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Journal RailGunner's Journal: See, I told you so. 17

5+ Years ago I warned people -- and got mocked by the assorted collection of fools we have for leftist trolls around here -- that if elected, Barack Obama was going to be an unmitigated disaster if elected President.


From Fast and Furious to the sky high unemployment to the "recovery summer" that never happened to Benghazi to ObamaCare to the continual end runs around the constitution to illegally appointing people to the labor board to allowing a Nuclear Iran... and now in the SOTU he threatens to bypass Congress even more...

Like I said -- he's been a disaster.

The line for the libtrolls to kiss my ass starts to the left.
This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

See, I told you so.

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  • I said when he was elected that he would be the worst president in my lifetime- because they've *all* become the worst president in my lifetime after they were elected. Each and every one has been slightly worse, but Obama has been *much* worse.

    I'm not at all sure I want to stay American after the next one.

    Hey, you're 4th degree. How do you get over the cognitive dissonance between loving your country (patriotism) and hating your country's government? This being one of three reasons why I haven't gone 4

    • Or as well the cognitive dissonance over believing in self-rule and despising(/distrusting) the self-ruled.

      While I would somewhat agree, in our lifetime only, that the general trend with each new president has been downhill, it's how bad the populace has become that bothers me more.

      • Or as well the cognitive dissonance over believing in self-rule and despising(/distrusting) the self-ruled.

        LOL. If you have a mirror in your house, take a look at it.

    • Simple -- I love the country, freedom, and Constitution. I do NOT, however, have to like the petty petulant man-child of a tyrant that shreds that Constitution daily.
  • Don't over-credit the no-talent rodeo clown: we've been building to this crashendo for a century.
    • You have been building it for millennia. The biggest turn for the worst in our lifetimes happened 33 years ago with an ever steeper arc of disaster that is almost vertical now. Even BHO idolizes and emulates your Ronnie Rayguns there. And don't you all forget, his patrons are very pleased with his service. So do yourselves a favor and follow the damn money, or you can keep whining about irrelevant bullshit... I don't care. Just try to keep it entertaining.

      Oh, and hi, BD!

      • So, what do you propose, other than what the Tea Party seeks to do, i.e. keep electing reformers?
        • LOL reformers.. Your tea party is nothing but a bunch of disgruntled dixiecrats. The southern strategy that the republicans adapted when taking them in in '68 is suffering diminishing returns. And, as the 'demographic threat []' looms large, we all detect no small amount of panic from that particular group.

          • I think you're arguing within the dead-end bounds of the Progressive fracas between its Democrat & Republican components.
            • Nope, you're just falling into the same trap the republicans sucked you into when you were all gung-ho for them all the way up to and including 2012. Your tea party is nothing but a bunch of old farts frustrated that they didn't get rich from Reagan/Thatcher's trickle down. And with Obama carrying out all the same policies, they have only one reason to hate him. They are bigger frauds than the big boys, the Ron Popiel of politics, selling spray paint to hide the bald spots.

              • Your tea party is nothing but a bunch of old farts frustrated that they didn't get rich from Reagan/Thatcher's trickle down.

                Simply untrue. I got a soda says you can't show any valid research showing a demographic breakdown of Tea Party participants that supports this assertion.

                • Yes, it is true, detectable with every word they utter. You are making all the same mistakes you did while supporting the republicans. They are frauds of the worst kind. Absolutely no different from the others. Proof? Look where they get their money. You are being very defensive about this. That indicates that your faith in them is misplaced and irrational, and you will get burned, just like before.

                  • How can they be all the same mistakes if the Tea Partiers are not also Republicans? I'm giving you a C- for trolling here: you're really not making much sense.
                    • The tea party is a fork, or more correctly a sock puppet. With your cultural blinders on, I don't expect you to see that, as they appeal to your irrational fears. I can only repeat that you take off the cheap sunglasses and follow the money. Find who really puts up the front. It doesn't matter if they don't carry the republican label. They are still beholden to the same people who finance them, no different from any other political faction.

                    • Yes, there is money involved. But to say it's all just money, I think, is to sport your own blinders prominently. For example, money got Allen West kicked out of office, sure. But do you really think it was 100% money that got Allen West elected in the first place?
                    • Yes, of course. The man is a pawn. You need money to get elected. And the people who provide that money have certain expectations. That's how capitalism works. And if the man can't meet his quotas, then he's out.

                      You know, it really is funny to see you tell other people to take off their blinders. It appears you aren't even getting your own joke.

                    • Your blinders are, themselves, blinders. I'm not fully contradicting you. Of course West had $ behind him. But the fact that he retained some integrity would seem to show that it's not 100% $.
                      Working hard, trying for some nuance here. Work with me.

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
