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Quickies Rock! 86

Phexro extended our congratulations to Bruce and Valerie on the birth of Bruce 2.0, otherwise known as Stanley Charles Perens. this is jimmy asked us all to compete in the great Beltsander Races. Need to send crazy Aunt JoAnne some E-mail? Try something from the Great Spam Archive, sent in by Jones. Nezumi-chan wasn't the only one to write in with this one, but all I can say is Oh, yes. ahaning wrote in to tell us about the Obsolete Computer Museum. Want something to plug them into? blizzard shared Electricity from Giant Artichokes. Also, check out the Ultracade, which is cool unless you're a video game purist like me. Dropkick wrote in about a cyber-riffic washing machine. Last but not least, Penguin_99 writes in about cool photos from Galileo. That's it, folks. Thanks to AfterY2K for the title inspiration.
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Quickies Rock!

Comments Filter:
  • Hmmm - How does the quote go - "give me the boy, and I'll give you the man"

    Folks, , in 20 years time, we could be looking at someone even more fervent than RMS. Scary

  • So that's why Bruce Perens has been spending so much more time on Slashdot lately...

    I hope I'm the first one to say: Congratulations Bruce.


  • None of those old machines are obsolete! Can anyone say BEOWULF CLUSTER!?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    What happened to that capital-L-lame story about "video games we hope we don't see" written by some dumb chick who wouldn't know a video game if NESTicle bit her on the ass?

    Maybe it was so lame it was pulled? Rightly so, but FOR SHAME!!!! CENSORSHIP!!!!
  • Hey!
    The Atari Portfolio [] is not obsolete! Thats serving my web site [] right now.

    Oh. Ok.. thats BS. I only wish it was doing something other than sitting on my shelf. Any one want a used Portfolio? I've got the smart parallel port adapter and two 64k memory cards.. Its very cool..
  • Reboot - marvellous! Can't wait for the movies.

    Now why doesn't Galaxy bookshop, or my local video rental place have any? They have all sorts of other crappier TV shows.

    Does anyone know a source for these in Oz? Or at least somewhere that does PAL video, not NTSC...

  • Yes well you go knock yourself out builing a beowulf of C64's and Amiga 500's. You might just get a whole 10 MHz of processing power and a MB or two of RAM. Whoa I think the DOJ is gonna be after you for weilding such power!

    Use your old C64 for electronics projects. Other than that though, these really are useless. But any computer today can be rendered useless by installing Windows >:)

  • by / ( 33804 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2000 @03:15PM (#1095825)
    Phexro extended our congratulations to Bruce and Valerie on the birth of Bruce 2.0, otherwise known as Stanley Charles Perens.

    You know open-source has hit the big time when we start seeing mergers within the industry. :-)
  • I'm much more impressed by the new developments in cyberdefecation [].

    - Michael Cohn
  • by quonsar ( 61695 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2000 @03:18PM (#1095827) Homepage

    An Irish scheme to burn cannabis as a fuel foundered last year because of it was considered too expensive compared with wind-power projects.

    WTO stepped in and shut it down. So many of my Irish brethren sought and obtained licenses to produce electricity, WTO feared there would be a worldwide glut leading to the weakening of the utility monopolies.

    "Rex unto my cleeb, and thou shalt have everlasting blort." - Zorp 3:16

  • by SMN ( 33356 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2000 @03:18PM (#1095828)
    Ha - only 4,784 spam mails since October 1997? In over two and a half years? Heck, I get more than that in two and a half WEEKS!
  • This is quite weird, I went through all links and did not find anything about GNU/Linux.
  • Congrats on having a healthy baby. Hope you can still squeeze in some time to continue doing your good work and advocacy. Your baby shares my brother's birthdate, too !

  • new reboot epidoses: Yet Another Story Reposted On Slashdot: html
  • by Kris_J ( 10111 )
    Ultracade needs flash - that was a pointless trip. How about a "(needs flash)" warning to save us the effort?
  • Can I be the Second?
    No, that would make the post redundant! Damn....


  • "An Irish scheme to burn cannabis as a fuel..."

    And just how does that work? Cannabis fuel? Heat your house with cannabis? Um, well, I guess after I smoke one too many bowls i do feel a bit hotter... but that's probably from freaking out to electronica songs.

    This plant is surely magic >:)

  • I OBJECT to the Amiga being classified as obsolete!

    I know for a fact that Time Warner Wisconsincable (which sucks) has one running the old-style "TV Guide Channel" channel in the Milwaukee area. (but they still suck)

    How do I know this?

    One day I was channel surfing and came upon a channel (which turned out to be the aforementioned TV Guide channel) displaying the Amiga boot screen and asking for an infinite number of disks!!!

    (I guess -- I never got to use an Amiga, which is B.S., but I guess the boot screen if you don't have the boot disk inserted shows an infinite nummber of disks going into a disk drive and not coming back out.)

    P.S. For some reason we didn't lose our ABC station. Go figure.
  • by jfortier ( 141983 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2000 @03:29PM (#1095836)
    Here I thought the quickies were refering to Bruce Perens 2.0. Then I saw all the other stuff :) Time to remove the mind from the sewage conducting device.
  • So? Flash works great in linux.... and just about any other OS... (well, i'm not sure about BeOS...)

    really, flash is groovy
  • Does anybody else think it's weird that the Giant Artichokes as Fuel article talks about an Irish plan to burn cannabis as fuel? Interesting that they refer to it as a "scheme".
  • I see that all the time at our local cable community stations. The most common ones are, as you said, the screen asking for a boot disk, OR you just get a plain WorkBench screen.

    There also have been sightings of the Windows 95 channel, default install. Wish I could just catch them in the act of setting things up. I'd be captivated for hours.

    Better yet, if they ran PC Anywhere, you can watch(as well as your other subscribers) you goof off on the computer in real time!
  • I actually caught them restting the channel once - on an Amiga - in Tallahassee, FL.
  • by the_other_one ( 178565 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2000 @03:42PM (#1095841) Homepage
    Wife is comming home 1day early.
    Quick, wash the bed sheets
    and that blue dress with the stain.

  • Except it only works in Netscape 4 and not Mozilla, nor any other web browser (lynx, amaya, w3, w3m, or gzilla, or any others except Konqueror). Really, I wouldn't mind it much, except it's the ONLY way to navigate the site. Let's hear it for shitty designers.

  • The local cable for Baltimore has one of those classified ad channels (mostly just badly rendered images with muzak), which runs on some version of windows. One night, there was a blank screen with a error message saying, "Error: CDROM not available". I guess someone forgot to change the CD for that night.

    The Univerity of Maryland College Park also had a cable channel that just showed a Mac desktop (don't know what version), with nothing moving, no changes or mouse movments, 24 hours a day, for a couple of months. Once in a while I would go to the library to watch it for no reason. I'm guessing it was some project that was never finished.

    There's also a bar near here that uses WIN95 to operate the cash register, using a touch screen. Of course, it got BSOD, so the manager had to come down, hit the reset button and leave. Twice.

  • "Cannabis fuel?"

    The Cannabis plant puts out alot of heat when it is burned, so I guess it could make a good fuel source. There was something on TV that showed the DEA buring tons of pot in a large metal tank. The odd thing is that they had to spray the top of the tank with water/ice so the tank won't melt.

  • I dunno about the utility monopolies (I work for one, and I'm sure we'd love to have some freedom from coal-fired powerstations), but a big problem with cannabis it that it's really hard on the soil it grows in - extracts all the nutrients and leaves nothing for the other kids.

    So, you'd better consider that before planting it in your garden. (for home heating, of course :-)

  • Interesting that they refer to it as a "scheme".

    Not really. Note that the story is from Reuters, a UK-based news service. The word scheme, in British usage, doesn't have the negative connotations that it does in American usage -- to them, the word is synonymous with plan.
  • C64's are good for more than controlling steppers and for cheesy D/A!! I worked with a guy that used one daily to interface to nearly everything.. I saw him use for everything; Dumb terminal, console on a SGI, keyboard for a mini, multimeter, low freq scope, Starlan test tool..

    If it's got a plug on it, all you need is a breadboard and a C64 and you can talk to it.

  • Unless you're planning to "go legit" (put your arcade machine in a public place and start charging people for real) don't waste your money on Ultracade.

    ArcadePC [] is where it's at. Granted, after you add a sufficient computer to the ArcadePC it will probably cost nearly as much as Ultracade, but you won't be locked into buying stupid "game packs" since ArcadePC works with emulators. So the more games MAME [] supports, the more games your cabinet does.

  • But I seriously doubt that it puts out any more heat than an average plant when burned. Why not burn something useless like tobacco? To me this seems like an atrocity and overall just a waste of buds.

    Besides, you know that there's gonna be kids inhaling the smoke coming from it (how's that for a "power plant"?) which will probably also contain worse things, such as toxic gas fumes.

  • I will agree to emmett's "Oh,yes" and raise you a "Hell Yeah!" ReBoot Rocks!
  • I've got a Compaq luggable in my bedroom. I've got a Commodore 64 in my basement. And I might be able to dig up an original Tandy CoCo given enough time.

    I've also got a desktop 386, two 486/33s, and a Sun 4/110. Unfortunately, I sold my AST 286 and Amiga 1000. I don't know what happened to my NCR 386DX/16 (yes, a 386DX/16!), Laser 128, or Vic 20.

    I want to start my own museum. :)
  • []

    hey, i always thought of emulation pages as an "obsolete computer museum" :)
    seems like a pretty damn complete list to me, even if the focus is on gaming machines. and i will take ANY day being able to RUN the obsolete computer over looking at pictures of them..
    seriously, they have just about every old machine ever made, or about half of them anyway, represented there. Fascinating to look at these things, run them, and realize people--many of whom are reading this discussion right now-- actually USED them to DO things. and they're pieces of crap! :) [braces himself for hundreds of flames from angered PDP and C64 zealots]

    this page in question is for us mac users only, but you get my point.. perhaps some kind person in the audience would post some emulation resources pointing to emulators that run on wintel or whatever flavors of *n?x you like.

    oh and as long on we're on the subject i suppose you ought to look at []
    for those of us who find programming languages as interesting as computers..
  • No, the kid was just typecasted to the parent of the same class. This is fair because then a girl would be "Valerie 2.0".

    Or, perhaps someone was trying to say "Bruce's kid", in a geeky sort of way. I think that's what Linus was saying here [].

    However, abandoning common sense and continuing on with an alternate interpretation of the can of worms you insisted on creating where there was none before...

    Using multiple inheritance and polymorphism correctly is bad enough in C++, and hyphenated names are kludgey in English, and I don't think the populace is ready for the gender-bending implications if the kid were Bruce-Valerie-2.0, possibly with both genders and other conflicts.

    Basically, typecasting is incompatible with political-correctness, which just goes to show that programming languages are direct, to-the-point, and don't care about those wussy Humanities issues of fairness, children with more than one parent, or the English language.
    pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
  • One day I was channel surfing and came upon a channel (which turned out to be the aforementioned TV Guide channel) displaying the Amiga boot screen and asking for an infinite number of disks!!!

    Years ago I had seen the local TV listings channel show "Please insert disk in DF0:". DF0: is the first floopy drive on an Amiga. This was actually an odd message, because the Amiga usually asks for a disk in "any drive". This message was also done as an "alert", not as a "requestor", so it was some weird thing in their software, not the system doing it. ("alerts" are a blinking red or orange box that appears at the top of the display, while "requestors" are on a window)

    Another time, on the same channel, I actually saw a Guru Meditation. I wonder what people who had never heard of a Guru meditation thought of that.
  • We have the Windows channel here in Detroit every Saturday night. AT&T does their 'Real Estate' channel in Powerpoint 97. Powerpoint runs out of memory every Saturday sometime between 5:45 and 6:15.. Fifty minutes later, Dr. Watson comes on the scene and kicks its ass.

    Since they reboot the machine manually once a day at 5 am throughout the week, I can confidently say the maximum functional uptime of a NT box running Powerpoint is 37 hours.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • abandoning common sense and continuing on with an alternate interpretation of the can of worms you insisted on creating where there was none before...

    Just because your particular set of biases doesn't cause you to see a problem with a situation, that doesn't mean that there isn't a problem. In fact, the biggest problem here is that people like you don't even think there is one. It's precisely that your particular set of biases condition you to not see a problem.

    Or, perhaps someone was trying to say "Bruce's kid", in a geeky sort of way.

    Yeah, which is my point entirely. Thinking of the child just as "Bruce's kid" is where the problem lies, and where the greater problem stems from.

    Basically, typecasting is incompatible with political-correctness, which just goes to show that programming languages are direct, to-the-point, and don't care about those wussy Humanities issues of fairness, children with more than one parent, or the English language.

    First, you've failed to show how any claims you make about computer programming languages are at all substantiated. The issue here is program naming, not programming languages themselves. The fact that Bruce or Linus could think that they could apply program-naming terms to children without problems, and the fact that they do so without compunctions is a symptom of the larger problem of sexism.

  • But, officer, I was going to burn it. Honest!

  • Once in a while I see the screen asking for amiga dos disk with the cursor in the upper right corner. Its the type of channel that spews useless information for years, like phone numbers for the school district, etc etc.
  • An Irish scheme to burn cannabis as a fuel foundered last year because of it was considered too expensive compared with wind-power projects.

    Too expensive? They could have offset the cost easily. There's a lot of people who are willing to pay large amounts of money to live downwind of such a power plant.

  • You know, this was funny. I was amused. I loved "The Wizard of OS." *BUT*, most importantly, this just isn't the place for these things. Most people don't even see them since they get modded down--rightfully so--soon after they get posted. The only reaon I ever see them is that I always browse at -1 because I very rarely, but sometimes do, get moderator points and feel some odd responsibility to browse that low.

    Trolls, there are maybe ten people a day who actually see your long Portman-related ramblings, and pay any attention. Most never even see them. It's a waste of your time, and the time of everyone here at /.

    Now, as for the Slashdot community, here's an odd idea. Why not, ladies and gentlemen, have a special area for trolls and would-be comedians? You know, a little link in the listing to the left on the main page, with a designated place to troll/perform Open Source stand-up. Trolls are here for attention and to try to be appreciated for their sense of humor, as well as to annoy people. If there were a designated "trolling-place," people who want a little comic relief or to get into flame-wars could click over and have a little fun, and many trolls would gladly go over there where people could actually read their stuff (they don't usually read it here since it quickly gets down-modded). Some would stay here to be annoying, but most would instead post in a place where their skills would be appreciated. After all, consider the alt.flame type groups on USENET--there's a sense of pride in places like that where people appreciate the ancient skills of trolling and flaming, whereas on the main pages of Slashdot the trolling and flamebait isn't appreciated. So, it has to be a disappointment all around.

    Personally, I think this would be a productive idea if the good Commander and the powers that be would consider trying it on a trial basis. Just my two cents, fellas, no harm intended...
  • by Siva ( 6132 ) on Tuesday May 02, 2000 @05:44PM (#1095862) Homepage Journal
    this site was posted on slashdot like about a year ago. it has pictures and basic specs on many old-school machines. they also have separate sections devoted to video game hardware and scans of old computer ads. []


    Keyboard not found.
  • Only in a Quickies topic would a link to JeffK's "Wacky Fun Computar Comic Jokes" be ALMOST on-topic. =)

    Wacky Fun Computar Comic Jokes []

    Pablo Nevares, "the freshmaker".
  • Sorry, even if it was meant as a joke, that doesn't make it better. A joke that's humor is derived from something racist, let's say, would not make it any less racist than the underlying things which it was written to convey.
  • Yeah, which is my point entirely. Thinking of the child just as "Bruce's kid" is where the problem lies, and where the greater problem stems from. (snip) The fact that Bruce or Linus could think that they could apply program-naming terms to children without problems, and the fact that they do so without compunctions is a symptom of the larger problem of sexism.

    Bollocks. This is all about the culture of celebrity, not sexism. The concept of Bruce's kid comes up because Bruce is a celebrity, and Valerie is not. People also talk about Madonna's child - this is not sexism, just the fact Madonna is a celeb. If Valerie was the famous partner rather than Bruce, Valerie 2.0 could just as easily have come up as a phrase. You can imagine Madonna's child being referred to as Madonna II - this wouldn't be sexist, just the fact the Madonna is far more interesting (by celebrity/media standards) than her partner(s).

    And applying programming terms to children as sexist - don't be stupid. It may be depersonalising, and inappropriate, but claiming that it's sexist is just plain wrong (although programming terms could be applied in a sexist way, just like any other terms). The application of programming terms to children is something that people of either sex can do to children of either sex (and almost certainly do - at least one female geek out there will have referred to their child as version 2).

    Disclaimer: I do not condone the culture of celebrity, or Madonna.

    tangent - art and creation are a higher purpose

  • Heh..I wonder how many sole proprietorships will be trying to become their environmental cleanup company.



  • The funny thing is, one of the fraternities here at MIT has actually set up an e-toilet... they hooked up the flushing mechanism to a networked printer, so you can flush the toilet from anywhere on campus!
  • There was a cable access station here in Silicon Valley that had an Amiga Guru exception #3 (black screen version, no less) on the channel for OVER 6 months! (circa 1999) I used to check almost every other day, and it never went away. I don't have a TV anymore, but it may STILL be there (talk about "uptime" ;)
  • I feel sorry for Bruce's wife. Calling the kid Bruce 2.0 (even as a joke) is completely demeaning and makes it seem like the child is only Bruce's. How blatantly sexist.

    Bruce has been calling the kid 'Bruce 2.0' for the past several months, in conversation, and even on the radio show I hosted at Comdex last year. Quit whining.


  • Looks like the irony was lost on you. Sorry.
  • When children are named after a parent or relative, a Roman numeral is appended to their name -- John Doe II, Jane Doe III, King Henry VIII, etc. Is this sexist, or is it only sexist when non-roman numerals are used after someone's name?
  • by technos ( 73414 )
    Absolute car wreck.. JeffK is exactly the sort of person Saten would put in the seat next to you on the trip to Hell.. ..
  • I don't believe you replied to that. Okay...

    I don't see a problem with the situation. I don't think there *is* a problem. I think the only problem we've had with this so far is the one you invented in your own little head. However, since you're taking all of this seriously, I'll do my best to do the same.

    If I had a kid, say a male one, I might call him "my kid". Is this child not "Bruce's kid?". Is it sexist to know someone and say "Hey, how's your kid doing?", as opposed to "Hey, how's you and your wife's kid doing?" Hmm?

    Also, it isn't unheard of to name a kid after the father or the mother, or call your son Junior. This is cultural. It isn't sexist, and if you consider it to be so, realize that it's a feature of the culture that is so deeply ingrained that the very people involved don't consider it sexist, and therefore it isn't. In short, if intent means anything to you, this debate is useless, because the only person who doesn't understand is you, an uninvolved third-party (goes back to minding your own business...).

    Also, I don't see how applying program-naming terms to children without problems applies to sexism at all. And the issues I've raised about programming languages are supposed to be humorous, not serious. Must you be the person to make me have to put "HUMOR:" back into my subject lines?
    pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
  • The "any drive" thing was actually the outer manifestation of one of the cooler things on the Amiga. A "volume" didn't have to be a physical disk at all; You could assign the volume label to any directory, anywhere. So when you took your floppy based copy of Deluxe Paint and copied it to a directory on your hard drive, and then it asked for "Volume DPaint: in any drive", all you had to do was assign DPaint: to dh0:DPaint instead.

    Later versions of the OS even introduced virtual volumes that included multiple directories. Like, something looks for a file in "C:" (the equivalent of /bin) and you have C: spanning dh0:c, dh1:c, and ram:c, it'll look in all those places.

    It isn't a Unix style unified file system, but it worked really well. It solved one of the problems both Windows and Unix have, making it easy to arrange your drives any way you want, and rearrange at will without breaking everything. If anyone's still worrying about paradigms for devices and file systems in 2000, they'd do well to examine the Amiga's solution.

    I also saw an Amiga running a local access advertising channel, years and years ago. I wouldn't have ever known it, but one day it was sitting there with a full screen CLI (nothing interesting in it though, drat.)
  • Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the "creative endeavors" as you call them, when they're genuinely funny and/or interesting. But, there are relatively few people on the main part of Slashdot who read at -1, so ultimately your audience is limited. Very limited when you consider that, except for trolls and moderators/sometime moderators, almost no one browses at -1. If you got 16 replies, I guarantee that 12 of them at least were from mods and trolls. And as for OOG, whom you mentioned, I consider him a character rather than a troll because he posts *on-topic* stuff. You and most trolls don't, and that's the point: people click on these topics to read discussion about the topic at hand, and the occasional marginally-related humor, not to read off-topic bullshit, no matter how "creative" or side-splitting.

    As for how "moderators should follow the guidlines"--they usually do, which is why your posts get modded down. A funny one-liner can get modded up for being funny, but a lengthy off-topic post like the parent post here must be modded down for being off-topic or a troll because it takes up so much space that it detracts from the discussion of the article. Clicking down ten screens of off-topic stuff shouldn't be necessary, it it wouldn't be necessary if the idea I outlined above were embraced by the different parties. Ultimately, more people would see your posts if they were in a section dedicated to such posts, and I think that that would be a good thing. Your posts are funny, I enjoy reading them, and more people would enjoy them if they were someplace where people go specifically to see that sort of off-topic but humorous or interesting stuff. As it is, trolls and flamers are on a fast track towards making Slashdot a lot less easy to troll. At the current rate, it won't be long before the powers that be decide to make only logged-in anonymous posts possible, and delete the accounts and the posts of trolls and flamers. Then Slashdot would be effectively troll-proof and you'd never be able to post here again. Do you really think it would be that difficult for someone who works for Slashdot, if they were to decide to do it, to permanetly delete all troll or off-topic posts, and the accounts from which they came? Yeah, you could open another account, but your posts would be up for a couple minutes before they'd be deleted from the board, and of course there'd be no more "name recognition" for trolls who get accounts.

    And, that wouldn't be a bad thing to do, either. I think the only reason Taco and Hemos haven't done it is out of respect for "openness" and a free community. But if trolling continues to escalate, so will their means to control it. This time last year the trolling and flaming was nice and moderate. Now, it's extreme and stupid and a waste of many people's time. The choice isn't mine, or the moderators, nor is the fault. The fault is with the trolls who post excessive and off-topic, and the choices are up to the Slashdot admins and the trolls. If trolls and flames get out of hand, the admins will surely stop it quite easily by deleting all troll posts and closing troll acounts. It could be implemented easily, into an Amazon-style 1-Click system for CmdrTaco and Hemos and Roblimo and Cowboy Neal or whoever else they want to, to have the power to just delete the trolls. But if the trolls start being reasonable, maybe it wouldn't have to come to that. The idea I had about a special area for trolling and flaming is just a possible suggestion, which would be up to the Slashdot admins to implement--*if* people such as yourself were to support the suggestion. If not, so what, I don't care, it was just a suggestion. But it's people such as yourself who are being unreasonable. You can't expect a long rambling post, even if totally hilarious, to be modded up as funny when the guidlines clearly call for it to be modded down as off-topic. To mod it down as a troll might not be fair, but to mod it down as off-topic surely is fair. I mean, my posting threshold is defaulted to +2, but I click in the little box to post at just 1 because this is an off-topic message and it's appropriate for me to give up that bonus to avoid bothering people who read at a default of +2, people who are clearly looking to read only good posts which are typically on-topic. If other people decide to mod this up, or down, that's fine, but I will not presume to automatically barge in and annoy people by posting this at +2. It's therefore not unreasonable to expect you to realize that, almost every time you post something off-topic, and long, it will get modded down to -1. And right it should, not because it isn't funny, but because this isn't the place. Someone else mentioned the "undocumented" forums on Slashdot as providing a good place for posts like yours. I don't think that's sufficient, because it provides even less of an audience than the main stories do. But if there were a forum linked to the main page for your sort of humor, and for trolls and flames and free-for-all orgies of unmoderated fun, I think that that should be sufficient to satisfy everyone, and to even give trolls a bigger, and willing, audience. It's just a suggestion, take it or leave it, but personally I'd like to see the inappropriate and ever-increasing trolling and off-topic stuff stop so that I can use all my mod points for moderating stuff up which deserves to be read, rather than modding stuff down which deserves to be ignored.
  • >Stanley is the product of a mixed marriage:
    > Valerie is a windows user and I use Linux.
    > Valerie has agreed for the child to be brought up
    > as a Linux user :-)

    Watch, when he goes through his rebelious stage as a teenager he's gonna start using a Macintosh.

  • The Obsolete Computer Museum is great. Except they have yet to post the cool foto I took of my Kaypro-I... and I submitted the photo around Xmas of 1998! (for real). Rich...
  • I don't know which is scariest - that their family apparently uses a version numbering scheme, that they announced it like a product press release, their "mixed marriage", or the fact that it literally IS a subdomain of

  • Actually, Linus started the tradition when he announced "Linus 2.0", thus You have criticized the venerable Linus! Your karma has been reset to -1000, play again :-)

    Gee, Bruce 2.0 was a joke. People accuse me of being humor impaired...



  • Hey, I was just thinking ... maybe I could build a spam filter based upon a training set of spam e-mail. A neural network could maybe be trained to recognise junk-mail. Or maibe I could design a statistical test which checks for a number of characteristic words (EARN, SAVE, etc).

    Does anyone have any more ideas on possible solutions?
  • At the current rate, it won't be long before the powers that be decide to make only logged-in anonymous posts possible, and delete the accounts and the posts of trolls and flamers. Then Slashdot would be effectively troll-proof and you'd never be able to post here again.

    I troll here on /. on a semi-regular basis [], and I always do in using anonymous posts whilst logged in. It certainly hasn't caused me any problems, so I doubt that part of your argument would stand up.

    As for the rest, you're confusing the small numbers of troll posts with the large number of spam posts here on /. Trolls can add value, spam never does.

  • That washing machine looks so much like a hoax, or April fool message. I mean, all that stuff about being able to change wash cycles and spin speeds 'as your washing needs change'. I've had my washing machine for 7 years and I've only used two of the programs on it. And no, they weren't emacs and Netscape...

  • Too expensive? They could have offset the cost easily. There's a lot of people who are willing to pay large amounts of money to live
    downwind of such a power plant.

    Funny, yes, well done: but it's worth pointing out that hemp grown for this purpose would have negligible narcotic qualities. The whole drug thing distracts people from the other uses of the plant (and it doesn't help that campaigners who *obviously* just want to get stoned legally, also use the "great fuel, animal feed, textile" rhetoric)
  • From the looks of it, Ultracade is trying to tap into the bar/nightclub market.

    There's a couple of other vendors using multiple-title formats, albeit with trivia/swat the fly/tetris clone games ported into the console, but once those drinks start taking effect, the curiousity & nostalgia factors of the customers will kick in, making these consoles a better money draw for the establishment than salted nuts
    or pretzels.

    Anyone notice the games were mainly old Taito titles? You can be sure that if Ultracade has the rights to the rest of the titles, demands for personalized custom packs will rise [like having Knights of the Round (available) paired with Magic Sword, or Elevator Action with "that other Otto" title, Bezerk].
  • Courtesy of Windows 98 Second Edition, a entire series of episodes of ReBoot. Each lasts 3-4 minutes (making for easy viewing) and, following Microsoft's past record for innovation, makes up for quality with quantity by giving you multiple episodes every hour. Timing is random, keeping you glued to your PC!

    Microsoft: Don't Innovate, Regurgitate!

  • Saten? See, even you can post like JeffK.
  • I released Ron 3.0 under the GPL January 6th [] using a unique series of nucleotide bases. Examination of Bruce 2.0's code reveals disturbing similarities. Once this post gets the /. community whipped into a frenzy, I will contact Mr Perens and ask him to rectify the situation.
  • For the last few years I've had a hotmail email address I use for spam. Anytime I need to put in an e-mail address to sign up for something (NY Times, etc) I always use that one. Then I make sure I check all the boxes that say "I want all your newsletters and updates and notifications of new products" etc. Make sure I put down that I'm a 23-30 year old male making $125,000+/year..

    Currently I get 6-7 emails a day at that account. All of it spam. About twice a week one from hotmail asking me to please delete some messages :)

  • And that makes it right? Quite equivocating.
  • People seem to be under the terribly misguided impression that anything in the name of humor cannot be at all "wrong" in any sense. You seem to be taking that stance. If not, why not try to offer some reasonable arguments against my claims? Just saying that it was a joke and "that's all" is totally hollow.
  • That Ultracade looks pretty cool, but did anyone else notice that the only games for it are from Capcom?

    It's missing some of the coolest games from twenty years ago: Defender, Joust, Robotron.... If it had Defender, I'd buy it in a second. Man, I remember the time I got to half a million on Defender. When I went to bed that night, I had burn in on my retinas. I closed my eyes and all I could see were Landers and Baiters zipping by.--Trippy!--The music and sound effects were ringing in my ears. It's amazing that I didn't get carpal tunnel from all the games of Defender that I played as a kid.
  • The reason all the games are from Capcom is because Capcom is the only company so far to release their older video games into the public domain. All the other companies (including those who make the classic games you mentioned) haven't released their games even though they are fifteen or so years old and obviously are no longer generating revenue. If you want to play the classic games you mentioned, Ultracade is not what you want anyway, check out MAME at Vintage Gaming [] or Arcade At Home [].
  • Yeah, those emulators are pretty cool. I've used one to play Defender on the Mac before.

    However, the experience just isn't the same as having the proper arcade controls in the arcade box. Perhaps, I'll have to get a cheap 486 PC and mount it in a custom enclosure with a VGA monitor and custom controls wired up like a keyboard. Build my own Ultracade....
  • Thank you very much ... oh my god, this is so unexpected. Thank you! So many people that helped me get here today ... first of all, I'd like to thank the Lord. Thanks, big guy!! And my mom and dad for all their support all these years ... they've been with me right since Bruce .5 alpha. And all those losers at slashbot ... if it weren't for that herd-like mentality, I wouldn't be writing this today! And a very special thank you ... oh god, I promised I wouldn't cry ... um, a very special thank you to Bill Gates, my inspiration and unintentional mentor. Bill, all this is because of you. Thank you! *sniff*

  • Notice that the User has a period in the front. Hal Duston Boring is good. A conformist in a nonconformist world
  • Using multiple inheritance and polymorphism correctly is bad enough in C++, and hyphenated names are kludgey in English, and I don't think the populace is ready for the gender-bending implications if the kid were Bruce-Valerie-2.0, possibly with both genders and other conflicts.

    You mean like "Big-endian" and "Little-endian"?

  • Actually, Linus started the tradition when he announced "Linus 2.0"

    So is Bruce 2.0 going to be released under the GPL? Is source available?

    (Now that's a scary thought -- the day that GPL stands for Genetic Public License...)

  • Ouch! Sorry Rich. It's up in the Museum now! Sorry you had to resort to public humiliation. (Effective, isn't it?) Tom
  • George, a slashdotter of eons, told me about his new website which is up and running at [] to check out.

    It's supposed to be a community forum for privacy and security issues.

    He's a cool guy - ask him to send you some of his wierd pics once in a while, or travel pix from strange locations.

  • Take a look at Arcade At Home []. On the left hand side is a link for "Cabinet Pics". It leads you to a page that shows at least fifty people doing just what you said -- building there own arcade machine all built around a PC and an emulator (usually MAME because of the huge number of games it supports). They all use real arcade buttons and joysticks (dials and trackballs even) that are mapped to keyboard commands. Playing a machine like this that is done right would be no different that sitting in an arcade pumping quarters. If you don't want to go all out, you can just use your PC and get a good controller (not a gravis pad or sidewinder that is) like the HotRod [].
  • I just recently started the Spam-O-Meter []. The page is pretty crude right now, but I'm working on getting the email address out into the hands of spammers. I plan on having it do graphs of how much it gets each day, and maybe have a nice interface to allow people to access the headers. I want to keep the spam as "legit" as possible (not mailing lists that you sign up for), so I won't post the email addy that it uses. If people know of ways to get on spammer's lists let me know. I'm hoping to get a couple thousand emails each day :)


  • People seem to be under the terribly misguided impression that anything in the name of humor cannot be at all "wrong" in any sense.

    Only you, who seems to think that because someone makes a joke about a particular thing, it must mean they agree with whatever stance someone else believes the punchline represents. No-one is saying it is right to disassociate your child with your wife, or treat children as software. To imply that anyone thinks that way is nothing short of a straw man argument. Professional comedians make jokes about stereotypes all the time: it doesn't mean they think those stereotypes appropriate or correct or right. Making a joke about something cannot (and should not) be construed as a value statement concerning the morality or ethics of that thing. It just doesn't function that way. People find things funny that are, on average, considered deplorable. People find slapstick funny, that doesn't mean it's a good thing to walk into a pole.

    Anyway, where'd you ever get the notion that "Bruce 2.0" implies the child is just that of Bruce? It doesn't. The implication (disregarding the option of starting from scratch, which would be considerably more difficult a process) is one of part of Bruce 1.0 (not sure about Bruce's minor version number) with additions and modifications. This wouldn't be the first time the combination of two separate code bases was given the name of just one with an increased version number. But, I'm sure, as you seem to imply, Bruce's wife and child are all deeply traumatized by this. (No harm, no foul, I say. But since his reference to their son as Bruce 2.0, I'm sure the marriage is splitsville and the infant now has a tongue piercing, smokes pot, robs houses, and wears dresses.)

    As it stands, I can't believe I wrote all of this to defend a joke. Humor is like sex: you either get it or you don't. And, I think it's quite clear, you don't get it.

  • Tom!!! YOU RULE!!! :-) Thanks for putting it online! A little delay never hurt anyone (cough!)

    I'm so excited! That photo was taken with an older digital camera and spiffed up with The Gimp.

    For those who want to see it the url is: l

Them as has, gets.
