Mike Nelson's Movie Megacheese 70
Laith writes "Former Mystery Science Theater 3000 writer and Satellite of Love castaway Michael J. Nelson has a new book out,'Mike Nelson's Movie Megacheese' in which he applies the same rapier wit to big-bucks Hollywood as the MST3K crew did to low-budget bombs. A story on it can be found at the Providence Journal."
Looked hrough it. (Score:1)
Mike Nelson lives in his own little world with his robot friends (designed by Joel...). Hazzah!
Even the samurai
have teddy bears,
and even the teddy bears
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
A little too negative... (Score:1)
Some funny stuff, for sure, but probably more enjoyable little pieces at a time.
Red Dwarf, and, The Young Ones, (Score:1)
Re:Oh Gawd, the ProJo (Score:1)
Re:Has to be said... (Score:1)
i always found that the only MST3K's worth watching were the ones with joel (this, of course does not include the hilarious movie). He always had that quiet idiot-esque feel to him. I'm kinda sorry that Joel has been thrown out of the loop, so to speak. Personally, i say give credit where credit is due.
After 16 years, MTV has finally completed its deevolution into the shiny things network
Re:This is wit? (Score:1)
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
Re:Give Colossus I it's propers. (Score:1)
Re:Oh Gawd, the ProJo (Score:1)
Buddy, Buddy, Buddy! A while back they did a city audit. Missing: One building crane, 3 trucks, and something like 40 manhole covers. Manhole covers? A local politician get convicted. His crime? His used car dealership was turning back odometers! How cliche! Another politician changes his name by adding A to the last name so that we would be listed 1st on the ballot. An opponent does the same. The 1st guy then changes it to a little A. He wins. The Providence police once had a raid on a whore house. The walked to it as it was next door to the Police station. A few cops got caught up in the raid. In the pre-Revolution days, the "import" businessmen met at a tavern, got drunk and decided to burn the damn Brit ship (Gaspee), thereby striking a blow for freedom.
Gawd I miss RI.:-) The people of RI are great once they get to know you; then you are like family. RI is a laugh a minute and I did like living there (10 yrs). But I do not back down on one thing. RI drivers are "interesting".
Re:IF YOU EVER... (Score:1)
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
I call it the worst modern movie I've seen.
A space shuttle with a f*cking gun on the top when it costs $100,000 to lift a pound into space?
Don't rely on the bots (WAS: re: if only...) (Score:1)
> watching "Independence Day" was how it was
> crying out for MST3King
If you go to a lousy movie, be it ID4 or a DePalma flick, don't rely on Crow and Servo to save you. Sometimes you have to take measures into your own hands. Just because you're in the theater, surrounded by others who paid for their tickets, do not assume that they like the movie any more than you do. So riff. Your fellow movie-goers will thank you for it.
Re:This and the 'video disinformation' bit. Novel. (Score:1)
Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:4)
I'd love to hear what kind of comments that Mike, Crow, and Tom would dish out to films such as "Independence Day" or "Mission to Mars." Even a good movie, or a movie with a lot of fans, could probably benefit from a good chewing out by Mike and his robots.
What MST3k really did was squeeze the entertainment value out of even the worst of films. Films so bad that they make Jar Jar seem like the coolest character ever. What else could make these movies watchable?
Mike, I salute you.
Agreed. (Score:1)
Alas, tripe.
Oh well there's still OMM.
Re:What we really need is... (Score:1)
the MST3k DVDs have the MST3k episode
then the movie in its entirety on commented upon
unfortunately they don't have Mitchell yet
Referential Humor requires a decent pop culture IQ (Score:1)
I know this sounds pretentious, but the humor is largely referential, and most of it relates to pop culture from the 60's on to the 90's. A bulk of the jokes will fly over my head, but the ones that hit are absolutely gold. Mostly because they are very subtle, and will not try to beat the jokes to death by trying to explain them.
I also suggest watching the Joel Hodgson episodes (Comedy Central), as opposed to the Mike Nelson episodes (Sci-Fi Channel), since the older episodes had more classically bad movies like all the Godzilla/Gamera stuff and a lot of the Ed Wood movies (Plan 9 from Outer Space).
Also don't forget to view the all-time best episode: "Manos" Hands of Fate. The ending scene with the Torgo Pizza Delivery Service still cracks me up even after my 8th viewing!
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
Re:This is wit? (Score:2)
In defense of the show, many fans (myself included) felt that the general level of wit (yes, there was some, once upon a time) and the modicum of intelligent humor that the show displayed just tanked after the departure of creator Joel Hodgeson (sp?). Mike Nelson didn't show nearly the sense of timing or have nearly as effective a delivery as Joel's droll, offhanded lines; the show's writing suffered similarly although whether by coincidence or by his hand is an exercise left to the reader and individual fan.
Slashdot Scooped again... (Score:1)
Give Colossus I it's propers. (Score:1)
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
"Are you the female of your species..or the male?" (Score:1)
Giant nerf hammer wit (Score:1)
When I finally watched it, I was really primed, but
I certainly hope I just caught them on a bad day...
Oh Gawd, the ProJo (Score:1)
RI a state whose capital of Providence has a mayor (Cianci) who once had to leave office because he kidnapped and beat up his ex-wife's lover. The ProJo once published a picture (on the front page) of the State's Chief Justice zipping up his pants as he was leaving a motel. RI, a state with the fine cities of Pawtucket and Cranston (Ever here a person from Cranson say, I need a fork? ROFLMAO). Honest to God, the RI multiple choice written test for your driver's licence had "Honk your horn, proceed with caution" as an answer for all of their questions. Ahh yes, the RI slide, right turn from the left lane.
RI, the thirteenth of the original states. The last because they didn't want to give up a major source of income, smuggling.
A school in RI sent me a brochure saying, "And the beaches in RI are excellent". Yo! Dudes! I'm from Hawaii, your beaches suck. Well you do have Moonstone beach.
RI, a state that gave us the Farrelly brothers. Do you know what the inspiration for Dumb and Dumber was?
Providence, the site of a sappy chick flick TV show.
Have a Gansett neighbor!
What we really need is... (Score:1)
I don't want to read a book about how sorry a movie is... I want MST3k dissing it in real time. In a book if you haven't seen the movie... well you're not gonna get it.
James Crawford
You've heard of straight to video... (Score:2)
Mystery Science Theater (Score:1)
Re:What we really need is... (Score:3)
What they need to do is take advantage of the multiple audio tracks on DVDs to let the MST3K crew have a crack at it. Take some stink-bomb (like "Mission To Mars") that only did what it did at the box office on sheer inertia. Do the full treatment on it for the people who want to see it straight. Maybe even have a commentary track from the director and stars offering their excuses for the film. The real enjoyment would be on the MST3K audio. They could even do like the Ghostbusters DVD, using the graphic overlay ability to put the silouettes in front. It might be able to sell the otherwise unsellable.
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
This and the 'video disinformation' bit. Novel. (Score:2)
Re:This is wit? (Score:1)
But there are cool american comedy shows out there. David Lynch & Mark Frost's (Yeah, the Twin peaks guys!) - "On the air [imdb.com]", for example. Too bad most ppl never understood (or liked?) the humor.
"I'm surfin the dead zone
Ooops (Score:1)
Me thinks "target" didn't work out very well.
"I'm surfin the dead zone
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:2)
"news folks will become increasingly vigilant" (Score:1)
we could trust their vigilance. But look at
Joey has suckered nationwide TV news shows, over
and over, for decades. Joey says it's not getting
harder. When he was showing CNN his "legal
supercomputer" that had "judged O.J. Simpson was
guilty", one of the cameramen said something
like "Hey, haven't I been here before? Something
about fish condos?" But the anchorman didn't
notice and didn't check. And that's typical.
"New book out"??? (Score:1)
Still, in light of the "50 least influential movies list" (or whatever) it might be worth a look.
Has to be said... (Score:2)
Re: Your proposal. . . (Score:1)
Okay, okay, it's flaimbait. I promise to do fifty "hail Linus"'es as penance.
Re:Has to be said... (Score:1)
Don't get me wrong, the show is still good (thanks to Cambot, Gypsie, Tom Servo and Crow) but it has lost some of the punch that Joel put into it.
Anyone seen any of Joel's stand-up? Great stuff!
Remember, people, (Score:1)
Fractured Flickers (Score:1)
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
Amusingly, I saw the latex model of the alien at a showing of the "Special Effects" IMAX movie, and it was more lifelike than it looked in the movie.
Home Theater Magazine (Score:2)
I'm glad to hear they're keeping busy. . . (Score:3)
I would go so far as to say that jokes like those really defined the series: Not everyone is going to appreciate a guy and two robots mocking such Hollywood classics as "The Pod People" and "Gammurah." Some people will sit down, watch an episode, and demand those two hours of their life back. But those who did enjoy it enjoyed it immensely.
Before I go watch "The Chicken of Tomorrow" for the bajillionth time, let me leave you with a thought that both fans and critics can agree with: As long as these guys are mocking movies, they aren't peddling drugs in your neighborhood.
Re:Oh Gawd, the ProJo (Score:1)
Cripes, man, I'm from South County and I *MOVED TO* Cranston. Guido City. Trust me on this, Where else can you go to an Italian Catholic feast nearly every weekend, depending on which society is throwing one? I love it here. Every where else seems to be bland in comparison.
I LOVE the Providence Renaissance. Dave Brussat is my GOD (Ever see Mississauga, Ontario? If you're looking for a vat of fermenting Modern Architecture, that's the place to be. It's butt ugly.)
As for the smuggling bit, to you honestly think it ended when we signed up with the other 12 states? How do you think Brown University was funded?? The answer? There are TWO WORDS; they both begin with an S.
I think RI is the only place in the WORLD that has made Politics into the Spectator Sport that It Is. Even CANADIANS cannot outdo us!
Gimme Caesar Cianci over Jean Cretien.
He's an asshole, but he's the best cheerleader Providence has ever had.
You wanna leave? Go to Boston? Seattle? Denver? San Fran? NYC? Toronto? Do you seriously want to spend $500K for a Cape in the BAD part of town?
They're all "better" but try "living" in them (with the exception of Toronto, I would give all of em a "thumbs down" on livability).
[End Flamebait]
Anyway, back to On Topic....
I want to see a MST3K fest at the Avon. Joel And The Robots on the East Side.
MST3K saved me precious time (Score:1)
I used to spend hours watching B-movies and being witty about them, and nowadays all I have to do is watch someone else do it. Its great. I have a whole new lease of life
I genuinely love MST tho, its great.
Re:This is wit? (Score:1)
On the other hand, its not likely they'll ever really desire to rebroadcast them, anyway. They've indicated a degree of public embarrassment over their earliest work (including the KTMA-broadcast episodes and the first Comedy Central season) and have tended to release them only kicking and screaming (only two or three season one CC episodes have been publicly released, either on video or over the air, since 1994).
Re:This is wit? (Score:1)
A number of other contributors left the show shortly after Joel's departure. Frank Conniff (TV's Frank) left at the end of season 6, and Trace Beaulieu (Dr. Forrester and the original voice of Crow) left in the gap between the last Comedy Central season (season 7) and the first Sci-Fi Channel season (season 8). I didn't really notice much of a difference, and tended to enjoy the later episodes just as much as the earlier ones (in many cases more so), but a lot of people do complain.
As for Nelson's acting skills, I've always considered him better for the show than Hodgson, as much as I admire Joel. Particularly as the show dragged on, Hodgson tended to have a vaguely condescending air, and in many cases it seemed he treated the show like a bit too much of a bore. Mike brought a fresher taste to the show. I tend to think that a lot of the complaints he recieves have more to do with the changed dynamic of the cast (as was previously mentioned, Mike had more of a "best-friend" relationship with the bots, whereas Joel's relationship was more fatherly), and an inability to adapt to it, than any real lack of skill on Nelson's part.
In any case, his acting skills probably wouldn't affect a written book, anyway. So it's a bit of a moot point.
Re:This and the 'video disinformation' bit. Novel. (Score:1)
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
Other MST3K Alumnus Info (Score:3)
The brainchild of Kevin Murphy, Mike Nelson, Paul Chaplin, Bill Corbett, and Patrick Brantseg.
A great website that features a few articles from Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, Mary Jo Pehl, and Paul Chaplin.
Jim and Joel Hodgson's home page, where they showcase some of the projects they have worked on over the years.
Hope you find this helpful! Now I have to go and finish watching Episode 210: King Dinosaur.
Brain going to explode..... (Score:1)
Although I did like the ProJo radio adds that used appletalk voices for robots looking for work...
12 Out of 13 Posts Below +1 (Score:1)
Re:Has to be said... (Score:1)
This guy is silly. (Score:1)
"We recently sort of came to the conclusion at the same time that we're not all that thrilled with the Internet," Nelson says.
Different strokes I spose, but I think I'll get my movie reviews from someone who's a little more thrilled by the Internet!
Mr Cranky (Score:2)
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
I found it very amusing.
It us understandable to be surly sometimes.
Re:Ah, if only MST3k did major movies... (Score:1)
test (Score:2)
Re:This is wit? (Score:1)
Give me a break. What exactly does that prove?
Re:This is wit? (Score:1)
Re:Fractured Flickers (Score:1)
It's quite funny and stuff.
Crow (Score:2)
And Bill as Crow is not and could never be as good as Trace.
(BTW, my license plate is SERVO. No sh1t.)
The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
The Filthy Critic (Score:1)
One of my favorite review sites is The Filthy Critic [bigempire.com]. Go look through the archives and find the reviews that got one or two fingers, they are the best reads; I know everyone here would enjoy his Mission to Mars review from a while back
The Editing Room is the best for this.... (Score:1)
I found this site from a slashdot Quickie a year ago. It rules. It just completely rules.
Re:"New book out"??? (Score:1)
I bought this book from the bargain rack at Barnes & Noble over a month ago. It mostly contains reviews that were written prior to 1998.
It's not even close to being a "new book".
Re:What we really need is... (Score:1)
Re:This is wit? (Score:1)
Mmmmitchell! (Score:1)
Megaweapon! Megaweapon! Make it slooooooww!
It also helps if you've seen a lot of movies and TV shows - otherwise some of the references can sound kinda stupid.