Slashback: Subterfuge, Rejoinder, Caution 174
Good things come in hidden pictures. Intrepid strongman Dug Song writes, in reaction to the "fairly thin" piece earlier today on Steganographic anlysis:
"The only cutting edge, practical work being done today in steganalysis and steganography is by Niels Provos, who gave a talk at HAL2001, and is also presenting at the USENIX security symposium tomorrow: He's been developing several interesting tools to do steganalysis during the course of his universal stego engine development: (http://www.outguess.org/) including stegbreak (which can detect images produced by all popular stego tools -- except outguess), crawl (which he's used to download 2 million jpeg's from eBay to analyze), discern (his distributed computing platform), etc."
Hushing up is not such a good answer sometimes ... Reader Brian McWilliams <brian@pc-radio.com< notes regarding the thread on Slashdot about the costs of full disclosure, "you might want to add an update linking to this story Newsbytes did a couple days ago about the Richard Smith posting. Contains responses from eEye & full disclosure advocates, as well as some more ammo from Smith."
Smith doesn't take kindly to being blamed for damages caused by security holes he publically aired.
So you want to patent "bacon and eggs"? I guess that's OK then. You recently read about the McAffee patent on a seemingly overbroad stretch of computing transactions. Well, it's raised quite a few eyebrows among people interested in a fair computing marketplace. geoa points to this article in which "Neil McAllister in The Gate takes too long to say we shouldn't let another monopoly in the playpen."
It was soooo old ... For everyone enjoying the recent upswing in retro computing interest, Silicon Avatar writes with another tidbit: "Although not necessarily new news, I found a link today when someone mentioned Roland MT-32 to me. Starting with Space Quest IV, Sierra games were written to use either the Adlib soundcard or the Roland MT-32 'soundcard.' Quest Studios seems to have repository of MANY of those songs, including the 'lounge tape' I once had but lost!"
Put that in your souped up underclocked emulator and smoke it.
If you're looking for more than Sierra game music (Score:5, Informative)
Re:If you're looking for more than Sierra game mus (Score:2, Interesting)
Actually, if you're really into the music from the Nintendo, Super Nintendo and other old console games, you really should check out Zophar's Domain [zophar.net].
You can download music rips from the actual games and download special players (many come in the form of a Winamp or even an XMMS plug-in :)
Re:If you're looking for more than Sierra game mus (Score:2)
Re:If you're looking for more than Sierra game mus (Score:2)
NovAurora used to have a ton of rips from PC games, mostly MP3s and MIDI. Unfortunately, the owner of the site shut down the server and sold the domain name.
Fortunately I snarfed the archive before it went away. Between that collection, other game music sites on the web, and things I've ripped myself I have about 2GB of game music.
Anyone want to volunteer a server to host it?
Re:If you're looking for more than Sierra game mus (Score:1)
I'm not quite sure if this is what you're looking for, but you can try Game Music.com [gamemusic.com] for some video game soundtracks. They have your typical Final Fantasy series, and well pretty much any music from Squaresoft [squaresoft.com] games. :)
They also seem to have non-RPG games soundtracks too.
Full disclosure (Score:1)
my $1.49...
Re:Full disclosure (Score:1)
Re:Full disclosure (Score:2)
And the slashback gets it wrong on smith, he's whingeing that news should be kept 'leet until the fixes are out there. How the hoi polloi are supposed to install fixes for bugs that they think don't affect them is beyond me, but, please "could have saved big companies a lot of money"???!!!! WTF!?!?!?!?! So we should keep information secret so that the big boys get their asses covered while admins of smaller sites get no information and get victimized? Fuck off and die, now, you brownosing crybaby.
And tell stileproject to read bugtraq. I saw the 'sploit, i verified that it worked, i upgraded my machine toot sweet even tho i don't run telnet. Boo hoo for them.
Re:Full disclosure (Score:1)
Full disclosure - the reason why. (Score:2, Insightful)
His argument basically boils down to "Security through Obscurity"; and anyone who has delt with security knows that this leads to no security at all.
Yes, there is "one hell of a price tag". Chalk it up to the hidden price tag of Windows.
What in the world do you expect of an architecture where blatant security flaws are deliberately ignored? What do you expect from a company which has publically stated that "security gets in the way"? And what do you expect from a company where the average time to release a security patch is about 60 days?
One expects problems - serious problems. And Smith's argument is an attempt to cover these problems up. This hinders how bad the situation really is. While some people might like to stick their head in the sand and not know the truth, this does not make our infrastructure stronger.
Quite frankly, given how insecure Microsofts' software has been historically, I would expect a strong attempt by them to try to do away with Full Disclosure. It is certainly a lot cheaper than having to fix the problems properly in the first place. While I would not accuse Mr. Smith of being a Microsoft shill, I would certainly say that he is misguided here.
Full Disclosure helps keep Microsoft honest. Anything less is an attempt to gloss over the fact that Windows is flawed; and that anyone who uses it has to pay an additional hidden tax due to its serious security flaws.
Please let us deal with the truth, and stick to the truth. Anything less is deceitful; nor will it stop experienced pros from exploiting the existing flaws. Lack of full disclosure will however, lull people into a false sense of security.
And as we have seen with the Code Red worm, the price of a false sense of security can be very expensive.
It was soooo old ... (Score:3, Informative)
Arcade Tones [emuunlim.com]
I'm not related to it, but it was the only place I could find the Megablast by Bomb the Bass from Xenon 2. Now all I need is someone to call me. Call, damnit!!
Re:It was soooo old ... (Score:1)
Steganography (Score:5, Informative)
The point is, this article and others have been doning some amazing work on provably good steganography and making some strides in really making stego fit to the information theory model in good ways.
A lot of the papers cited are less "practical" experiments in steganography but rather information theory which has similar issues. The two most interesting were "writing on dirty paper" and "capacity of memory with errors". These were all about similar problems in VERY different areas.
The great thing about theory is that it finds connections you'd never imagine.
If you want to talk about this, my email is dbentley at stanford (it's a university, guess what the TLD is)
Re:Steganography (is stegbreak useful?) (Score:1)
Since sd must report SOME false positives, any answer it gives you is pretty meaningless. The only way to be even slightly sure that someone is hiding data is to get enough positive matches on data from them that you can prove that it's unlikely for all of the positives to be false. Even then there may be some other factor, like photoshop effects that are causing false positives.
By the way, the original article had too many topics. Why mix a bunch of unrelated stuff together?
Rocky J Squirrel
Mod down the dumb irrelevent jokes! (Score:1)
What're all the filters that stop posts?
Rocky J Squirrel
Argument for Full Disclosure (Score:4, Insightful)
It becomes a double-edged sword, when you release a vulnerability, who will get to it first, the vendor or the crackers?
Scenario 1: Crackers take charge. OK, for the sake of argument, let's say eEye discovers a remote root in IIS. They release the vulnerability specifics, and as soon as they do so, a cracker creates an exploit, and before you know it, it's the hottest thing on Packetstorm. The attacks spread rampant, but by this time, Microsoft has gotten wind of the threat, and released a patch. Thousands of boxen are patched by admins who keep up with the news, however thousands remain unpatched, and many have been cracked. Over the course of a few months, things get ironed out, cracked boxes get fixed, security patch is propogated everywhere.
Scenario 2: The Secret Vulnerability The same vulnerability, discovered by eEye, instead of being released to the public, is released to Microsoft only. Microsoft creates a patch, and puts it on the internet. Few admins apply it, because there is no huge hype about a massive attack wave. This leaves a massive amount of servers open to attack. Then, out of the blue, a cracker discovers the same exploit, and writes the code to exploit it. Script kiddies everywhere are rooting IIS boxen. The threat spreads vigorously, all the while, MS claims plausibly deniability, because they already released a patch.
The Skinny: Why one is better The second scenario is somewhat similar to the CodeRed situation. MS released a patch for the bug long before the worm spread, and people never expected it. When the wave hit, many admins flocked to the MS update site, and patched their boxen. It uses the media to propogate information about the vulnerability.
This is why CodeRed spread so fast, because there were fewer patched boxes. If more boxes had been patched, the spread would be less severe.
The point I am trying to make here is that we must sacrifice a certain amount of servers to any given bug before it is eliminated. The patching-frenzy is triggered by the massive infection. Such a necessity for a patch must be created for it to be propogated fully.
I hope this is understandable, for I still may be an idiot, I have yet to confirm.
Re:Argument for Full Disclosure (Score:2, Informative)
eEye discovers a vulnerability and tells MS; then, assuming MS comes up with a patch in a timely manner, eEye and MS make the vulnerability and the patch public at the same time. The question is, do they release the full details of the hole, or just that it exists.
Don't forget scenarios 3 and 4. (Score:1)
Scenario 4: I'm an admin and I can't bring down my production servers because I'm unsure of how this new, untested patch might affect my systems. Thankfully, eEye or whomever has indicated mitigating factors and released a tool to test my machine for vulnerabilities. I remove the mappings and test my machine, reassuring myself that I'm safe from this.
I can see that you might not like "exploit" (proof of concept?) code, but for some folks (not just crackers), it's very, very valuable.
code red costs (Score:3, Funny)
So, let me see, that makes it about $2600 per computer - I never knew that McAfee Virus Shield had gone up in price so much.
Does Newsbytes have no fucking editor or what?
Re:code red costs (Score:2, Interesting)
Wouldn't their estimate also include (a) average hourly rate of administrators fixing the problem multiplied by average number of hours required to correct the problem, (b) productivity loss due to downtime of systems? We rely on our NT server at work pretty heavily (SourceSafe etc), when it goes down half of our programmers either can't work, or can work but in an impaired way that wastes quite a lot of time. And programmers aren't that cheap :) If you have twenty people getting paid 20$/hour, and they all can't work for two hours, thats $800 lost, not to mention that you're probably ending up further behind on a project that was already running late anyway. Another factor is that when the server is down, people often find it a convenient excuse to take a break. Yet another thing is that for many companies, it usually takes something like CR to get the management to realise that they *need* to spend money on things like antivirus software, and you need to have someone keeping the server patched etc. Management often think they're saving money here and there, until something like this happens. So some companies may end up hiring an administrator. And often, not only will an antivirus be installed on the server, but on everyone's systems (hmm .. this is pretty much what happened at our company a few weeks back with SirCam). Installing on everyones systems takes yet more time and money and productivity loss. And of course, you need meetings - you have to have one of those meetings where everyone is present, where everyone has explained to them (by managers who now think that all email attachments should be banned, because they don't understand the technology) the dangers of using email attachments, or running unmanaged web servers, how to keep their antivirus software up to date etc. Many companies are also probably going to go purchase firewall software now too, after CR. Heck, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the cost did approach $2600. I mean, if a large company with 500 desktops suddenly decides to install antivirus software on all 500 desktops just because their server was hit with CR, thats expensive. Professional firewall software can be very expensive too, as well as the training and time required by the administrator(s) to set up and install all the stuff.
Re:code red costs (Score:2, Insightful)
I guess the "how many dozen suits does it take to change a light bulb" applies to using web browsers and rebooting a server?
Re:how many idiots does it take... (Score:1)
And don't call me no Sig-less Wonder!
Re:how many idiots does it take... (Score:1)
FUD? Do you have a faint clue what that means? Since when did McAffee "seal a box up and prevent exploits" btw? It is a fscking antivirus that won't do anything to prevent future gaping holes in IIS or any other part of Windows 2000 from being exploited.
It isn't like someone that can't open Internet Explorer, click Tools > Windows Update and apply some patches that are making national news for two weeks is going to keep AV definitions up to date either. I wonder how your 'briliant' post didn't get modded '-1 Flamebait.'
Re:how many idiots does it take... (Score:1)
Eighth Wonder Of The World, But Nonetheless A
Re:code red costs (Score:3, Interesting)
You've got a server with an open, exploitable remote hole, and evidence that it's been advertising itself to the net as "exploitable server here!" in thousands of web logs.
If you just patch that server and go on with life, you're an idiot. You need to either do a full audit to make sure it's clean, or (far cheaper) rebuild the damn thing from a wiped HD. You don't know what somebody else has done on it.
This is especially true if it's Code Red II.
Correction to the above - KQ4 was first sound game (Score:1)
It response to some other messages, the Sound Blaster was predated by the Game Blaster, a.k.a. Creative Music System (I had one). As many people have pointed out, that card used crappy AM synthesis, and the Adlib sounded much better with FM synthesis. The Creative came out with the Sound Blaster, which emulated the Adlib, the CMS (initially at least, later optional), and had the DAC that permitted it to play recorded samples (anyone remember the
(Hello, my name is Dr. Sbaitso. I am here to help you. Please state whatever is on your mind freely. Our conversation will be kept in the strictest confidence. Memory contents will erased right after you leave. So, tell me about your problems.)
Space Quest III, released shortly after KQ4, was the first game to incorporate sound samples in it's design, although they were there unoficially - Sound Blaster support was added way AFTER the release. Play the game again, and during the intro sequence, when Roger wakes up, he states "Where am i?". When I heard that a few years after I pleayed the game I nearly flipped. I couldn't believe it had been there all along! Apparently Roberta Williams wasn't too thrilled the Space Quest guys had done so much more with the sound system than she had for KQ4, she said she didn't even know that was possible when she made her game.
Boy I feel old.
Terrorists using ebay to communicate in secret... (Score:4, Funny)
Hehe. Some people really have too much time/computing power to waste
I think it's a good thing that they haven't found anything yet, but not because I'm concerned about terrorists communicating over the Internet. Imagine some of the comments in the mainstream media: "Terrorists use Internet to send hidden messages to children!!" and "Popular Internet site taken over by terrorists!!". This would fit in nicely with senators learning about the dangers in things like file-sharing programs. Terrorists/pornographers/that sleazy guy across the road could be using Gnutella to communicate to other shady characters this very minute!
Re:Terrorists using ebay to communicate in secret. (Score:2, Interesting)
(Joke, joke, thank you Mr. Modstick)
I wonder how far into the ground they will bash Napster before giving up; perhaps they just don't want to have to admit that there are hundreds of other P2P networks out there, and that they cannot stop them all...
Re:Terrorists using ebay to communicate in secret. (Score:1)
Not paying attention could mean the death of your relationship. You can't be too attentive in a great relationship. Try slipping between these Satin sheets for a romantic rendezvous tonight.
I know "Satan" is misspelled, but hey, they're terrorists!
Re:Terrorists using ebay to communicate in secret. (Score:2)
Ouch! You better take that tounge out of your cheek!
Someone had to say it... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Someone had to say it... (Score:1)
Re:Someone had to say it... (Score:1)
Y'know, I disagree with you so vehemently that I'm gonna hafta... uh... go to a porn convention just to make sure I'm right.
Gameboy stream (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Gameboy stream (Score:1)
It was soooo old.. (Score:4, Funny)
And if you ever wanted to read one of those proposals you had to spread the cards out on your big-ol conference table-top and get way up on ladders to be able to read it all.. Yep.. Then some smart sumbitch invented the pneumatic chair which could get you up there to read the punchcards without the ladder.. yep. those were the days..
I think I'm gonna go down in the basment and bang on my altair..
Re:It was soooo old.. (Score:2)
Re:It was soooo old.. (Score:1)
Just some thoughts (Score:3, Interesting)
Does this mean... that if i dont go there with an internet browser, i "worked around" the patent ? Lets take Microsoft and their .NET software... If I'm not totally wrong here, the idea there is to provide these types of services. You run programs of the servers, and maybe pay per use. So, Microsoft just integrates a .NET browser, (instead of an internet browser), a client software that can search the MS.NET for .NET applications out there.
Or the open-source approach ? Use a peer2peer-style software. You start GnAppliTella, enter search for "word processor", and voila, you have a bunch of servers providing you with an online word processor. And.. since the patent seems to require some password authentication, what if you provide these online software services for free ?
What I'm trying to point out, is that this patent is only useful if you use an "internet browser". I dont really think the online future lies within the restrictions of a web browser of todays style. They are big, sometimes filled with advertisements, they crash, they have security flaws, etc etc etc. Perhaps this patent seems like a big deal right now, but my guess is that tomorrow will tell different.
Well.. (Score:2)
Re:Well.. (Score:2)
Patents like this one, they ought to take the costs of challenging them out of the salary for the idiot patent examiner who approved them. Unfortunately, he'd be in the hole for 10,000 years...
Re:Just some thoughts (Score:1)
I've posted all the details in a comment under the initial McAfee patent article, so I'm not going to repeat myself here, but check it out if you're curious.
Re:Browsers aren't all big and insecure (Score:2)
Re:Browsers aren't all big and insecure (Score:2)
Links is a text only web browser like Lynx but with a different feature set. See http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mikulas/links/ [mff.cuni.cz] for more details.
Re:Browsers aren't all big and insecure (Score:2)
Re:Retro Tunage... (Score:1)
Not only NES-era, but all sorts of game music, from NES (I don't believe there are any Atari 2600 remixes yet, but if there were, they would probably be unlistenable anyway) through PSX2 is represented.
If you're (in the plural sense) a musician, why not remix your favorite game tunage and submit it to OCR?
Back in those DOS days... (Score:2, Funny)
Perhaps like all things in PC gaming, the sound card only became a necessity because of Leisure Suit Larry and Wolfenstein 3D. You've either got to have it to hear sleazy softporn sounds or the screaming deaths of Nazis.
Re:Back in those DOS days... (Score:1)
Creative Labs became the de facto standard of sound cards by using the same marketing strategy that RedHat, MS and Heinz use.
Re:Back in those DOS days... (Score:1)
Same moment, different card. Gravis Ultrasound. Totally blew me the hell away. Plugged it into my stereo and cranked it the hell up and didn't get any sleep that night. Must've pissed off the neighbors. Fuck 'em, I didn't care!!!
a quick timeline (Score:3, Interesting)
Here is a quick sound timeline:
1987 AD-LIB soundcard released. Not widely supported until a software company, aito, released several games fully supporting AD-LIB - the word then spread how much the special sound effects and music enhanced the games. Adlib, a Canadian Company, had a virtual monopoly until 1989 when the SoundBlaster card was released.
1989 Release of Sound Blaster Card, by Creative Labs, its success was ensured by maintaining compatibility with the widely supported AD-LIB soundcard of 1987.
1989 World Wide Web invented by Tim Berners-Lee
1990 MPC (Multimedia PC) Level 1 specification published by a council of companies including Microsoft and Creative Labs. This specified the minimum standards for a Multimedia IBM PC. The MPC level 1 specification originally required a 80286/12 MHz PC, but this was later increased to a 80386SX/16 MHz computer as an 80286 was realised to be inadequate. It also required a CD-ROM drive capable of 150 KB/sec (single speed) and also of Audio CD output. Companies can, after paying a fee, use the MPC logo on their products.
1991 Linux is born
1992 Introduction of Windows 3.1
1992 Wolfenstein 3D released by Id Software Inc.
1992 Sound Blaster 16 ASP Introduced.
1993 MPC Level 2 specification introduced This was designed to allow playback of a 15 fps video in a window 320x240 pixels. The key difference is the requirement of a CD-ROM drive capable of 300KB/sec (double speed). Also with Level 2 is the requirement for products to be tested by the MPC council, making MPC Level 2 compatibility a stamp of certification.
1994 Doom II released - Command & Conquer released - Netscape 1.0 released - Linux Kernel. version 1.0 released
- - -
White House Selected Vegetables Coffee Mug [radiofreenation.com]
The real reason adlib lost... (Score:1)
The reason that SB took over and Adlib died is because it had no ability to play back sampled sounds. So, it could beep and bop all day with it's crappy synthesizer, the it couldn't play speech or sound effects.
The SB, however, emulated the adlib's synthesizer perfectly, was 5 or 10 bucks cheaper, and it could play back samples.
Of course, game developers jumped on this, and Adlib pulled a 3DFX:
By the time it released it's 2nd gen products, it was 6 months late to market, more expensive, and had fewer features. The SB16 had won.
And I still had an Adlib.
Re:Back in those DOS days... (Score:1)
The Roland was for people with lots of money to spend, the Adlib was for everyone else.
Remember the Adlib? 8bit card with FM synthesis?
It made better music than Creative Lab's predecessor to the Sound Blaster - Sound Master maybe?
It was an AM synthesis card and it sucked.
Early Sound Blasters contained the AM synthesis chips, which were optional on later models
since no one used them anyway.
The sound blaster was basically an Adlib card ripoff - with a single mono digital channel.
The DAC is what made the sound blaster stand out - now you could have REAL sound effects - not corny
effects made out of various FM noises.
Adlib fell behind since they couldn't do digital to analog - and they took WAY too long coming out with the Adlib Gold which could.
By then Sound Blaster was the new standard - the ol' embrace and extend strategy...
Sound Blaster really made people sit up and take notice when Prince of Persia was released - the first game I ever had with REAL sound.
Re:Back in those DOS days... (Score:1)
I remember at the time, the SB was like 3 boards in one: The Adlib, the GameBlaster, and the new one with the DAC. They were all different, unrelated chips.
Re:Back in those DOS days... (Score:2)
Just how did Creative Labs become the de facto standard of sound cards back in the days of DOS gaming?
Price, the Soundblaster was the best buy for the money. Few DOS games used sampled sounds since they took up so much space, rather they focused on MIDI music. To get the best quality music took a Roland MT32 or Sound Canvas which cost somewhere between $400 and $1000, a Soundblaster cost $130 and it could play and record audio samples. Unless you had money to burn or you were into computer music, it was the best choice.
AT&T Block blocking port 80 due to Code Red (Score:1, Informative)
Re:AT&T Block blocking port 80 due to Code Red (Score:1)
Re:AT&T Block blocking port 80 due to Code Red (Score:2)
Re:AT&T Block blocking port 80 due to Code Red (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:AT&T Block blocking port 80 due to Code Red (Score:1)
Re:AT&T Block blocking port 80 due to Code Red (Score:2)
In fact, I'm beginning to believe that the TOS should be enforced: no public servers on non-business broadband connections. Why? Because securing your computer is a serious job that is more than the @"lookie I've got a web site"Home user can/will handle.
Of course, I'm using my home system as a temporary back-up server (our main hosting service is experiencing trouble) while a new product gets demonstrated to potential investors/customers. I'm on an AT&T Broadband cable modem connection (fast enough for the demos) so when they filtered port 80 I reconfigured Apache to listen on 8081. No big deal. Oh, they also left 443 open, so those home users running ecommerce web apps at home (!) should have not even noticed the change. TOS? What TOS?
On second thought, restricting a whole class of Internet users to read-only violates the Internet Way. Toss the TOS.
Re:AT&T Block blocking port 80 due to Code Red (Score:1)
Sorry (Score:2)
The internet is about connecting computers, not about 'consumers' and 'servers'
Re:Sorry (Score:1)
With this I agree.
Game Music (Score:2, Informative)
Most of the later Squaresoft rpgs were released with full soundtracks, as well, most of which you can probably find on ebay.
First music comment (Score:1, Funny)
mmmmm (Score:1)
Hohohoh (Score:2, Funny)
Difficult to find enough machines:
Hiding communication (Score:5, Funny)
Edward Tufte would not be impressed.
-- Bob
Re:Hiding communication (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Hiding communication (Score:3, Funny)
No. That's called Wired Magazine [wired.com]. Though, these days, it is a bit of a stretch to call what they're hiding "information".
Re:Hohohoh (Score:1)
Code Red II ethics (Score:2)
Currently, I run a script "default.ida" that, when hit, logs into the attacker's back door and reboots his server.
What would be the ethics of making it do "deltree
Re:Code Red II ethics (Score:1)
Poor, you'd hit his content.
On the other hand, something like:
move \inetpub \inetpub.old
move \winnt \winnt.old
would be perfectly acceptable.
Re:Code Red II ethics (Score:2)
It's been pointed out to me, however, that just killing inetpub would probably cause them to just recover it from a backup and go on.
Our discussion degenerated from there into the possibility of overwriting their bootsector with a RedHat FTP auto-install image, then rebooting...
Re:Code Red II ethics (Score:1)
Deltree /y /winnt
Re:Code Red II ethics (Score:2)
lynx -source http://ip.address.of.moron/scripts/root.exe?/c+de
Now, patch your fucking servers, because the whole world is gonna know how to do this soon...
Re:Code Red II ethics (Score:2)
However, he has apparantly dropped off the net, so perhaps somebody took you up on that.
JPEGs (Score:4, Funny)
2 million jpegs? He's got my collection beat.
Re:JPEGs (Score:3, Funny)
Re:JPEGs (Score:2)
Re:JPEGs (Score:1)
Re:JPEGs (Score:3, Funny)
So when he was complaining about the "hidden bits" in the photos, he was talking about steganography? Silly me...
Hackwatch (Score:4, Informative)
Odd for me to have seen much of the bones of his story already discussed at length in The Register [theregister.co.uk], on the day before McWilliam's posted his Newsbytes contribution.
Still; I'm sure the slashdot effect will please his employers & increase his marketability.
Here, meanwhile, is what TheReg [theregister.co.uk] thinks of mcWilliams and his half-assed understanding of things technical.
I always did like Quest Studios. (Score:1)
I grew up playing Sierra games, and Mark Siebert et al. have given me a lot of inspiration for what I write, as well. Hours listening to looping midi themes really give you a taste for how to fit a mobius track together. I'm still glad somebody is keeping alive all the music I loved. I even bought the CD, some of us actually think it's worth a little money to hear it again as it was intended... Rolands weren't cheap then, and they aren't cheap now.
Re:Please /. and troll these guys - they screwed m (Score:1)
less use of bold text
less use the the caps lock key
What is this, advice for a Slashdot editor?