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Journal drinkypoo's Journal: Dicks Detected 3

ALTADENA , CA , 91001
(480) 516-7385

This person has given my email address to Jiffy Lube so that I would get spammed. Obviously it would be inappropriate to call them and tell them they're an ass. "Please" "don't" DO THAT.

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Dicks Detected

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  • Now I don't know what your email address is - I won't even attempt to guess - but is there any chance that maybe this other person has an actual email address that could be similar? Jiffy Lube employees aren't always the best typists after all. I know I've had times where I've had people accidentally give one of my email addresses because it was similar to one of their own, and I've ended up with their stuff sent to my email.

    And as I have used Jiffy Lube in recent memory, I can also attest that they o
  • (480)

    Because a tweaker from Mesa, Arizona is living in Cali... right...

    • But is that a land line or a cell phone? Lots of people carry their cell phone numbers with them as they move; I've done so myself a few times. You can probably do it with land lines as well though I would expect that would be less commonly done.

Only God can make random selections.
