:2)
Re: Another difference between the average Joe (Score:2)
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:2)
Besides, realistically we don't need a good percentage of what we buy. Most advertising dollars are aimed at stripping us of what we consider our "disposable" income, i.e. money we don't need for things like ho
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:2)
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:1)
Advertising rarely sells a product, in almost all mass-market adverts, the goal is to build a brand name that appeals to a large demographic.
I know this works on me, because I have studied the effects on others. I find people who claim to be immune to advertisments are often the most easily swayed by brand-name building.
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:1)
Now we just need to embed a stand-up MRI in joe-schmoe's armchair while he is watching football so we can do some REAL analysis.
Re:Avarage mind vs a / (Score:2)
5. Go to Kazaa or suprnova.org (or elsewhere) to see if they can obtain product without paying.
6. If not, wait until they can.
(Oh and your numbering is off, 6. follows 4. and then we get 5. and 6., but I'm just being anal (only one).)
Re:Avarage mind vs a /. (Score:2)
It tells us nothing we didn't know already (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:It tells us nothing we didn't know already (Score:2)
I really like white. Lots and lots of white. A little black around the edges, a word or two and a very few very low numbers.
Motion too. I like things that just kinda sit there waiting for me to pick them up. I find it rather disconcerting when I reach for the yogurt and it dances to one side and leers at me. I think that's taking the whole "active culture" thing a bit to far. I figure that when a culture reaches the pottery makin
Ambiguous Title (Score:2)
When I fist saw the title, I thought, "Good news, consumers are getting back some control". Then I read the rest of the article and was confused for a moment.
Re:Ambiguous Title (Score:2)
Florida rentals are famous for this too, with their "solar-heated pools." I initially thought they had solar panels which heated the water. Nope -- it's the sun that does the heating directly! LOL, kinda.
Technology (Score:4, Insightful)
Lines of thinking that lead to Terminator style future scenarios are probably paranoid on my part but at this point in time a technological failure on a widespread basis would cripple not just the US economy but economies world wide. It's part of the price that we pay for globalization.
Re:Technology (Score:2)
fMRI assumptions (Score:1, Informative)
More info from slashdot 2002 (Score:2)
Looks like the company discussed in that article never made it and changed business models.
It's a lot more than half (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:It's a lot more than half (Score:2)
Re:It's a lot more than half (Score:2)
We were ordering pizza a few nights ago. "Hmmm, do you like Panago?" "Yeah, it's not bad...but wait, they have that annoying ad where they sing Mambo #5, but about pizza. Lets get it from somewhere else"
Whenever an ad annoys me, I make note, and never buy the product, even if it is cheapest. If I am buying something, I always consider the options, look for reviews if appropriate, etc. The best they can hope for with advertising is to NOT disqualify themselves by annoying me ;)
Re:It's a lot more than half (Score:1)
Advertising has succeeded in your case. The point is not to make you "want to buy the products". It's about making you aware of the product.
Re:It's a lot more than half (Score:1)
Meh... all that theory is great, but when you can see exactly what they're doing, it doesn't do them much good.
By now, most people are so familiar with advertising tatics that it just makes the advertisers look like amateurs when they go for the things that used to really hit on a low psychological level, unless they find a new and interesting way to do it.
There was one commercial I remember, where they actually stated that repetition of their name would help you remember it, and the guy was cutting deli
Re:It's a lot more than half (Score:1)
I'd much rather have those tongue-in-cheek ads than the current batch of "shock" commerials. Actually, I'd rather have no ads at all, but that's not a likely option.
Re:It's a lot more than half (Score:1)
You're in a small demographic, learn to recognize this.
A side effect of your constant distain for most products is you will be more prone to be influenced by adverts that target your demographic.
Think in demographics, not individuals. They don't advertise to individuals, they advertise to demographics.
Re:It's a lot more than half (Score:1)
You can see this in political ads - they are targeted at clueless... er... "swing voters", who are often identified as suburban white women.
If you aren't a suburban white woman, you probably think most political ads are pointless.
Pointless, for those who want to trick it. (Score:3, Interesting)
With the classic lie detectors, you can trick them out simply by clenching the muscles in your butt - This causes a drastic spike in blood pressure, galvanic skin response goes nuts - basically all the classic indicators of stress become totally random.
With fMRI, or PET, or any other "direct" brain imaging technology, a comparable technique exists - Think about sex. Thanks to our brain's hard-wired affinity for reproduction, thinking about sex will completely dominate over most other brain activity. Think graphically. Think in pictures. Try to imagine smells, tastes, what the tolerably hot-in-a-geeky-way research assistant looks like naked, whatever. This will guarantee the results end up totally meaningless.
Any other strong emotion will work as well, but for most people, thinking about sex comes easiest to fake.
Re:Pointless, for those who want to trick it. (Score:2)
Re:Pointless, for those who want to trick it. (Score:1)
But are people who volunteer for fMRI studies going to try to screw the results? This reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes [calvinandhobbes.com] cartoon where Calvin fills in a marketing survey for bubble gum, and requests something weird like "curry flavor" just because he likes t
just make a decent product that actually works (Score:4, Interesting)
Just make a friggin product that does what it's supposed to do, works well, and doesn't break after 90 days. Word of mouth is the only legitimate form of advertising, and you have to earn that through the merit of your product... you can't buy it.
Re:just make a decent product that actually works (Score:1)
Maybe people creating decent products should also package them in appealing ways as well, rather than depending entirely on word-of-mouth.
Generally its a good idea to think about and craft every aspect of a product and not just its utility. Beauty, intended market, and product position are all important to consumers of commercial products.
Re:just make a decent product that actually works (Score:1)
I could just imagine what would happen if Advertisements were more truthful today,
"Volvo, they're Boxy but they're good";
"Metamucil. It helps you go to the toilet." and
"The French can be annoying. Come to Greece, we're nicer.".
Re:just make a decent product that actually works (Score:2)
More than 1/2 their money is being wasted here... (Score:5, Interesting)
fMRI is a great research technique -- I've worked with it for years -- but I think that zealous companies that want to find the best way to tickle comsumers' brains are going to be pretty disappointed in fMRI as a marketing research tool. (And at $400+/hr, their disappointment is going to cost them . .
What these companies want is to be able to look at a scan of someone viewing/thinking about their product and to then be able to say, "Aha, he really wants this!", or, "She is debating on whether shee needs this," or even perhaps, "This product makes him feel secure."
That's bullshit -- its mindreading -- and given what we know about the brain and the signals that can be read in an fMRI, it can't be done. Perhaps one day, far in the future, something like that will be possible. Right now, though, people are still debating what exactly it means (in terms of neural activity) when you see a brain region "light up" in an fMRI scan. And even if we could know how exactly fMRI signals and neural activity relate, there's still a
Re:More than 1/2 their money is being wasted here. (Score:3, Interesting)
The problem with this is that it doesn't tell Pepsi what to do to get the same results. Pepsi can't sit in the
Re:More than 1/2 their money is being wasted here. (Score:2)
Re:More than 1/2 their money is being wasted here. (Score:2, Insightful)
I see it as much like the mapping of the genome. It gets at the basics but we still don't know much about how the basic building blocks interact. The basic building blocks are the easy part. The interactivity, and non-linear relationship between things is where we don't even have a clue. And that's far more complex than the scratching of the surface we're doing right now.
Re:More than 1/2 their money is being wasted here. (Score:2)
The biggest flaw with trying to use fMRI to tailor marketing is that seeing activity in a particular area of the brain that happens to be associated with function X
Mind Marketting (Score:2, Funny)
This morning I woke up, hung over, and a strange desire to switch over to Cingular's 1000 Minute with rollover plan.
Re:Mind Marketting (Score:1)
'Pisser' is NYC slang for bus shelter, no?
Doesn't change cunsumers (Score:3, Interesting)
Obviously, the benefits to advertisers and consumers are quite asymmetrical from all this research. Advertisers can actually refine their techniques and perhaps learn new ones. Consumers, on the other hand, may be a little more educated but they certainly are more easily seduced. While this is not absolutely bad and may even be good in some ways, the fact remains that with increasingly power research tools like fMRI mentioned here, the potential for corporations to absolutely manipulate us increases. I'm sure that things will work out in the future, as they have always done. However, research into "defenses" against memory implantation, et al does need to be conducted.
Re:Doesn't change cunsumers (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Doesn't change consumers (Score:1)
The point of my post is not to revile Disney as evil and raise an alarm about "evil" corporations, but to suggest (what I naively think) an area where a lot of future research should be directed.
Re:Doesn't change cunsumers (Score:1)
Re:NYT and Fox News (Score:2)
Simple (Score:3, Funny)
For most men, nothing. You really need to be looking a little further south for the control center.
fMRI measures blood flow, not brain activity (Score:3, Insightful)
See this paper: [nih.gov]
The authors find that:
* fMRI gives you a really strong signal in the blood vessels
* Less than 50% of the time, when you average the neural activity over several SECONDS (an action potential lasts 0.015s), and over 1 cubic CENTIMETER (containing 10^8 neurons), fMRI tells you something about that average activity. Only problem is: we know that this averaging can work in SI, the brain area studied in the paper. For other brain areas, who knows?
Not to mention the issues with statistics in fMRI.
There are a very few groups doing good MRI studies, e.g. Heeger, Boynton, but they study humans doing relatively simple things.
Marketing is NOT simple. Marketing + fMRI = crap.
Re:fMRI measures blood flow, not brain activity (Score:1, Insightful)
No, Marketing + fMRI = gold.
You have to realise that the advertising industry isn't in the business of selling products to the public. They are selling advertising campaigns to the corporations. Whether or not their campaigns actually work is secondary compared to whether their customers feel that they work.
I rather like this fMRI strategy, it's advertising done with a retro 60s whitecoat scientist style. Pretty hip.
Re:fMRI measures blood flow, not brain activity (Score:2, Informative)
Anonymous Coward said:
While this is true for the majority of fMRI work done today, things are changing. Higher field strengths have greatly increased the spatial resolution of fMRI. Typical voxel size at 3 Tesla is down to about 3 mm to the side (echoplaner, BOLD contrast). As h
functional scans (Score:2, Informative)
1. no radio-active agent is needed, and
2. the radiologists get the functional as well as the anotomical details- the flesh and its function, to say vulgalrly.
With the latest 3D imaging tools available with diagnostic machines its easy for the neuro-surgeons to plan the surgeries to much better detail.
Marketing is another issue. Obviously the customers are either radiologists or neur
Just a friendly hello (Score:1)
"You'll be hearing from me again very soon, I'm sure."
That's just great (Score:2, Redundant)
Perhaps, while we're doing studies, we should study the psychological impact of people ( children in particular) being told nearly continuously that their lives are inadequate, they are inadequate, they're unappealing, and that their real value to society (and chance for a passible life) is measured solely by what they own and the products they use.
Ads aimed at children and teens especially seem to lean on that message.
In other words, the effects of long term psychological abuse.
Note that not all adve
Re:That's just great (Score:2)
Re:That's just great (Score:2)
I never said it would go away.
If enough people get upset enough about certain types of advertising, it will change though, especially if they get upset enough to boycott.
I have nothing against advertising in itself, just some of the common practices.
HuCoNOS - Human Computer Network Operating System (Score:2)
Ignore the input, ouput, and the storage which are primarily determined by the initial conditions of the node
In MEMORY the SYMBOLS remain the same while we flow thru the symbol-space, and in CPU the symbol-space remains the same while the SYMBOLS flow thru the it... This i
Idiot scientist (Score:4, Insightful)
Note the bias here in the interpretation of the results. The eliciting of a stronger response in more primitive areas of the brain - which Pepsi reportedly does when neither is named - is viewed as the more objective reality. While a response which involves higher areas of the brain which are concerned with the aesthetics of it is just a matter of "brand." Further, there's the implication that when the higher areas of aesthetic appreciation are active we're being more manipulated by brand, and missing the reality, as defined by the most primitive reaction, which could well be based on Pepsi having a sweeter taste.
In all likelihood a splotch of bright red will have a stronger reaction from primitive brain areas than will a fine landscape painting (we're strongly programmed to respond to red since it's often a sign of blood and danger). By the logic of this researcher (at least as reported by the Times) our considered preference for the landscape painting over the splotch of bright red is a sort of manipulation by the brand "landscape painting," or perhaps the brandname of the painter. While there's some small degree of truth to this, isn't it largely back asswards?
Re:Idiot scientist (Score:2)
On the other hand Pepsi tastes better in a blind setting but worse when you know that the other liquit is Coke. The higher cognitive functions clearly override the basic perceptions.
The situation could perhaps be compared to a piece of modern art, which you do not p
Re:Idiot scientist (Score:2)
Re:Idiot scientist (Score:2)
Just switch of "ad-infested" media... (Score:2)
fMRI and Advertising (Score:2)
Very dodgy science, IMO (done PhD in fMRI) (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Very dodgy science, IMO (done PhD in fMRI) (Score:2)
Second, anyone who's both done science and read science reporting knows that the quality of science reporting in the pop
All wasted... (Score:1)
Personally, all the money spent on advertising is wasted on me. Simply because of the obnoxious ads, either content or running the same lump'o'doodoo 2 or 3 times in a row, I will not buy that product. Whenever an ad comes up, I either change the channel or radio station. Take that Ad Exec and smoke it.
Maybe so, but the facts are there. (Score:2)
I wasn't very happy with the article. I can taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi, and I like Coke better, as do most people. Pepsi has a more sugary taste. People apparently don't want that in a strictly recreational drink. Beer is another example; it is bitter.
Medical Ethics (Score:1)
Re:Medical Ethics (Score:2)
Certainly where I was doing my research, the scanner sat empty and unused for at least one quarter of the time. It seems that it's harder to get money to do the research you want (I was looking at
I, for one,... (Score:1)
Actually, it will be both funny and sad when/if this stuff is actually used. Funny since it won't work on me, marketing shit never has. Sometimes it's really funny how hard they try. Sad in seeing the number of dogs-drooling-at-Pavlov's-bell types wondering around, unaware of their plight...
Another Corporate Self-Con (Score:1)
Free Market Research for $0 (Score:1)
1) free stuff
2) that is incredibly useful
3) that lasts forever
God produces such things , but you may produce
1) stuff for an affordable to cheap price
2) that is really useful, not a market bluf
3) that lasts more if comparatively expensive.
Now find me that $0 banknote