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[War] Before it is too late we must attack New Delhi

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  • And they won't be able to call anyone over VOIP [] to complain.

    And they won't be able to build another system, because apparently their colleges suck [], too.

    But I'd like to propose a strategy, High Chancellor Ellem. I'd like to propose that we counter this impending biological assault with a preemptive biological assault of our own.

    Yes, we should send Paris Hilton's vagina to India.

    Now I know you're probably thinking that it's cruel, that's it's too much to send a festering vat of disease like Paris
  • This is not about simian terror, but a thinly disguised attempt at exercising hegemony over the global spicy foods market and I cannot support a war fought solely because of our dependence on foreign curry. We must develop our own sources of alternative spicy foods here at home so we are not reliant on instable regions of the world for delicious savory dishes. Many fine substitutes may be found in our own American Southwest.

    I know curry is delicious, but we can build up our reserves of enchiladas, burri

    • But, but, the Big Spice cartel will be fairly easy to take over.

      What can they do with such a small penis? []

      Wait... maybe Paris Hilton's vagina would therefore be inappropriate as a biological weapon.

      I guess there's still Plan B: Codenamed Operation Lohan.
    • by ellem ( 147712 ) *
      You know rk you're either with us, or against us!
    • that would also solve the problem of our dwindling natural gas reserves.

      Yeah, I go for the easy targets. And I stand upwind.

    • I like the idea, and I think that every American city needs to create and maintain a strategic hot peppers reserve. I see ristras hanging from every lamppost. I see Mexican, Guatemalan, and Honduran emigres being hired by the hundreds of thousands to grow chilis in every subway tunnel, every corporate atrium, every underused bowling alley that can be retro-fitted with skylights. I see big cilantro bushes on every street corner, babies reaching out from their strollers for chances to munch. I see...

      Oh, sorry
  • That's a question I think we all need to ask ourselves.

"Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?" -Ronald Reagan
