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Journal TopShelf's Journal: Tony Tony Tony 2

After a looooooooong wait, Wire in the Blood has returned. Sure, it only boasts 4 episodes a season, but it's probably the show my wife and I most look forward to (as in, sedate the kids right after dinner*). I highly recommend checking it out.

Besides solid stories, interesting characters, etc. I love the fact that each episode is two hours. It gives them more time to develop both the plot and the interpersonal relationships, rather than having to rush through everything. Watching the CSI's and Law & Orders of the world these days, it's like the writers try to cram too much into a tiny time slot. The characters then either speaksofastyoucanhardlymakeoutwhatthey'resaying, or make conversational leaps that just don't make sense, in order to move the plot along.

*just kidding, of course. We at least let them have dessert...

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Tony Tony Tony

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  • it's like the writers try to cram too much into a tiny time slot

    Which is wholly a deficiency in the writer's skill, as anybody who's ever watched Homicide: Life On The Street can attest. I can rememeber often looking at the clock during an episode, absolutely sure the it would be over in a minute or 2 when in fact they had time to spare, due to how much they manged to (elegantly) cram in.

How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
