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Journal Bill Dawg's Journal: Trump Alarmism 10

The Left is doing the same thing on Trump as y'all do on the climate. Hillary's running ads in California (why?!?) showing Lefties and Establishment Republicans saying they're fearful if The Donald gets the nucular codes. OMG he's a loose cannon and might nuke us all!!!111!!!ONE

p.s. Hillary apparently has a simple explanation for why she set up a separate email server to hide her money laundering plans: It's Colin Powell's fault.

p.s. Lucky for you guys, the American people don't care. We don't care about nothing anymore. All we know is, that letter after her name as candidate, that used to stand for "Democrat", these days stand for "Default". No, not what the federal government might have to do some day, having been run by Progressives for too long, but who people automatically punch the chad for, unless they can of a really good reason to override it.

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Trump Alarmism

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  • ... from bad ratings. The entire industry is deeply indebted to him

    And look at the bright side, the democrats don't need to make promises they never had any intention of keeping. As the designated distraction, Trump has been their best ally throughout the entire affair. Of all the emails out there, the most intriguing would be the ones between him and Clinton.

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      I've said all along that Trump is the best thing to happen to Hillary in this election.

      • The reason he entered the race has been most obvious since day one, but I catch nothing but shit whenever I mention it.

        • Because you're willing to throw the ego of one of the most egotistical men on the planet under the bus in order to do so. You can keep calling a turd a rose for as long as you want, still nobody's going to buy it from you.
        • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

          Obvious to me as well. He doesn't really want to run the country, he thinks he can make a lot of money running. It almost seems like he's TRYING to lose!

Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
