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Journal Captain Splendid's Journal: Starting to suck a little less 8

Although I still hate:
  • Big green splodge at the top. No, fuck no.
  • Right-side widgets. 2 problems: They're borked and they're useless anyway. Now, if you let us set what comments/journals/friends we would like it to show, you might be on to something. It would be a way to highlight JEs/comments/fans/freaks that you want to show off.
  • Ajax crap. Always hated it, and have never used the beta index. Slow, bloated, confusing. As someone else mentioned, if it's less DB intensive, then fine. Otherwise, it just looks like you're trying to justify your paycheques.
  • Trying to write a JE is still lots of extra clicks. Stupid stupid stupid.
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Starting to suck a little less

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  • Very very bad.

    It's like a microsoft design.

    And I don't mean that in a good way.

    The big green splodge on DEFAULT (!!!!!) option 1 on My page - MAJOR BAD IDEA - at best should be LAST TAB since it's a major screenwaste.

    The right side widgets definitely need work. But the major problem is the order of default - it should still default (or allow you to control the default choice) to a more informative comments section.

    AJAX - well, we have a group that was supposed to meet here in the UW Tower on this, and the w

    • Ajax can be done right. Unfortunately, everyone uses "do-everything" libraries that are really bloated. They also make the mistake of trying to, for example, add elements one at a time with repeated calls to document.getElementById('crap').innerHTML = s;, causing the page to be reflowed LOTS of times, instead of just accumulating the string, then making ONE call. Reflow is expensive.
      • I agree - when we write our data request pages, we grab the whole thing and only repost the items that have descriptive text.

        A lot less problematic, and it makes for easier validation parsing.

        Ajax can be done right. Unfortunately, everyone uses "do-everything" libraries that are really bloated. They also make the mistake of trying to, for example, add elements one at a time with repeated calls to document.getElementById('crap').innerHTML = s;, causing the page to be reflowed LOTS of times, instead of just accumulating the string, then making ONE call. Reflow is expensive.

      • Ajax can be done right.

        I think you mean "scripting", which to simplify things is really what "Ajax" and "Web 2.0" is all about. It's fairly easy to presume that you are involved with Ajax (on a professional level). Please note that I'm not trying to be snide here; one should avoid killing the messenger.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I'm afraid I've introduced them to some bad company [] and Bob must have gotten them started on that shit. Explains where the cartoonist gets his ideas [] from.

    But in my defense, it was because they were too retarded to know when and when not to use an apostrophe [] that I introduced them to Bob. Sorry.

    Kids, just say no to web2.0

A CONS is an object which cares. -- Bernie Greenberg.
