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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: A sad new troll 14

I probably shouldn't acknowledge this guy with a journal entry, but since he just wrote one with my name in it I thought I'd make an exception. I won't even go so far as to say that he is of any particular philosophical persuasion, rather that he must be one of the following:
  • Incapable of reading and comprehending the written English language
  • Lying about actually reading what I write
  • Just simply trolling me

It started in an earlier JE I wrote. Slashdot user mcgrew raised an actual point, which I gave my own response to. The rest comes after that.

It was a perfectly sane and reasonable conversation up to that point. Then the user who wrote the journal entry mentioned above inserted their completely irrational "interpretation" of my comment. The only question really is whether or not they actually read the comment, as no reasonable person could possibly reach that user's conclusions from doing so.

If the user is just trolling me, they have indeed succeeded in wasting my time but nothing else. Not much of a victory for them, really.

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A sad new troll

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  • I posted what I think is a fine screed against this sort this morning:
    Bouie In: ‘Off-Beat Tales Of Racism And The Master Baiter; Wax On, Wax Oft’ []
  • I don't think he's trolling you, I think he's jumping to conclusions without data. He probably assumes that since you said "However I do not personally see pot as being an important enough issue to warrant voting for a candidate who cannot possibly win" that you are in favor of pot prohibition. He seems so adamant that I suspect he's either been incarcerated for pot, or someone close to him has, considering your " don't see the pot laws as being that oppressive."

    I'm surprised that you're not a 3rd party vot

    • I don't think he's trolling you, I think he's jumping to conclusions without data.

      Also without reading the posts he claims to be replying to.

      He probably assumes that since you said "However I do not personally see pot as being an important enough issue to warrant voting for a candidate who cannot possibly win" that you are in favor of pot prohibition

      An assumption which was very much negated later in the same post. Which leaves me to think either he can't read, he's lying about reading, or he's just trolling me.

      I'm surprised that you're not a 3rd party voter, since you seem to be pretty much against both majors on most issues. Since I'm in Illinois, any presidential vote from me will be meaningless, since Obama will surely win Illinois by a landslide. In fact, unless you're in one of the "battleground states" the only meaningful vote you can cast is for one of the three other viable parties (out of over 50 parties).

      As much as I despise the "two-party" system, I am also not one to vote for someone who has no chance of winning. I know this can, at times, be circular logic, but I am willing to vote for someone who can win if they represent at least some portion of my views.

      And perhaps even more

      • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

        As much as I despise the "two-party" system, I am also not one to vote for someone who has no chance of winning.

        In all but a handful of states, only one candidate has a chance of winning. In Illinois it's Obama, in Massachusettes it's Romney.

        • Massachusettes could be an interesting case this year. They claim Romney has a good chance of taking it, though as much as he has been bad-mouthing everything he did there I'm not sure he will go over well for the electorate.
        • The reason he votes the way he does is because he wants to feel like he's part of something big, and pretend he has some inluence. Doesn't want to feel left out. Social psychologists have done many write ups on the phenomenon. It's still pathological, but very powerful. A dominant trait in most people because we are social animals. He seems to be perfectly comfortable in his cage, being able to absolve himself of any social obligations between election cycles. Textbook case.

    • Unbalanced? No worse than anybody else.. But I sure do wish that Paddy Chayefsky was still around to clarify... If you're really interested in making a difference, you gotta get "mad as hell". Willful ignorance and complacency is killing us. By the way, seeing as that I have no real evidence to the contrary, I will probably will give the greens a try. But they damn well better use their bully pulpit if they ever acquire it. That's where Homes fell down so damn hard... well, in addition to the murder and may

      • Thank you for coming here to remind us that you are functionally illiterate. Or did you come to tell us you are a compulsive liar? Or just a troll?

        One of the three is clearly the case. Only you know the answer to that for sure.

He who has but four and spends five has no need for a wallet.
