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An Open Journal to Microsoft

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  • I thought you were talking about a desktop operating system, actually. Thankfully unlike the overpriced online gaming platform to which you refer we do have adequate free options for operating systems now.
    • I'm not really having a problem with windows prices because I haven't had to actually pay for a windows license outside of paying the Microsoft tax ever. And yes Victoria, I do run Linux, and a lot of it. I've also pushed it in business repeatedly to varying degrees of success.

    • I thought you were talking about a desktop operating system, actually.

      Same here! I still couldn't tell you what the Gold membership gets you, and I've looked it up. Twice.
      • The ability to do anything interesting. Without gold you can't play games via the internet, download most demos, enter contests, use Netflix, get additional achievements from Halo games via Halo Waypoint, et cetera. All you can do is buy stuff, and you receive ads like it or not.

        I would think about paying the forty bucks it costs to get live gold right now if it would disable advertising, but it doesn't, and likely never will. I would pay twenty bucks to get live gold. I am not paying forty bucks and being

        • With $40 you're about half way to the cost of a used Wii. And with that used Wii, you can play online games and download demos for no additional fee. For that matter the Wii will do Netflix for no additional fee as well.

          Sure, it's not high def, but it also isn't advertising to you...
          • I have a Wii. The video output is total muddy grainy shit like every other fucking Nintendo console EVER, Hi-Def aside. We just couldn't tell in the NES era because TVs were so crap (not too long ago I got rid of one of those Sony TVs with the aluminum screen and the purple and green tubes...) It looks like shit no matter what I connect it to. I have a bigass 1080p set and I use a PC running XP and Firefox to deliver Netflix to my TV. I bought a Sharp Blu-Ray player to play Netflix on my TV but the door fel

            • I have a Wii ... It looks like shit no matter what I connect it to.

              I may be that we have different ideas of what "looks like shit" means. I have my Wii connected to my Panasonic Viera 42inch 1080p plasma, and I consider the product acceptable for what it is. After all, you can't expect fantastic video through a composite cable any more than you can expect concert hall acoustics from dollar store headphones. I still use my Wii regularly - enough that I am considering buying a second one - and I don't consider its output to "look like shit".

              I bought a Sharp Blu-Ray player to play Netflix on my TV but the door fell off when I removed the protective plastic, and it didn't have enough RAM for buffer anyway.

              FWIW I also bought the Best B

              • After all, you can't expect fantastic video through a composite cable any more than you can expect concert hall acoustics from dollar store headphones.

                I have a component cable for my Wii. It still looks like dookie. The graphics are muddy like they're stippled or something. It's something I've been noticing on Nintendo systems since the SNES, even when I was a total anti-Genesis Nintendo fanboy.

                I honestly haven't noticed the advertising on the Wii. Where is it? I've never seen it when playing a game or setting one up.

                There's a couple freebies in the store. As I said it's minimal.

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