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Journal Marxist Hacker 42's Journal: Knife in the back for Anthropogenic Global Warming? 34

So, is Global Warming done for? I've long used "Global Chaotic Climate Change" instead, and have never bothered with the anthropogenic/natural debate. But recent data seems to indicate that the entire idea of the earth going into runaway greenhouse effect is WRONG.

Of course, now it's too late anyway- peak oil, combined with growing demand in Asian Markets, has done what all the Kyoto accords couldn't and will bring us $5/gallon gas by August anyway.

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Knife in the back for Anthropogenic Global Warming?

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  • I caught the beginning of Die Hard on TV tonight, and there was a shot of the building with a gas prices sign in the frame -- 75 cents a gallon and on down. It looked so weird without the dollars digits in front. But that was from 23 years ago. My how time flies, and things change. Oh well, tomorrow I think we both celebrate Christ's resurrection and victory over that which is the wages of sin. Happy Easter.

    • Happy Easter to you too. 49 more days of it to go for me- the longest holiday on the Church Calendar. Oh, and of course, in a bid to stop my liberal parish from losing even more membership count, our priest pointed out that for Catholics- EVERY SUNDAY IS EASTER.

      Theologically accurate, but if he thinks the Easter Only Catholics are going to start going weekly for that reason he's crazier than I am.

      Yeah, I remember in college, early 1990s, still being able to fill up my little gas-efficient scooter for $.75

    • I remember paying 35 cents for gas, and a pack of cigarettes, and getting all sorts of free stuff. Shell was the best.. but Sunoco had the highest octane.. Ah, the old days, when a simple whack with a screwdriver would unstick the carburetor float and have you on your way.

  • Arguments that build rational cases for shrewd resource management are still valid. Clean air, potable water, and parks are still a big win.
    Not faring so well? Arguments grounded in crude guilt and fear plays. Schmucks making them will continue to be ridiculed.
    • I agree. If you're really so damn worried about global warming, plant a garden. This will do three things:
      1, Feed your family
      2. Soak up atmospheric carbon into biomass (recycled carbon if you compost)
      3. Get some trucks off the road that would have previously brought you vegetables, thus reducing some of the worst sources of atmospheric carbon, which are all in the shipping industry where cost is king and dirty fuel is cheap.

    • Arguments grounded in crude guilt and fear plays.

      Sure does.. It's the most fundamental and successful way of suppressing revolutionary action... Has been since man crawled out of the slime

  • The article cited by the link specifically says that the decade of 2000-2010 is "statistically cooling". They do this by excluding all the years that the El Nino effect occurred, which are the warmest 13 years of the past 30...

    Who playing statistics games now?

    • They do this by excluding all the years that the El Nino effect occurred, which are the warmest 13 years of the past 30...

      Except that El Nino has happened before, and will happen again, and is a natural phenomenon that is not worth freaking out about.
      • They do this by excluding all the years that the El Nino effect occurred, which are the warmest 13 years of the past 30...

        Except that El Nino has happened before, and will happen again, and is a natural phenomenon that is not worth freaking out about.

        So... the increasing occurrence of the El Nino effect isn't significant? I mean, Global Warming posits only a 1 degree change over the average, that isn't enough to exceed even record temperatures... so, since 79 weather when the historical average has been 78 has happened before, and will happen again...

        The point is that the article is making the argument that the Earth is really in a cooling cycle, and it can show this by showing that temperatures have been going down... as long as you ignore El Nino year

        • Here's why the Earth is "cooling": Link 1 [nasa.gov]

          Link 2 [nasa.gov]

          Here's why it'll probably get warmer for the next several years before it cools down again:Link 3 [nasa.gov]

          Any questions?

          Global Warming... on MARS [nationalgeographic.com]

          Favorite line from that article: Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.

          Of course not - the "other" climate scientists have a political agenda. The modern day "green" movement is nothing more than a cloak that socialists/fascists (two sides of the same totalitarian
          • Blah blah blah, here's some information that these climate "experts" apparently are too retarded to look at...

            Except they're not.

            • Funny... "Climate Scientists" are on board with the whole global warming fraud, and yet a huge number of meteorologists - including the founder of The Weather Channel.

              Also, I never claimed they were retarded - I claimed they had an agenda.

              As far as your other reply - there's a difference between reacting to an event that *did* occur as opposed to an event that *might* occur. I'm not surprised that you can't tell the difference.

              Proponents of Global Warming argue that "it's here!" and we should "do some
              • Should read: Funny... "Climate Scientists" are on board with the whole global warming fraud, and yet a huge number of meteorologists - including the founder of The Weather Channel reject it .

                YouTube Interview, John Coleman - Part 1 [youtube.com]
              • He's been a complete disaster of a President, arguably the Worst President in History.

                Hardly a good reflection on Reagan, whose footsteps he is merely following..

                • Every President of my lifetime has been the "Worst President Ever" from one point of view or another. Obama is at least 3 generations worse than Reagan by that standard......

                  • That's because you're not adjusting for 'inflation'.. We're further down the slope now in every aspect, so of course each one will look worse than the previous, and the next will be worse still. What once was millions became billions, and is now trillions. The only thing that really has changed is the number of zeros tacked onto the end, but basic policy hasn't changed in my entire lifetime.

          • Anthropogenic Global Warming is a complete and total fraud.

            Even if AGW is wrong, GW is still happening, and even if it is "natural", that doesn't mean that it won't have a significant impact on the world, and it doesn't mean that we shouldn't be responsible for taking care of it.

            If I leave something in my house it "naturally" gets dusty. (Even outside, if one wants to get on the whole "most dust in a house is human dander" trip) But just because it does that naturally, doesn't mean that I shouldn't clean it. In fact, if I let my house "naturally" fall into disrepai

            • Not to make the obvious too painfully loud, but you do realize you are attempting a discussion with the Vanilla Ice of slashdot conservatives, right? His image is fake, his message is fake, even his backstory is fake. Hell he probably has a v6 fox mustang convertible somewhere with fake chinese-made v8 emblems and a dummy dual exhaust to complete the gag.

              Sure, you can join in and help him make conservatives look silly if you want, but don't make the mistake of taking him seriously. Hence if you want
              • Go away, troll, grown ups are having a discussion.
                • Go away, troll, grown ups are having a discussion.

                  Grown ups don't accuse each other conspiracy theories... crack pots do though...

                  • damn_registrars is only following the lefty play book - he knows he can't beat me in a debate, so he tries to discredit me with ad hominem attacks - claiming I'm somehow not a "real conservative" (never mind my voting record or time I've spent volunteering for conservative candidates - or the new "Michael Williams for U.S. Senate" bumper sticker I just slapped on my car).

                    He is also behind the raiigunner troll account, which he of course denies - and it's another ad hominem attack.

                    It's really quite sad
                    • he knows he can't beat me in a debate

                      A key element of your act; pretending that you would be willing to have a debate - or that you would have some sense of what it means for one side to win in one.

                      He is also behind the raiigunner troll account

                      Nope. But it would be out of character for you to admit to being wrong, ever.

                      It's really quite sad and amusing that he devotes so much of his time trying to attack me.

                      You're the one who has put me and your clone on your foes list, and then chosen to post every journal entry "no foes" to exclude us from conversation. You openly attack me in your journal entries where you don't welcome my response.

                      On the other hand - where you are y

                    • damn_registrars is only following the lefty play book - he knows he can't beat me in a debate, so he tries to discredit me with ad hominem attacks - claiming I'm somehow not a "real conservative" (never mind my voting record or time I've spent volunteering for conservative candidates - or the new "Michael Williams for U.S. Senate" bumper sticker I just slapped on my car).

                      I voted for Bush (the second time), but that doesn't make me conservative, nor does it mean that I'm not honestly a strongly avowed socialist. Honestly, I could totally claim everything you just said as well... as a girl who has been told a lot "pics or it didn't happen" on the internet... I'm acutely aware that people widely recognize that pretending that you're something else that you're not is extremely easy on the internet.

                      You can speak all you want about this stuff, but what proof do we have of your wo

                    • You know he won't get back to that. As I said; he's the Vanilla Ice of slashdot conservatives. When you see him try to work the audience, just think of Vanilla Ice explaining how his bassline was not ripped off from Under Pressure [youtube.com].
                    • You can speak all you want about this stuff, but what proof do we have of your words? Honestly, your dogged holding to positions that would be best be held by the fridge conservatives, like Conservapedia push you well into the range of Poe's Law... where it now becomes difficult to tell if you're being a parodist troll, or if you're just that dogged in holding to well discredited efforts.

                      "Well discredited?" There's your problem. You claim my positions have been well discredited when they haven't - becaus
                    • You claim my positions have been well discredited when they haven't

                      Positions are just opinions. They are neither right nor wrong, they just are. You could hold the position that some mythical being is pushing our planet around the solar system, it would be your position. On the other hand, if you tried to present it as fact, then your fact would be wrong. You have presented plenty of positions that are based on incorrect (or completely absent) data as part of your act, but that doesn't discredit your position anymore than it discredits an uninformed person trying to c

                    • nothing I do is gay, stalker, or troll.

                      Like hell it isn't. It doesn't matter where I post on this website - you reply at a rate well over 95%. I foed you because you harass other users in my journal, so instead, you devote a litany of JE's complaining about it. Obsessed / Stalker - CHECK, and CHECK.

                      I called Obama a fascist. I have reasons for doing so, and facts that I have previously discussed that back up my position. You acted, and act, like a good little brownshirt trying to silence me or shout me d
                    • t doesn't matter where I post on this website - you reply at a rate well over 95%


                      you harass other users in my journal

                      That has never happened. You cannot provide an example of such a thing happening because ti never did, no matter how much you might want it to be the case.

                      devote a litany of JE's complaining about it

                      You do an awful job of reading, there. My JEs don't complain about anything. When you are mentioned in the occasional JE I celebrate your sense of humor.






                      You're paying the waiter? I'm gainfully employed and can pick up my own tab, thank you much.

                      I called Obama a fascist.

                      Holy crap! A factual statement from you! Indeed, you did call him a fascist. Now th

                    • We'd love to know how to reached that conclusion.

                      Self evident by your behavior. Plus Raul The Cabana Boy told me all your dirty little secrets.
                    • We'd love to know how to reached that conclusion. Of course it wouldn't be within your character to actually explain it by anything more specific than an insult.

                      Self evident by your behavior. Plus Raul The Cabana Boy told me all your dirty little secrets.

                      Thank you for fulfilling my prediction on that one. Though really, I would have expected nothing less. We both know it is out of character for you to respond to a challenge in any meaningful way, and very much within character for you to sling insults when you are tired of making shit up.

                      I could point out that of course such behavior is often accepted as an admission of failure.

                    • Only one I can't prove is gay. But you're waaaay more interested in me than you should be, so I question your motives. Occam's Razor suggests that your blatant homosexuality is the most like cause.

                      You're just totally... that's not how... Occam's Razor doesn't...

                      Ah fuck it, you won't care anyways...

                    • I admit that your sense of humor is neither - whoever you are.
                    • Rg's repertoire is lifted straight off the pages of a very weird site called Ace of Spades HQ.. Damn near word for word.. He displays no independent thought whatsoever here on Slashdot.. Maybe at the dinner table, but not here.

Work expands to fill the time available. -- Cyril Northcote Parkinson, "The Economist", 1955
