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Journal Captain Splendid's Journal: Stop, please 14

Right, after having to read for the thousandth time about how Bush 1 had massive approval levels shortly before being swept out of office and how that pertains to Obama and "anything can still happen!", let me straighten out a few things.

1) For starters, Bush stopped at the Iraqi border and didn't pursue Saddam, whereas Obama happily invaded a sovereign country to get Osama. If you think that's meaningless, I invite you to leave your basement and go out and meet some of your fellow Americans.

2) There is no Clinton in this race: Huckabee's out. And Huckabee ain't no Clinton anyway.

3) There is no Perot to siphon off votes in this race. Best you're going to get is Kucinich and whoever the Green Party gets to run.

4) Obama is not Bush Sr. Which is to say he's not some ancient crusty white dude who keeps passing out in public and puking on foreign dignitaries.

5) Last but not least, Bush's election was a pretty big fluke. The main reasons he got elected in the first place was the fact he didn't seem involved in any of the Reagan scandals and that his opposition was that chump Dukakis. Hell, historically speaking, incumbent VPs dont get elected President. Gary Trudeau had a whole long running bit in Doonesbury referencing it, fer crying out loud.

Not saying Obama can't lose, but it's very unlikely, and the precedent the pundits (and other assorted idiots here) are trying to push has zero bearing on that.
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Stop, please

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  • Sure wish I could dig up all your comments on these things, but I have to honest, I would not place any bets with your bookie. Same goes for Shadow Wrought's sports picks.. And the fact that we still have the Johnson/Nixon crew calling the shots should say something.. I'll grant that Obama's a team player for the most part with big money behind him (most likely to used to destroy the opposition, a la Sarkozy, swift boaters, etc), but he still has serious problems, and you of all people, should know how fick

    • Damn.. I should point out Bush II (the one I was always referring to) was not given the bum's rush, and if it was allowed, he would most definitely be in the middle of his third term, looking forward to an easy fourth. That's where the idiot pundits fall flat on their collective faces. Approval ratings in negative territory, but election results showing exactly the opposite. There should be no doubt of that whatsoever. Bush Sr. owed some favors and let it go to move on to a more effective position. Let's no

      • What are you talking about? We are in a third Bush term right now. Obama has yet to do anything as president that Bush wouldn't have done if he was in there right now.
        • Well hell, it would be just as correct to say we are in Nixon's 11th term, or Wilson's 23rd, Caesar's 500th, Ogg's 250,000th (for the young earthers, Eve's 1,500th)...

          I believe it goes:
          We didn't start the fire
          It was always burning
          Since the world's been turning

          I'm not making any claims about some ethereal change of policy, only that we might see somebody else execute it.

    • Forget my bookie, would you place a bet with me? I'll happily take your cash.
      • ...Bush 1 had massive approval levels shortly before being swept out of office...

        Bush 2 had horrible numbers before winning against fairly credible 'opposition' in 2004. Even worse in 2008 as the paper economy nosedived, yet McCain still garnered a good percentage of the popular vote against 'hope and change', and that happened for one reason only. That same insanity still thrives today under the codename 'socialist'.

        I will grant that Obama is effectively running unopposed with the present lineup, but if it

  • Obama will win because he's so conservative already in his actual actions that he has made it impossible for the republicans to find a candidate who is more conservative and in some small way remotely palatable. Hence any candidate who gets votes as a republican is either a total nutjob, or is getting votes from party loyalists who would vote for satan himself just to spite the democrats (or both).

    In other words, the 2012 presidential election won't be about issues, at all. Of course, one could ask wh
  • 1) For starters, Bush stopped at the Iraqi border and didn't pursue Saddam, whereas Obama happily invaded a sovereign country to get Osama. If you think that's meaningless, I invite you to leave your basement and go out and meet some of your fellow Americans.

    Damned straight.

    2) There is no Clinton in this race: Huckabee's out. And Huckabee ain't no Clinton anyway.

    Trump is gone.

    3) There is no Perot to siphon off votes in this race. Best you're going to get is Kucinich and whoever the Green Party gets to run.


    • Why is everybody talking about Bush Sr? Where is that coming from? Obama didn't run against him. He ran against the policies of his drunken, coke head son, who also very happily invaded two sovereign countries (Of course Obama has since tied that number while maintaining the invasion against the first two), and despite the media polls negativity about those policies, he didn't win by that big a margin. If it had been Hillary, you would have seen a Reagan style landslide, only more so, and a super duper majo

      • Jeb has a criminal record as a cokehead, his wife broke customs and has major gambling and drug problems.

        Don't count your Bush family before they mess it up for themselves.

        Why do you think George ran?

        • If he didn't rape the maid recently, he's good to go...

          But yeah, okay. I suppose I should accept that sheer momentum will rule the day. If I have enough pesos, I'll have a steak prepped for you also.. while I'm secretly hoping for an 'October Surprise'... been waiting for that ever since Nixon.. I don't know why I cling.. Even Superman gave up his citizenship... What's up with that? Did TSA demand to frisk him every time he flew?

  • Not to mention that the entirety of Kuwait was under Bush I's watch. Its not like the Democrats had been trying to get the Iraqi's out of Kuwait for 8 years and campaigned on how the Republicans were soft on it. The Republicans have tied a good deal of their aspirations to being the party of defense, but it was Obama who pulled the trigger.
  • Obama will win (or rather, no Republican can win) because Americans love Medicare and Social Security. They are two of the most popular government programs ever. Social Security is more popular than the US Military.

    Americans may not understand budget deficits, or stimulus plans, or quantitative easing or supply-side economics, but they know how much they're going to get every month after they retire and they have seen their parents and grandparents get very good medical care via Medicare. In fact, Medica

    • More than a few registered republicans will be secret Obama voters in 2012.

      FTFY. The teabggers would go Jonestown before ever voting D.

There is hardly a thing in the world that some man can not make a little worse and sell a little cheaper.
