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I guess we're supposed to be surprised by Durham

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  • With 95% reelection rates, I would agree

    • Glad that we can have a moment of agreement.
    • elections are not, as popularly thought, a measure of reality

      • Well, you're right, we let the financiers run the show. I suppose if we didn't they would just exterminate us. But elections definitely put the herding instinct on full display. What other country freely votes 98% for the ruling party?

        • If we're so much Smart Dirt, then why worry about casting ballots? Isn't it all just the same?
          • Nope. Some things stimulate the pleasure center of the brain better than others

            • Some things stimulate the pleasure center of the brain better than others

              So, what? Purely transient. What actual difference is ever made?

              • Everything is purely transient Your question makes no sense. What is this "actual difference" you are looking for?

                • OK, so, as an intellectual matter, if all is purely transient (we seem to agree here), then what is your motive for doing anything?

                  I've shared my motive, to howls of derisive laughter.

                  Yet it remains a motive.

                  Your motive seems a disingenuous shrug, AFAICT.

                  And that is absolutely your prerogative. Strong support/defend from me if it's just a shrug.

                  I seek nothing past clarity.
                  • what is your motive for doing anything?

                    Because I feel like it. That's the only motive I need. Personal choice, remember? You apparently choose to believe in external pressure, as a crutch. Have you no agency of your own?

  • Durham and his work led to the prosecution of a total of 4 people for this "witch hunt". Yet only one was convicted of anything, even with the trials all going in front of conservative-appointed judges. Where is the new conspiracy on that? I know you're not fond of most of the constitution as it sits, will this become the start of a conservative campaign against the fifth amendment so you can re-try these "bad actors"?
    • Dude, the FBI was weaponized by the Clinton campaign and turned on an opponent. Shall we form a reading group to cover the Executive Summary? I find myself doubtful that you could deal with it in an intellectually honest fashion.
      • weaponized

        You repeat that term the way your team wants you to, and you might have even convinced yourself that it actually means something when you use it that way. We've seen plenty of weaponization of the federal government from your team, and even when the efforts are more egregious you pretend they didn't happen because they were to the benefit of your team.

        The contrast seems to mean nothing to you. Your team weaponized multiple departments and sent thousands of Americans to their deaths and wasted untold

          • I'm not sure what that has to do with your continued attack on the English Language. Or is it just another case of you rolling out a distraction as your standard response to being wrong? You did show in a different discussion that you were also willing to just walk away from something after being shown to be exceptionally wrong, perhaps you roll out distractions when you are only obviously - but not exceptionally - wrong?
            • I'm not sure what that has to do with your continued attack on the English Language.

              Well, the English Language and Roman Alphabet are bastions of the Binary Intersectional Cis-Hetero Slave Lord Anti-woke Patriarchy (BITCHSLAP), and are therefore being cancelled.

              Or is it just another case of you rolling out a distraction as your standard response to being wrong?

              The link points out how these IG reports are carefully crafted silos intended to appear revelatory while ensuring that no stray information escapes. I.E: limited hangouts. It's an interesting, well-researched thesis that rings true.

              after being shown to be exceptionally wrong,

              You've shown me so many dirty diapers. Were you especially proud of a particular effort?

              • I'm not sure what that has to do with your continued attack on the English Language.

                Well, the English Language and Roman Alphabet are bastions of the Binary Intersectional Cis-Hetero Slave Lord Anti-woke Patriarchy (BITCHSLAP), and are therefore being cancelled.

                That was probably the best attempt at a joke I've seen you post here in quite some time. Granted it still is a strange political attack for no obvious reason with no apparent connection to reality, but it is one of the funnier bits you've written. It also lacks anything starting with a letter "T" to actually complete your clumsy acronym, but i suspect you knew that before you hit "Submit".

                All that said though it doesn't change the fact that you are continually attacking the English language with the

        • Your team weaponized multiple departments and sent thousands of Americans to their deaths and wasted untold billions of dollars of American resources.

          Yeah, and your "team", being fully complicit (couldn't really oppose their own "team" now, could they?), rolled right over and let 'em do it time after time, always finding excuses. Only one "team", babe

          • Your team weaponized multiple departments and sent thousands of Americans to their deaths and wasted untold billions of dollars of American resources.

            Yeah, and your "team", being fully complicit (couldn't really oppose their own "team" now, could they?), rolled right over and let 'em do it time after time, always finding excuses. Only one "team", babe

            I see one team that is openly hostile towards most Americans, and willing to lie their way to power. I see a second team that is so incompetent at any attempt to wield power in the past 4 or more decades that they make Scooby Doo villains look like true criminal masterminds. There is a huge gap between the two.

            If you want to tell yourself that the two teams have the same goal, I clearly cannot convince you otherwise. If you choose to ignore the actual political platforms of each of them, that is a c

            • I see one team that is openly hostile towards most Americans, and willing to lie their way to power.

              Yrs, the act is genius, got you so fished in.

              It is one team, two factions, offense and defense.

              you can discover the true goals of a team that you have intentionally chosen

              There you go again, more lies, just like that other thing. "If you're not a democrat, you're a republican". So heroic, doing your damnedest to make sure the right lizard gets in.

              political platforms

              Oh please! Pull the other one! Political platforms are a bigger lie than a company's "privacy policy"

              That doesn't change the fact that you're wrong.

              but I'm not. You're just a fan...

              • you can discover the true goals of a team that you have intentionally chosen

                There you go again, more lies, just like that other thing. "If you're not a democrat, you're a republican".

                Kindly resist the urge to put words in my mouth. I did not accuse you of being a republican. I acknowledge that there are people who don't agree with either party. However your conspiracy that the two parties are the same is utter bullshit. There are huge philosophical and policy chasms between them.

                As we have seen already you refuse to actually look in to how the parties function. You instead dig in with your world view and insist it is the only possible explanation. As I've stated before, you'r

                • However your conspiracy that the two parties are the same is utter bullshit. .. Your conspiratorial accusation, bla bla bla...

                  Of course! To a fanatic it would seem that way. You label it "conspiracy" to evade the truth. You just can't admit you're being led around by the nose, very normal behavior, as 98% (51.3%-DNC/46.8%-GOP) of the people that vote feel the same way as you do, bunch of suckers. Rah Rah Rah... Go team!

      • .. the FBI was weaponized by the Clinton campaign...

        You have no recollection of history before Reagan, do you? That honor goes to Calvin Coolidge... Yeah, Clinton is sleaze, but, please, he's certainly not the first, or the last.. You know where to look for the solution, it's closer than you will admit.

        • Come on, brah. You can't throw Silent Cal under the bus without a link.
          • You really need a link to know that Coolidge appointed Hoover to head the bureau of investigation 99 years ago? Aren't you even curious enough to look it up for yourself? What, you need everything to be spoon fed? Don't you know that all bureaucracies are a weapon? The power to obstruct is the greatest a man can have, it is the basis of our crumbling world and negligible progress

            • Of course all bureaucracies are weapons. Once the size of the organizations pass the Dunbar number, hierarchy happens. However, because we are all so much Smart Dirt (in your telling), what difference does it ever make? Whether just or tyrannical, are we not so many molecules on Planet Earth?
              • ... what difference does it ever make?

                It makes no difference. We make the difference, by personal choice

                • You have yet, after years of repackaging the question, to answer in what context "a difference" is made, and how we grasp what that "difference" may be.

                  The answer, which you have rejected, is purely metaphysical, so I'm asking about your ersatz mechanisms for pretending here.
                  • "Metaphysical" is unproven, nothing but human theory, wishful thinking on your part

                    • Strong concur. Inviting the question: were joy "provable", why has there been no clear, universally recognized answer to the "why are we here?" question?

                      My contention along has been that the answers MUST be "wishful thinking" from the intellectual view, because they really are.

                      However, that "wishful thinking" dimension to existence has vast explanatory power.

                      In mathematical terms, a commitment to pure integer arithmetic only does not refute the existence of transcendental functions such as sine.
                    • Joy is personal. I see no need to "prove" it.

                      why has there been no clear, universally recognized answer to the "why are we here?" question?

                      Because it's a silly question. We just are, as an inevitability, what is there to ask or argue about?

                      a commitment to pure integer arithmetic

                      Something I don't have. I only know that integer scaling looks best on my monitor, keeps everything sharp and crystal clear. And "sine" is just as physical as "integer" and everything else. And pure sine is better for my electronics.

                    • Because it's a silly question.

                      And, yet, this silliness has driven priests, philosophers, and scientists these millennia. Which does not refute your point, but hints that the question may have more than a drunken titter about it.

                    • Once again... personal choice.. You're getting nowhere with this

                    • Perfectly fine with personal choice, but I want to understand the greater evaluation context for that choice, and how one characterizes choice as justified.
                    • What "greater evaluation" are you talking about? You are making no sense. Personal evaluation is all that is needed for all things

                    • Personal evaluation is all that is needed for all things

                      We know Dahmer was wrong, but personal evaluation didn't stop him. But we know that (a) he was wrong, and (b) you're playing possum.

                    • On the contrary, you are projecting

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
