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Journal btlzu2's Journal: and now for something *completely* different... ;) 20

i thought i came up with a killer idea, but, OF COURSE, it's already been thought of.

i wanted an iPod clock radio. Thought they hadn't produced those yet, but i now have one. :) after a lot of research, i found the Fisher iPod clock radio to be the best balance of features and sound quality.

the research was worth it because i LOVE it. it's a great-sounding device and we can listen to any of the 11,000 songs on my iPod when reading in bed, going to sleep, waking up!

it even has a cutesy-teeny-weeny little remote control! my sweet i love you so! :D

cool beans!

This discussion was created by btlzu2 (99039) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

and now for something *completely* different... ;)

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  • .. does it run Linux?

    Sorry. I apologize for that. I don't know what came over me.
    • Sorry. I apologize for that. I don't know what came over me.

      He's not one bit sorry. He did it on purpose. ;-)

      That actually does bring up an interesting question, though... What kind of OS *does* the iPod run? Is it an embedded Linux, or something else? (It's probably documented out there somewhere but I never thought about it and I'm too lazy to look it up right now.)

      • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
        i think it's OS/2. or dos. or CP/M. or SQL or somethin.

        someone did hack linux onto one at some point... why? because you can. :)
      • I looked it up and it turns out that the iPod runs a custom OS built by Pixo. Pixo is now owned by Sun Microsystems.

        However, If I had an iPod or other MP3 player, it would run Rockbox [].
  • how many of those songs AREN'T U2? :-)
    • The ones that are the Beatles and Led Zeppelin.

      Until I hack his iPod and upload some Demon Hunter, that is. Mwa ha ha haaaa
      • 1. Led Zeppelin is my least favorite chick band.

        2. Can you imagine a Beowulf Cluster of these?
        • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
          i thought the beatles were your least favorite.

          you haven't grown up yet, eh? ;)
          • by GMontag ( 42283 )
            Beatles == *my* least favorite band of all (I did like them when I was a kid and they were new).

            LZ == *my* least favorite chick band.

            The Doors, well I don't like them either. Most overrated band ever.
    • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
      oh, their abowt 95 percentages sawngs abowt "i gots my respec by bustin a nut on dat beeyotches neck". me luvs dat kynd uv mewsik.

      yo. ;)
      • Speaking of which, did you even read my last music JE? I got no comments on it, which is a shame because I know several of you would appreciate some of their songs.
        • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
          i tried to, but i didn't know the song, so the lyrics didn't hit me too much. that always happens when i write lyrics in a JE that no one knows. nobody has anything to say about it. :)
  • what does 'any dockable ipod' mean. is a nano a dockable ipod? or are there regular ipods that aren't dockable. i'm just curious.
    • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
      they have nano and mini inserts as well (to adjust for the size of the ipod when you dock it on top). i'm looking right at them. i think those little pack of gum ones aren't dockable, but there is an insert for that as well...
  • Or is the part of the point of an alarm clock its not needing a remote control?

    The question of whether to place the clock close to have the alarm louder, but easier to reach or across the room where it is harder to hear, but requires one to get out of bed to turn it off is unnecessary because you have a teeny tiny remote to handle all volume functions.
    • by btlzu2 ( 99039 ) *
      heh! well, i'm not going keep the remote in my pillowcase--i'd probably accidentally turn the volume up max at 3:30am when i'm catching an early flight anyway. i am awake sometimes too and across the room from the clock radio. :D

A modem is a baudy house.
