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Journal bmetzler's Journal: Things Democrats Should Do 12

The THE ARMCHAIR STRATEGIST has a bootload of advice for Democrats if they plan on winning elections in the future.

Voted their Bibles, not pocketbooks. Most prescient book of season was Thomas Frank's "What's the Matter with Kansas?" GOP has convinced poor, blue collar, and rural white Americans to follow their church not their economic self-interest.

I'm probably mostly within that criteria, white, poor, hard-working American. What is my economic self-interest? Answer that.

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Things Democrats Should Do

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  • Your economic self-interest is voting for Democrats. Because they know what is best for you, and will take care of you. Just vote for the guy with the D after his name, and he'll make everything be alright! ;->
  • The Democrats want you to think that they are out to protect you, but they're not. They just want your money. They want it to support their agenda, which is (largely) making as many people in America dependent on the government as possible.

    Think about it: what do they tend towards? They push a socialist agenda, where every little thing is convered in one way or another by a program of some sort. If there are overlapping programs, they'll bite your head off if you suggest merging the overlapping program
  • Personally I think the Dems should go ahead and take the plunge head first into their liberalism and move even further to the left. Please, make Howard Dean the Chairman of the DNC. Please, nominate Hillary in 2008. Please, continute to send minority voters to the GOP because of your opposition to school vouchers (based solely on the fact the NEA owns you guys). In fact, if you do all this, we will give you Sen. Lincoln Chafee. Seriously. And if we get in a good mood, we'll throw in Arlen Specter, too.


  • Is voting AGAINST both Republicans and Democrats- because you're too poor to benefit from either of their strategies (Democrats main reason for welfare is to prevent general rebellion at the rest of what they do; Republicans main reason for pro-life is to prevent you from seeing that they shift the taxes from the rich to the poor).
    • Here's a underhand slow-pitch for you. Rather (hehe) than just continuing the hate, why not say what policies, specifically, you would like to see enacted that think would be in bmetzler's best interest? You seem to think you know what is best for everyone, so tell the journal what is best for the journal's poster. The question wasn't who should get the vote, the question is what should.
      • Here's a underhand slow-pitch for you. Rather (hehe) than just continuing the hate, why not say what policies, specifically, you would like to see enacted that think would be in bmetzler's best interest?

        On my Presidential Campaign Journal at []. It's a work in progress- I haven't even gotten through the basics yet, and won't for at least another week or so (I tackle one topic a day).

        You seem to think you know what is best for everyone, so tell the journal what
        • If you could lay it out without the name-calling its a rather bland platform. And for those households earning more than 100,000/year? This would be well below your max income cap I assume. For whom should they vote and based on what policies?
          • If you could lay it out without the name-calling its a rather bland platform.

            Did you expect it to be exciting? It's meant to provide the largest economic benefit for the largest number of people, not burn up the world with excitement.

            And for those households earning more than 100,000/year? This would be well below your max income cap I assume.

            It's about half the maximum- but it's the place where the tax brackets equal the largest tax bracket currently in use. These people would be hurt by my proposa
            • Exciting? Not really, but it didn't go anywhere. But now we can go somewhere with this and get to the root of the journal.

              Every individual is the worldwide preeminent expert on their own best interest. Your Wal-mart vs Costco model isn't too different from the choice of D vs. R that everyone, regardless of income, is making today. Could it not be that many people are currently making this decision based purely on their vision of how the economy should work, whether or not they cross the threshold int
              • Could it not be that many people are currently making this decision based purely on their vision of how the economy should work, whether or not they cross the threshold into 100k+ territory?

                The point is, the current plans are specifically designed to limit the number crossing into that threshold. I see what you're saying- but you're not taking the glass ceiling into account.

                Under the current system a person may see their household income moving into 100k+ territory in the near future.

                I no longer bel
                • Well I will not speak on your personal experience, but mine has been quite the opposite. Irrational optimist is almost redundant, wouldn't you say? In a chaos, decay, human existance sort of way. And since the point of all this was determining what another's best interest is, I suppose a message of hopelessness is as good as any. There you have it Mr. Metzler. It does not matter what your economic self-interest is because it cannot be achieved through the current political system. You have either alre
                  • As a tip, for your run at the Presidency, you might want to spin this hopelessness into a message of hope. More flies with honey and all that.

                    I'm trying to. It's hard. Right now I'm working on the "avoidance of complete collapse" angle- on the Huey Long route of a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage (though mine is likely to quickly turn into a job for every citizen and legal immigrant, and a robot to do the real work for you- but hey, technology changes). Oh yeah- and a horribly inefficient pr

You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
