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Journal blinder's Journal: Huzzah! 10

as we did last year, we trecked down to southern ma to the king richard's faire and much fun was had. solemn got all dressed up (gosh, she sure is a pretty one) with walking-stick included. i rented a car for the weekend, in that that's the only way to get to the fair, and we drove down late saturday morning.

we got there around 1pm and just kinda walked around for a bit to see what was what. the usual post apocalyptic biker contingent was there, which i simply do not understand. i mean, what does *that* have to do with the 16th-18th century? nothing!

the pagan teen girls who have very little clue were there in force as well, as well as the poser-poser types who think just wearing a cape over jeans and a bud-lite t-shirt constitutes "getting into the spirit." no, it really doesn't. you either do it right, or like me, don't do it all. solemn, she does it right.

the harry potter contingent was noticably and thankfully not there that day.

we stopped by solemn's favorite trinket shop and she made away with a small fortune of shiney sparkly things, and then we stopped by the place with all the drums. i like drums. i played many drums. some year i'm going to purchase a drum. i *really* like drums. drums make fun noises like "pang" "boom" and "thwack." and in the hands of someone who knows what to do (like me) they can be very musical.

we tried to take in some of the performances, but while some had some genuinly funny moments, the vast majority of the performances were quite, um, lame. i think they wouldn't have been so lame if the acoustics of the theaters they set up weren't so non existent. this got us into the discussion of were does ren-faire performance sit in the hierarchy of live performances, with broadway being at the top. we concluded that ren-faire performance is above community theater, in that these performers are actually paid.

i'm not knocking community theater, but one has to categorize such things.

we stopped and sank some money in food tickets and nibbled on some baked potatoes and got one of the best treats evar! kettle corn :) that was a wise investment.

after all was said and done, we spent about 3.5 hours there, the weather was splendid and aside from me forgetting where i parked the stupid car, it went without a hitch.

the rest of saturday was spent watching scary movies (the remake of "the haunting" and poltergeist).

sunday was spent returning the rental, going to the store (the very one otter goes to) and cleaning the apartment, scrubbing the floors, hurting my shoulder doing said chore and then relaxing for the rest of the afternoon.

so, for now i must away!

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • Speaking as someone who has gone to a ren faire in full costume...

    Wait.. does this mean you missed Magglio's walk-off World Series trip-clinching home run?
    • by rk ( 6314 ) *

      I missed it because Fucking Fox and their scheduling told my PVR that game included the stupid idiot talking head show for the first half hour. I had even added a half-hour because the last game was kinda tight, and I didn't want to miss any of it. But, no, it ended somewhere in the bottom of the 8th... But I got a half hour of useless pre-game show! Note to Fox: The ALCS Game 4 is NOT a bunch of sportscasting idiots sitting in a studio. I despise that network.

      I caught the shot off the web site, but th

  • We demand pictures!

    In fact, speaking of pictures...
  • Er, thank you.

    I have been asked many times about the post apocalyptic biker contingent, and can only come up with this explanation: They like looking at the wimmins in corsets, and know that such things are to be found at ren faires.

    THat, and the fact that it's one of the only places where you can look at swords and drink beer at the same time.
  • I know I have a very nice wool cape in a box somewhere... I love playing dress up!

    Of course I think I got rid of most of my costumes when we moved. Sad really but I didn't have enough occasions to wear my pirate outfit... Or the milkmaid costume.

  • If Gamera vs. Gaos ever hits DVD, we totally are watching that shit.

    It beats Eegah! hands down.
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      but but but... eegah has richard kiel, as a caveman! and its swingin' sound track... and that really really really weird opening credt sequence with that really disturbing slowed down voice repeating "eeegaaaah"

      that is pure cinematic genius!

      hey, speaking of ren faires, which one had the mads inventing the inflatable ren faire performers, where tv's frank goes off, "stupid community theater rejects!"

  • do people get mad? Like if I wear a Star Trek outfit?
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      no, no one gets mad.

      in fact, i was wondering why there weren't any jedis*. i mean, what you really have is an agglomeration of all possible *cons represented, at one point or other.

      * actually i do know why, because i believe those who would, actually wouldn't because they have enough sense not to

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