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Journal pudge's Journal: TMBG Pushes Atheist Propaganda 10

I am a big fan of They Might Be Giants, and have been since the early 90s. They are excellent songwriters and performers. And I also really dig their kids albums, Here Come The ABCs and Here Come The 123s. I recommend them to many parents.

Unfortunately, I have some reservations about their new album, Here Comes Science. The first track is called "Science Is Real," and they express the notion that science is real, while "angels" are not. Now, it may be that they mean "real" as in "provable through the scientific method," but this is an album for kids, and kids hear "real" and think "not fake," and vice versa. It's a pretty clear message kids will receive: the Big Bang and evolution are true, and angels don't exist.

The chorus goes, "I like those stories about angels, unicorns, and elves / Now, I like those stories as much as anyone else / But when I'm seeking knowledge, either simple or abstract / The facts are with science, the facts are with science." Later, they add, "a scientific theory isn't just a hunch or guess / it's more like a question that's been put through a lot of tests / and when a theory emerges consistent with the facts / the proof is with science, the truth is with science."

It's simply false to say that any "proof" or "truth" is with science. We all know this; even John and John of TMBG know this themselves: later in the album they contradict their song (a remake of an older work) "Why Does The Sun Shine?" In the original, "the sun is a mass of incandescent gas." In the very next song, "Why Does the Sun Really Shine?," they quip, "the sun is a miasma of incandescent plasma, the sun's not simply made out of gas ... forget that song, they got it wrong, that thesis has been rendered invalid." Very clever, but it clearly demonstrates that simply having a good and useful theory that matches the facts doesn't give us proof or truth.

The reason for this is that science is necessarily incomplete. If science could be complete, we wouldn't need it: science is a way to investigate things in the physical world, that aren't self-evident, that cannot be discovered through reason alone. The only way science could be complete is if we had all knowledge, so we could account for all possibilities, and in such a case, we would have no need for investigation. And in that case we'd have no need for science in the first place.

I ordinarily wouldn't quibble too much on this whole point except that they exclude angels as science, and therefore, as truth: it's not "real" because it's not science. It is utterly irrational and unscientific to say that because angels are apparently outside of science, they therefore do not exist. You may believe that -- and that's fine -- but you can't use science to get you to that belief.

I do believe angels exist. And there's simply no science, or even a broadly accepted philosophy of science, that says they don't.

The sad thing is that I like the song otherwise. It's a catchy tune. But I wouldn't allow TMBG to use it to push their atheist propaganda on my kids.

As to the rest of the album, there's a few other tracks I have problems with. Above, I mentioned the Big Bang and evolution. I did not intend to imply that I don't generally believe in either theory. I do. However, my belief in both are very scientific: that is, they are filled with doubt. We have lots of holes in both theories, and while they are extremely useful and explain a lot of what happened and may be mostly right, there's also gaps in our knowledge. I don't consider these to be truth, I consider them to be useful and probably correct.

So I also can't recommend the song "My Brother the Ape." Lest you think I am being a fundamentalist stickinthemud, I also recently panned a Focus on the Family audio program for kids, about evolution: I understood it to be saying that man did not evolve from a common ancestor as the ape. Both views -- asserting we did, and we did not -- are unsustainable based on our current level of knowledge.

There's also a song on the album called "Electric Car." "Electric car, on roads so dark, to change the end, rewrite the start ... How can you deny an electric car? Won't you take a ride with me? Not diesel, steam, or gasoline! ... Happiness resides in an electric car. ..." They push the whole we-need-to-be-green-to-save-the-planet nonsense that -- frankly -- is about as scientific as angels are. And the song's actually pretty creepy.

Finally, they have a song called "How Many Planets?," which falsely pushes the idea that an arbitrary group of scientists have the authority to define the word "planet" for everyone else, by excluding Pluto.* This song I can recommend to kids, as it's a great way to teach them to question not only authority, but the validity of claims of authority themselves. (Although the song is a bit weak regardless of its message.)

I like the rest of the album (in addition to "Why Does the Sun Shine?," they include the previously released remake by the same composers, "What is a Shooting Star?," and the classic "The Bloodmobile;" and I really like "I Am a Paleontologist" and "Meet the Elements"). The good thing is that these days, you can always uncheck a song and it won't show up on your iPods.

* As a side note, I've met a lot of homeschoolers and evangelicals who question the exclusion of Pluto. This has nothing to do with any theology implications, so why the apparent high degree of questioning in this particular group? Some people might think the connection is because such people are generally conservative and dislike change, or embrace tradition. That's part of it, but I think it's deeper, strengthened by a deep-seated, centuries-long tendency toward independence and questioning authority. Whether it was rejection of the authority of the Catholic Church in the Reformation, or of the Anglican Church leading to colonizing the New World, or of the British Crown's right to arbitrarily tax, or of the U.S. government's right to control our lives in myriad ways ... many of us in this tradition tend to reject authority -- why do you think there's so many different Protestant denominations? -- and the ones who question authority the most are often the ones most likely to engage in homeschooling.

Not that all such people are Protestants; the tradition runs strong through much of the culture of the United States today. I've known various agnostic homeschoolers who have the same outlook. We see this pattern over, and over, in this country. Protestants and their philosophical and cultural cousins don't tend to go along to get along. They would rather be left alone to get along.

Cross-posted on <pudge/*>.

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TMBG Pushes Atheist Propaganda

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  • I can pretty much go over to my sister's place and see what's in hers and her husband's collection to know what I prolly wouldn't like. Like U2, REM, Pearl Jam, Dave Mathews, ...

    Plus politically correct bands typically aren't very metal. :)

    BTW, very astute on your side note.

    • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *
      Up to a point, I can tune out the political BS. Most of what you mentioned, I'm OK with most of the time. I'll even throw in some of the more overt stuff occasionally, like Rage Against The Machine. Some of their stuff is just catchy as hell, even if they are a bunch of pinko commies.

      Dave Matthews, OTOH, is just a whiny bastard whose "talent" is highly overrated.

      • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

        For myself, I can tune it out. For kids, it's very different. And I like DMB!

        • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

          For myself, I can tune it out. For kids, it's very different.

          True enough...they're already getting hammered from every direction with attempts at indoctrination. Short of homeschooling/private school and keeping the idiot box turned off most of the time, I'm not sure how you'd go about keeping most of the bad influences away.

          • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

            Short of homeschooling/private school and keeping the idiot box turned off most of the time, I'm not sure how you'd go about keeping most of the bad influences away.

            Well, we start there. :-)

            • by Jewdass ( 946382 )

              Short of homeschooling/private school and keeping the idiot box turned off most of the time, I'm not sure how you'd go about keeping most of the bad influences away.

              Well, we start there. :-)

              Yeah, keep them away from all those icky outside influences. Make sure they only hear what YOU want them to hear and learn only things YOU want them to know.

              That'll keep them from being indoctrinated!

              • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

                Yeah, keep them away from all those icky outside influences. Make sure they only hear what YOU want them to hear and learn only things YOU want them to know.

                Exactly. That's what a parent does.

                That'll keep them from being indoctrinated!

                No, but it helps.

                I know you're trying to make a point, but you failed, in fact. If you had young children, would you want someone teaching them about rape and torture? If you're an atheist, would you want someone teaching them that if they sin, they go to hell? If you're a Christian, would you want someone teaching them that when they die, they simply cease to exist?

                If you're honest, and if you understand children at all, you would answer No. This is not indoctrinatio

  • It is utterly irrational and unscientific to say that because angels are apparently outside of science, they therefore do not exist.

    A lot of things "didn't exist" that do now. Black holes, white holes. As you say, science is incomplete. Science and religion ask different questions.

    As to the existance of angels, once you have experienced a thing you can no longer disbelieve it. Once you've felt the hand of God you can no longer be an athiest or agnostic.

  • Where does the song mention atheists?
    The summary doesn't either; just the title.
    It might be wrong about "angels" but not atheism.

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      Where does the song mention atheists?

      Where did I say it did?

      It might be wrong about "angels" but not atheism.

      I never said it was wrong about atheism. I said it was atheist propaganda.

      What I said was that the song contrasts science to angels, and then immediately says "science is real." Therefore implying directly that angels are NOT real, of course. And this is an opinion -- mostly likely atheist in origin, though it could be some other philosophy, I suppose -- that has nothing whatsoever to do with actual science.

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