Bearded Drinkers Lose Guinness 179
Dr. Winston L. O'Boogie writes "According to this BBC report, bearded drinkers in Northern Ireland lose up to £23 of Guinness annually in their facial hair. It is also estimated that 162,719 pints are wasted each year. Where does the beer actually go?"
nah (Score:1)
what a waste (Score:2)
Re:nah (Score:2)
Does the beer climb up the hair and enter the bloodstream through facial pores?
I lost hot grits in my pants (Score:2)
not lost ; stored (Score:4)
Funny, but irrelevant (Score:2)
Hair goes, beer goes (Score:3)
"Bearded drinkers in Northern Ireland lose up to £9 of Guinness annually in their facial hair. It is also estimated that 162,719 pints are wasted each year. Where does the beer actually go?"
Without saying a word, the Master beat the novice monk to death with a bamboo stick.
What's next: the conspiracy behind piling dust balls and disappearing socks? Fear and loathin' with number 42? Experimental apocalyctism within confined spaces reserved for mass transport machinery?
Why? (Score:1)
Finally, out of all the folks with facial hair, why did they pick George Michael to reference? Didn't he have sort of a fall from grace in the public eye? They could have used one of the guys from ZZ Top, Dom Deloise, C. Everett Coupe or possibly even Bea Arthur.
mmmmmmm (Score:1)
# iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 -j DROP
Re:nah (Score:1)
Re:Why? (Score:2)
"Either leave an impact on the world, or leave the world on impact." -- Jeffrey Trompeter
Microsoft (Score:1)
Ralph Furmaniak
The Great AIP []
Re:I lost hot grits in my pants (Score:2)
Drunk fleas? (Score:2)
hrmmmm (Score:1)
This is why England should allow everyone to have a gun. More crime == Less stories on the beer absorption of facial hair. In America, we have stories about the absorption rate of blood; cotton versus polyester - which helps clotting?
Ok, so its just my 2 cents - and please dont take me seriously on this one folks.
Re:I lost hot grits in my pants (Score:1)
Good Old Days (Score:1)
the world just isn't what it used to be.
What it used to be,
back in the good ole days
The good ol' days,
Of Nineteen umpty two
Back then, we didn't have any cars
We didn't even have any shoes
Course, we didn't need them cause, we had no legs
We did not see this as a problem because towns were much smaller back then
You could just reach to the left
and you'reat the grocery store
Reach to the right
And you're at the book store
Now with all uv these cars
and ships
and legs
you have to travel all the way to the moon to get a good meal
Av been hearing good things about the moon
I haven't been there, but I have been hearing good things about it
Of course,
I should know since
I built the moon
I started it quite late because first I had to invent oxygen
It was not a very good life before I invented oxygen,
people were not living long
Actually it was I who got the first fish to come out of the sea
But no dinosaurs
I don't like dinosaurs
That's why I got rid of them
As I was sayi
Transfer Interrupted: Message Limit Reached
Ralph Furmaniak
The Great AIP (Artificial Intelligence Project) []
I'm not senile, I'm just creative.
Re:mmmmmmm (Score:1)
Clip, clip, snip, snip, stir, stir. . . Yuk.
Oops, slight fix up (Score:1)
Ralph Furmaniak
The Great AIP (Artificial Intelligence Project) []
Slow news day? (Score:1)
Posted by CmdrTaco on 10:56 PM February 31th, 2000
from the Eye-candy-for-X dept.
Dr. Rast D. E'Rman writes "According to this log, CmdrTaco in the Geek Compound downloaded up to 9meg of Ethemes. It is also estimated that 162.719 bytes are wasted each download. Where do the packets actually go?"
Re:Funny, but irrelevant (Score:1)
found 'em (Score:1)
...damn shrinking pants...
Obligatory pedantic post (Score:2)
Isn't Guinness technically stout, not beer?
guinness experiments (Score:1)
News Flash! Amazon has found new profit source. (Score:1)
loosing Beer/money (Score:1)
If memory serves me correctly than for every time you drink 3 liters of you urinate 4 liters of fluid.
So you are not paying for lost beer but for less trips to the mens room (or womens room in some cases ; ) )
its a feature, not a bug : )
don't call it losing, it's INVESTING (Score:1)
Kris "dJOEK" Vandecruys
Obligatory pedantic reply (Score:4)
Isn't Guinness technically stout, not beer?
Stout is a type (or style) of beer. There are many types of beer. For more on the subject click here. []
use a straw (Score:2)
That way, not only will you keep the precious nectar away from any facial hair, but you'll also be able to slurp up any leftover foam on the bottom.
My favorite quote (Score:3)
"I'd like to become a Guinness researcher," said actor Tim McGarry.
Re:loosing Beer/money (Score:1)
The problems with statistical research ... (Score:5)
Well, they got the results back and did some number crunching on them and found, that surprisingly, the more facial hair the driver had the more likely they were to have an accident. They also found that the smaller the 'view circle', i.e. how thick and close the 'pillars' are to the driver, the more accidents they had, also the more stickers they had in the windows, again increased the chances of an accident.
All in all, they discovered that if you were on a motorbike about to cross at a T junction, and there was a driver you had a full moustache and beard, was driving a certain make of car with a certain religious sticker in the window, you just might as well put the bike down there and then, because, like it or not, the odds were that they were going to pull out on you.
So, to bring me to my point: this stuff about the beard soaking up the pint whilst in the act of supping is laughable. It is quite obvious to me that they are missing their mouths in the first place and spilling it. This is not due to the fact they have a beard, but is in the nature of people who want to wear a beard. None is apparent on their clothing because, yes, the beard does in fact soak it up. So the researcher has, by the nature of the questioning got the answer they want.
Of course it tastes bad if you're not in Ireland (Score:2)
Re:Why? (Score:1)
So what's the geographical breakdown of /. readers (Score:1)
OMG! (Score:1)
Asphalt? (Score:1)
Re:Hair goes, beer goes (Score:1)
Next up will be the revealing of the underpants-gnomes.
They think stealing underpants is big business.
Phase 1, steal underpants...
Phase 2,
Phase 3, big profit.
Where do the lost pints go? Into the toilet... (Score:1)
Wanking george (Score:1)
Has the media taken hold of your mind?
Getting caught wanking is something funny to be happily shared with the world aint it?
It's not like any of us hasn't been in a place where getting caught would be embarrassing.
Perhaps they should have worked out how much spunk gets lost in your pubes.
Re:Funny, but irrelevant (Score:3)
Re:Of course it tastes bad if you're not in Irelan (Score:1)
Where does the beer actually go? (Score:1)
I'm guessing it dries in their beards and washes out the next time they shower. Just a crazy thought.
Wtf (and some more of this strong language) (Score:1)
Bah humbug (Score:3)
Re:Why? Why drink American beer??? (Score:2)
Define "Average Guinness Drinker" (Score:3)
Do they mean, "The average person who describes themselves as a Guinness drinker." Do they mean, "The average person who drinks Guinness at least X times a week." Do they mean, "The person who consumes an average Guinness." (Thanks to the lightbulb paradox, the last is likely the heaviest drinker.)
Then once we know what they mean by an "average Guinness drinker", what is their estimate of how much said drinker drinks? That is the important point. Are we estimating that people lose 10% of their Guinness to the beard? A tenth of a percent? What?
Without a concept of that someone like myself who likes Guinness (particularly in the form of a black-and-tan) but does not often consume it will have no idea how to judge how much I personally save in beer by shaving.
food? (Score:1)
Re:Personally, I'd Preffer it... (Score:2)
Studies have shown women find men with beards sexier & more "manly"
Yeah, but those studies were run by single bearded men...
Wonder what the World Record is (Score:3)
Hopefully you know the story about the Guinness [] Book or World Records - see, bar patrons inevitably get into arguments over who's got the biggest this and what's the fastest that - kinda like discussions of Apache vs IIS or benchmarketing - so Guinness publishes a book that the bartender can whip out to settle such disputes before it comes to fistcuffs.
What about The Great Guinness Toast? (Score:3)
Also I believe that the results of this study are wildly inaccurate. I can't believe even amateurs would account for such a loss of Guinness. If this were accurate I'm sure that someone would damn well be looking for a solution to this problem. Why hasn't there been been a 'Voices from the HairMouth' article or something like that, hmm?
Re:Why? Why drink American beer??? (Score:1)
There's nothing like the Original (Score:1)
Re:loosing Beer/money (Score:1)
um, wouldn't that be a net loss of 1 litre of water each time? if that were true we'd all just shrivel up.
Re:Why? Why drink American beer??? (Score:1)
Re:not lost ; stored (Score:1)
That's interesting, because my beard doesn't work that way.
It opperates on the same principle as the scales on certain desert lizards. My facial hair captures moisture from the air and channels it through the method of wicking to my mouth. This is one reason that I usually appear to drink less water than the average human.
Consequentially, I more efficiently imbibe any liquid, including Guinness. I'd suspect that the average beardless drink would actually lose more Guinness than I, due to the evaporation of the foam left on their naked upper lip (even for the mrere fraction of a second it takes before they retrieve it with their tongue).
Re:Why? (Score:1)
or a big 2-litre...of colt 45
Re:Personally, I'd Preffer it... (Score:1)
This is such a stupid story. Sigh.
"Don't try to confuse the issue with half truths and gorilla dust."
Bill McNeal (Phil Hartman)
Shock! (Score:1)
That is where all my beer is going. That's it. Now I have a reason to shave.
ummmmmm.... (Score:1)
Re:use a straw (Score:1)
Re:Define "Average Guinness Drinker" (Score:1)
oh my.. (Score:1)
Beard Sucks... (Score:1)
That ladies and gentlemen, is why the beard sucks.
Good point (Score:1)
Warning: Fox Special Press Release (Score:5)
"Who Wants To Marry A Crusty, Guiness-In-His-Beard Drunk European Guy" will bring the chance to one lucky American girl to get hitched to the most prolific European male in today's exciting culture. 50 women will compete in such events as the drunken foosball tournament, back shaving competition, and the semi-final contest, the fish-wrapping race. The mystery Guiness-In-His-Beard Drunk European Guy will receive advice and counsel from special guest judges ZZ Top and former professional wrestler "Hillbilly Jim". The happy couple, at the conclusion of the show will be wed in an exciting 3 minute ceremony, followed by 15 minutes of commericals and an exciting trailer for the upcoming "Robbie Knievel jumps over 50,000 bowls of steaming hot grits on top of a 200 foot-high pile of Windows 2000 Advanced Server CDs".
sorry, I have a touch of the flu and the Dimetapp is getting to me.
It ain't wasted (Score:1)
Americans: be sure to drink the cans (Score:3)
Re:Why? (Score:1)
guinness is the mana from heaven.
have you ever tasted liquid asphalt?
you would have noticed that liquid asphalt had a much more bitter taste.
you sir are a cad.
a seasoned guinness drinker
Re:guinness experiments (Score:1)
The rest must be hiding in the beard.
If you want strong beer... (Score:2)
I'd wager that's a bit stronger than Molson Ice (yes, that's blatantly unfair, but so were your characterizations of American brews).
As someone (Bob Hope?) once said, "That'll put hair on your chest, and part it in the middle."
If you ever get a chance to try this brew, do so. It's quite an experience.
Here's [] a brief review.
We have many, many fine brews here in Oregon. You might want to try them before slagging on American brewers.
One of my non-Oregon favorites (but not far from Oregon): Downtown Brown, from the Lost Coast Brewery [] in Eureka, California.
New XFMail home page []
Re:News for Nerds? Stuff that matters?? (Score:1)
Only Slashdotters... (Score:2)
Personally, I'm more bothered by the amount of free time these Irish poll-takers have. What's next?
News Flash: Northern Ireland study shows that the average child will, between birth and the age of five, flind over 2.5 tons of food. "These kids are like Pedro Martinez!" says one researcher, "They were getting creamed carrots in their parents' faces at over 50 yards!"
Re:Bah humbug (Score:2)
You think THAT'S easy? Try using the sabertooth tiger to shave! We hadda do that, and we LIKED it!
What's that, you say? How'd we calm down the tiger? Why, bottles of Guiness, of course! Sheesh, you get the sabertooth drunk enough, she'll try -anything- once.
'Course, half the Guinness would end up in her fur...
Re:Drunk fleas? (Score:1)
Mite1: "Here it comes!" *WHAK!*
Mite2: "Yay!" *WHAK!*
(repeat 10^3 times for every square inch of beard)
-- leave it to programmers to declare Guinness becoming lost in a beard not as a bug, but as a "feature".
step one: place
straws (Score:1)
I don't care if X million people drink it daily; there's probably 5 times as many that drink Coors Lite, and we all know the quality of that "beer".
So using a straw to drink it wouldn't really make a difference for the proverbial Joe Blow, since most of them don't know even know a stout from a porter.
And it prevents their facial hair from absorbing the drink.
Of course, the better beers should be savoured from a nicely chilled glass...
Re:Personally, I'd Preffer it... (Score:1)
It's rather refreshing to see a good beer story admist all the repetitive M$ bashing and linux hyping.
Jeez, lighten up and try to have a little fun for once in your life. Variety is good for the soul.
Re:Why? (Score:1)
> someone seems to have an awful lot of spare time on their hands to perform such a study,
A waste of time? GOD no! If you're the Guinness people, you've just bought yourself MAJOR amounts of free advertising for almost nothing.
I love Guinness, and when my Brother came to visit once he of course had to try it, having heard so much about it from me. He took one sip, made a queer face, and set it down. I didn't take offence, I love liver and onions personally and can understand wierd differences in taste, and besides, suddenly there was twice as much Guinness at the table for me! :)
It's obvious where the beer goes (Score:2)
Re:mmmmmmm (Score:1)
Re:Why? Why drink American beer??? (Score:1)
As someone else posted earlier, Canadians tend to dismiss American beers as being for "children and the elderly."
Not to say that all Canadian beers are great, either though. But when you've got as many breweries as we have, a few bad ones have to slip through. In terms of sheer numbers, Canada produces more brands of beer than any other nation on the planet. This is mostly the fault of beer itself, being that it doesn't transport well, so you've got to have a ton of breweries when you've got a country so damn large.
In any case, when you've got "Fin du Monde" and "Maudite" at 9 to 12%, in a 750mL bottle, there's not much American beers can do for you.
As for Guinness... it puts all of our beers to shame, at least here on Vancouver Island.
The Lightbulb Paradox - explained (Score:2)
It seems impossible, hence the name, "The Lightbulb Paradox".
The reason for it is a sampling bias. When you choose the lightbulb in a socket at a specific time, the odds of a given lightbulb being picked are proportional to how long it lasted.
In this case a random drink is more likely to be chosen by a heavy drinker than a random drinker.
The Shaver (Score:1)
While the Shaver's motives are unclear, it is even more unclear as to why the victims become so distraught after losing their facial hair. Shane O'Connor, a wife of one of the victims, said, "Well, I told me husband ne'er to go to those awful bars again. He's been good about it for a whole month, he 'as. But ever since this Shaver character relieved him of his beard, he's been trembling like mad, and every moment I take me eyes off the devil, he's off in some dirty pub again!"
In other news, a new brewery has sprung up in Northern Ireland. Called the Bearded Guiness Company, this new brewery has managed to output an enormous volume of quality Guiness stout, without any apparent source. More on this amazing little brewery at 6:00.
Re:Why? Why drink American beer??? (Score:3)
Some anonymous coward dun said:
Speak for yerself. As an American, I can truthfully say that I cannot stand most American pisswater that passes itself off as beer. Literally about the only two "big" brands I find remotely drinkable are Red Dog (actually tastes a lot like the American version of Molson) and some of the Michelob stuff (because, among other things, Michelob actually makes heifeweisens and dark beers).
Most of what I drink tends to be either microbrew stuff, Negra Modelo (fortunately, Negra Modelo is very easy to find in Louisville, what with the largish Mexican population here) or stuff like heifeweisens that I have to go somewhere like Liquor Outlet (big warehouse stores for alcohol) to get...I'd drink more Guinness except that the stuff is ruddy expensive here (average price for a six-pack of Guinness in the Southeastern US tends to be around US$9--which is around Can$15 if I remember my exchange rates right), so it must remain an occasional treat *sigh*...
If I remember right, the main reason most beers in the US are a) pisswater and b) usually just 4 percent or so have to do with a) the fact that the largest brewery here (Budweiser) actually uses rice as a base (now you know why the Japanese love Bud--it tastes like a better version of Asahi or Kirin :) and because of funky rules regarding alcoholic strength and labeling here in the States (up to around six percent, if memory serves, can be labeled as beer, and two-percent beer is actually sold in some states; anything between six and twelve percent legally has to be sold as "malt liquor", and I'm not sure if it's legal to sell beer-like beverages that are over twelve percent).
But no, you're not the only one who can't drink American beer. :) My sister, on the other hand, can't see how I like dark beer (then again, her favourite beers are Miller Blight and Tequiza, so go figure)...
Coffee, on the other hand, is another thing altogether. ;) I seriously take it that you have never had good, old, authentic "trucker coffee" in a truck-stop in the States. Trucker coffee is by no means clear--it is black as the Ace of Spades, is probably closer to a syrup than a liquid if done properly, and can be used as paint-stripper if one isn't brave enough to drink the stuff. ;)
Needless to say, especially in the Southeast US, you will usually have a choice of either tea or trucker coffee (and if you're REALLY far south, like Louisiana, you start hitting that zone where you will get chicory in your coffee whether you want it or not--chicory actually makes coffee MORE bitter and gives it a unique flavour; Kentucky, I think, is around the northernmost limit of where chicory coffee is regularly sold). I can only assume wussy, see-through coffee is sold mostly up North...
(As an aside, I was raised on trucker-coffee, and most "normal" brews don't have that much taste to me. To me, "normal strength" means that even after a liberal amount of sugar and cream are added one can STILL taste coffee. Alas, my husband won't allow me to make non-espresso-based coffee anymore because he claims that the coffee I make could kick-start a corpse ;) (Then again, that's the entire PURPOSE of trucker coffee--to make it so strong as to wake the very dead from their slumber and let them drive cross-country. Believe you me when I say that the modern geek has STILL not quite gotten to the level of caffeine dependence and experimentation as the modern American trucker ;)
Another important study of beards (Score:1)
Re:Obligatory pedantic reply (Score:1)
And IMO the epitome of both.
World Record - OT (Score:1)
It also just so happens to be my birthday, so have a toast for me!
go bugger a dead goat! (Score:1)
Re:mmmmmmm (Score:2)
Rendler dun said:
Well, duh. I can name many a reason for that:
1) Like the old saying goes: "Liquor then beer, never fear; beer then liquor, never sicker."
2) Guinness should not be drank with some plebian bourbon like Jim Beam. ;) (Yes, I can afford to be a whisky bigot and in particular a bourbon bigot. I live in Kentucky, not terrifically far from the "Brewery Belt" at that; needless to say, we have a LOT of bourbon to sample from here. ;) Jim Beam is pretty much the Budweiser of Kentucky bourbons anyways--about the only stuff lower on the scale is stuff like Heavin' Hell, erm, Heaven Hill (the Milwaukee's Beast of bourbon, and no, I am not making this up--Heavin' Hell truly sucks and can be used as a substitute for syrup of ipecac should you find the need to induce vomiting quickly in someone). More proper bourbons to drink with something like Guinness would be something far smoother--like, oh, Knob Creek (which is, surprisingly, made by the same folks who make Jim Beam but is really good, where Jim Beam is mostly good for getting drunk ;) or Maker's Mark (yum) or, if you can afford it, Blanton's (supposedly the best bourbon in the world, and most definitely the most expensive--it's something like US$50 a fifth (750 ml bottle), and even the AIRPLANE bottles of the stuff are right around US$6 or US$7; this largely explains why I've never had the stuff).
I can testify this, though; if you get good bourbon instead of rotgut, you can drink beer then whisky or the reverse. (I should state, though, as an aside--if you are American and were not raised by raving alcoholics, do not try to even keep up with a native of Belfast at drinking. You Will Not Succeed. Especially if you are anything like me (a smallish woman with around half the mass of the guy from Belfast who has a fair amount of Irish and Native American ancestry--and who tends to get giggly after about, oh, two or three pints of hard cider :). I tried this. Once. I ended up piss drunk at 7 am laughing at bad Jackie Chan movies and waking up later that day with a rare hangover [I usually drink water after drinking to specifically prevent hangovers, and it usually works...not that day, though :P] me. You Will Not Win. Not unless your name happens to be Snorri and you speak Khazad and people refer to you as their dwarven drinking buddy. :)
Re:Why? Why drink American beer??? (Score:2)
You haven't had good American beer. Ignore most Macrobrews; about the only thing decent there is Pete's Wicked, Sam Adams, or Henry Weinhards. American microbrews are usually pretty good, though, Rogue Ale up in Oregon makes some good stuff, as do the people down in San Diego who make Arrogant Bastard Ale.
Of course, Americans aren't the only ones who make crappy Macrobrewed beer. In Mexico, Corona and Corona Light (!) come to mind. Corona Light actually looks like white grape juice it's so light. Peroni from Italy pretty well sucks, and everyone knows Fosters is Australian for Millah Lite.
And while I'm raving, how about that American "coffee". It's also virtually clear - kind of an amber color. You can even see the bottom of your cup! What's with that?
A coffee shop near our home makes a "Piledriver", which has 6 shots of espresso. Not only can't you see the bottom of your cup, you need a spoon (and afterwards, a complete neurological physical) when you drink it.
Re:Americans: be sure to drink the cans (Score:2)
Re:What about The Great Guinness Toast? (Score:2)
I thought about this and the idea is to set a world record for the biggest simultaneous toast. I figured the timing of the event is when most of the US is out at bars and just in time for breakfast in Ireland.
Re:Of course it tastes bad if you're not in Irelan (Score:2)
Arg, no. I know there are three places that have Guinness on tap within two blocks of where I am sitting right now. Some of the other restaurants and bars might also serve it. I live in West Palm Beach, Florida (and my office is right on Clematis, downtown, FWIW).
There's also a renfaire (Renissance Festival) just south of here that has literally dozens of beer tents, and I believe that they only have Guinness.
As Guinness on tap is the only beer I will drink, I can say that I don't really have a hard time finding it. About a third of the time, it arrives in a mug, but that's not too terrible.
I can come in, get hyper on coffee and penguin mints, walk across the street for lunch, down a few pints, walk back, and start in on serious coding. Around five or so, I start back in on coffee.[1]
The average American beer is very light and sweet, and I would imagine that is why he dosen't like it. There are plenty of alternatives available, however. Sort of like American TV. NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX are your most visible networks, and most show crap with few exceptions, but there are hundreds of lesser, better or niche sources, like PBS, The Learning Channel, Animal Planet, The History Channel, etc. Don't forget that your average FOX fan would consider Yo-yo Ma to 'taste like Asphalt'. That dosen't mean that good cello is not available or not appreciated in America. We're just... big and varied in our tastes.
Oh, and on the radio, after every Guinness ad, they always say something along the lines of: "Imported by the Guinness Brewing Company". Dunno what they import - the mash or beer, but something is imported.
[1] Not that this is an everyday event, by any means - except for the coffee. I've long since stopped figuring out how much I drink by cup... I am literally up to a half gallon or more a day, washing down penguin mints. I know this because I french press a half gallon each morning to take into the office, and I have taken to making a Dunkin Donuts run at around 8pm. I wonder how much I loose to my full beard?
Allegedly inaccurate research (Score:2)
"recognized" beard expert was quite critical of this article.
He supposedly made a similar experiment for his thesis and had alot
of other factors which were not mentioned by the original researcher
(e.g. angle of head, time of day, etc. ).
He also made 2 other points,
1) he had never heard of the scientist mentioned in the article
even though he was a "leading expert in the UK"
2) the type beard he mentioned ( a handlebar beard I think ) was
not the worst offender.
Out now to drink some Smithwicks for me
Re:Americans: be sure to drink the cans (Score:2)
Indeed, we cut open the can, and the ball is quite nice. Looks like a night of foosball (and Guinness) for me.
It's not lost beer (Score:2)
Of course if you want a really shiny beard, put a raw egg in your Guinness. It works when I put one in my dog's food...
Re:Wonder what the World Record is (Score:2)
Nah, that's not the kind of argument they have in bars that the book settles--those questions don't have clear answers that anyone but an idiot can see . . .
different Guinness's, including imports (Score:2)
ANd then [no, I'm not making this up] there's the Miranda Guinness, the supertanker that delivers the stuff around the world. There's details in the promotional literature from the brewery tours that my sister brought back for me.
Yes, I'll repeat that: Guinness has a supertanker to deliver their beer, and a fleet of smaller ships to shuttle it in.
So far, I've been unable to book a cruise on it.
Hmm, while I'm at it, they watered down the bottled version in '93 or so; it went from very good to so-so (the Miller Reserve stout was actually better than what they sold here in bottles after the change, believe it or not . .
only if you brew it right (Score:2)
Thick enough that you might use a fork, but you use a spoon to get every drop . . .
and 15 gallons to be brewed next weekend . . .
How Feminism ruined beer in America (Score:2)
The following link explains how American beer got so wimpy - it was the feminists, who deviously eliminated real man's beer: 1/reci11-2.htm []