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Journal drinkypoo's Journal: Man kicked off Quantas flight for bush-bashing Tee Shirt 13

Reuters Reports that a man wearing a Tee Shirt with a picture of Dubya and subtitled "World's number 1 terrorist" was ejected from a Quantas flight from Melbourne to London simply for his dress. Quantas' statement was that "comments made verbally or on a T-shirt which had the potential to offend other travelers or threaten the security of aircraft" would not be tolerated. Aside from the sticky issue of whether or not you have the right to not be offended, I'm having a hard time picturing something that could be printed on a shirt that threatened aircraft security...
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Man kicked off Quantas flight for bush-bashing Tee Shirt

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  • This isn't the first time people have been denied access to a flight for clothing deemed inappropriate. It's a long standing and pretty well known policy for all airlines and they all have discretion in picking and choosing whom they escort off their aircraft. Usually the ones most caught off-guard by these policies are the ones wearing the clothing, though I would submit most shouldn't be -- this guy knew what he was wearing and that it would get more than mild reactions... I'd consider it inflammatory a

    • at least in-your-face to Americans (okay, a LOT of Americans).

      19% and falling, I'd suspect. I'm eager to hear tomorrow night's "State of the Union" to see just how incredibly out-of-touch-with-anything-resembling-reality Bush's famous optimism still is....
      • by yagu ( 721525 ) *

        Agreed. It's a difficult defense saying Qantas did something acceptable with this as the example (I have long waited for this administration to be over). But, I still have no problem with the airline's decision and discretion. If I'd been wearing the t-shirt and they asked I change it, I would have. This guy's claim to standing on principle for free speech is narcissistic. There are a gazillion places in the free world he can exercise his free speech... but free speech on Qantas' aircraft isn't guarant

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by drinkypoo ( 153816 )
      This guy was basically wearing a shirt that was oh-so-in-your-face to Bush supporters (I'm not one), and at least in-your-face to Americans (okay, a LOT of Americans).

      Who cares? Neither end of his flight was in the USA.

      • by yagu ( 721525 ) *

        Wow, talk about someone coming into your house and peeing on your carpet!!!

        How the heck do you get modded Flamebait in your own journal?!?

        Whether I agree or disagree with you, like or dislike you, -- dude, you got total license as far as I'm concerned in your own journal... sorry to see the mod. Hang in there.

        • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

          by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

          How the heck do you get modded Flamebait in your own journal?!?

          This is going to sound paranoid, but I won't go off on a rant or anything - from what I can tell I have some jackasses following me around modding me down any time they see anything that looks even slightly likely to make it through metamoderation. As far as I am concerned this is a sure sign that I am becoming influential, so I don't take it too badly. Besides, I'm bleeding karma without ever trolling and with only minimal whoring, so who care

  • The solution here is to simply wear a sweater until you're well into the air. Then, remove the sweater. I doubt they'd pin the man down and force him to put it back on. Although the phrase "a man was ejected" in reference to a flight does raise some more interesting visuals.
    • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
      Yeah I was thinking the same thing; maybe they have a few parachutes for just such an occasion?

      Of course the best solution to this and many other problems is to just make everyone fly naked. Harder to conceal weapons and makes the full body cavitiy searches go faster. Though tasteless tattoos would still be a problem. Well that and the eyewatering nightmare that would be a planeful of us fat naked Americans.

  • I feel it is my diplomatic duty to impart a few trivial cultural points about Australia (should anyone answer the call of our suave, sophisticated tourism campaign slogan "Where the bloody hell are you?")

    First, it isn't Quantas. Its QANTAS (no "U"), which stands for "Queensland And Northern Territory Air Service".

    Second, bush-bashing is a term used in Australia for taking a street vehicle off-road (admittedly, a phrase meaning "going where you shouldn't in something not up to the job" is an oddly apt metaph
  • I assume what they meant is that if any republicans had been on the airplane, there was a high chance that a fight might have broken out while in the air. This does indeed threaten aircraft security.

    I imagine that people would have picked sides pretty quickly if a fight had started, turning the passenger cabin into a place for an all-out brawl. While this would be entertaining to watch, I'd rather not have to do it while sealed into the cabin with the brawlers.

    Qantas has a reputation of being a safe a

  • ...you'd see a t-shirt that said "worlds no. 1 terrorist".

    I could see that upsetting people but it's still an absurd overreaction. If you're not allowed wear political slogans on flights then there should be clear rules and people should know them.

If a thing's worth doing, it is worth doing badly. -- G.K. Chesterton
