Comment Re:Impact on voters (Score 1) 165
Goodness, you're right. Let's also ease up on organised crime for the same reasons, eh?
Goodness, you're right. Let's also ease up on organised crime for the same reasons, eh?
Among the best comments I've ever read on Slashdot.
Your claim is provably wrong in just a few minutes' worth of Googling. I would say that *most* basketball aficionados explicitly criticize players and others when they discuss the sport. Same with most other sports. What planet are you on?
In any case, doesn't your claim mean that you yourself cannot criticize the original poster? After all, to do so would mean that you yourself must participate in that activity also.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
This story is well over a year old. There's absolutely nothing new here.
No that was the Nvidia drivers.
Or are they gonna go Dutch?
The sentence will be stoning to death.
It's always good to see law enforcement working together in a joint investigation.
Headline by Yoda written it is.
And who is British-Australian?
It means he whinges but he has a tan.
most American TV viewers really did not care at about it
Most TV viewers are not American.
I'm getting a little sick of Schneier's post hoc, benefit of hindsight finger-wagging. Where was he when all this was going down? He was watching it on TV like most of the rest of us. Of course his theory fits the facts now that the worst has passed. What sticks in my craw is that he supplies these obvious solutions after the fact, then tut-tuts us all for not having seen his brilliance in the first place. How many of his precious, self-advertising blog posts on this topic were made while the events were in progress? One, and it was to advertise some things he'd written. He has nothing practical or helpful to say on these matters, only self-evident, if-only-you-knew advice long after everything has been laid out by others. Sure, now that we know it was probably just two guys with a screw loose, we can marvel at how afraid we were and how reclusive we became. But at the time, nobody knew what was going on. Oh, except Schneier, eh?
Hear hear! I'll also be fucked by a pineapple!
Domain name squatting was around before Google Adsense. If you don't like Google, just say. But don't blame them for domain squatting.
Now THAT'S a useful and interesting review. I'd definitely mod up if I had the points.
> It's a really pleasant cage but it's still a cage.
Do you ever lock the doors to your house?
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.