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Journal Captain Splendid's Journal: This week 4

Lots of light chatter on the 'Pakistan situation', by the usual bobbleheads, followed by silence. After all, everybody knows what the fundamental differences are between Afghanistan and Pakistan, otherwise morons like Railgunner would be fulminating a call for action to wipe those Pakis from the face of the earth.

Which puts Iran once again into perspective. The only reason the US wants to deny them nuclear capability is that it forever precludes invasion. Can't have that.
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This week

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  • if it comes to that.

    But the best thing to do would be to bring our troops home from both Iraq and Afghanistan, cancel the mercenaries and "aid" to Pakistan, and only provide funding for road building and girl's school building in the region.

    Our third "covert" war will still go on with drones, but the infrastructure and logisitics for that is fairly minimal. Given the actions - and overt inaction/help - by the Pakistani ISI, we'd be better off treating Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as non-allies and non-friends

    • ...we'd be better off treating Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as non-allies and non-friends and assuming they automatically are lying to us.

      Add the US government to that list, and we might get somewhere..

  • Probably can't even withdrawal foreign aid without receiving a threat now.. Which will have us all begging for a full fledged colonoscopy before boarding the plane by election time..

  • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) * on Wednesday May 04, 2011 @03:42PM (#36027884) Homepage Journal

    Iran is between Iraq and a hard place.

Computer Science is merely the post-Turing decline in formal systems theory.
