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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: In response to squiggleslash... 5

I saw a message about a recent Journal Entry from him . I've followed and conversed with him before here. I'm responding in my own JE because I'm not allowed to respond to his JE itself - not sure how I earned a spot on his foes list.

His JE - and I'm taking it at face value as a literal depiction of how he feels - describes someone who could really benefit from mental health care. I know the world is dreary in a lot of ways. A lot of us are drowning in stresses and strains in ways that we didn't before. It doesn't help that our country still places a stigma on seeking out help with mental health issues, and our insurance system tends to savagely fuck over many who do.

I don't know who squiggleslash is in real space. I only know what he writes here. I only call him he because he mentions a wife and child. I have made no attempt to seek him out anywhere outside slashdot.

More importantly I wish him well. I don't know how much of his anguish is directly from this site - I presume it's not none of it as he mentions closing down his account here - but I hope it wasn't somehow at my hands. I'm known for griping about what a hopeless cesspool / echochamber this site has become, and yet I am guilty of returning time and again. That doesn't mean my choice is right for others.
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In response to squiggleslash...

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  • "His JE - and I'm taking it at face value as a literal depiction of how he feels - describes someone who could really benefit from mental health care."

    Well said. He seems have a lot of cognitive issues and maybe some mis-directed anger problems as well.

    I'm not a psychologist, so who knows, right?

    At the same time though, I'm also not a meteorologist but I can still tell when it's raining.

    • He seems have a lot of cognitive issues and maybe some mis-directed anger problems as well.

      I can't say I've read a lot of his writings. Some time - almost certainly years ago - I added him to my friends list, though I don't remember why or when.

      I'm not a psychologist, so who knows, right?

      Neither am I. Psych 1001 was fun in undergrad but I took it no further. It probably doesn't do any good to speculate further, I'm just stating that based on what he wrote I really hope he seeks out some professional help.

  • The information age has introduced so many new stresses.

    While my wildly unreliable short-to-mid-term forecast echos the gloom--there are pressures that have been building for 100+ years that seem to produce what looks like a slow eruption--I remain cheerful in the longer term.

    My useless prophecy is that the general populace figures out that technology has its place, but not a central one, in life. That is, an increasing offline trend will emerge as a collective understanding about how to draw a line bet
    • Technology® is nothing, well, except convenient, very much so... How people deal with it is everything. For instance, I don't answer the phone during suppertime, or lunchtime, or breakfast time for that matter... Some people are writing Tolstoy the whole time.. I worry that people soon won't be able to change a light bulb, or even know what one is. What is on display is the power of the herding instinct

      • I was just at a Nez Perce heritage site. When the globalists finish crashing the economy, those who recall older hunter-gatherer ways are going to be carrying on smartly. The foppish white collar types in the big cities? Perhaps no so much.

Always look over your shoulder because everyone is watching and plotting against you.
