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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Just How Blatant Must The Democrats Be? 31

National Review Online is reporting that the FBI (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DOJ) has made the highly unusual decision to disclose their investigation into Mike Rounds (pictured above), a Republican Senate candidate in South Dakota, less than a week before next Tuesday's vote.
The alleged misconduct being investigated is somewhat obscure-something involving a work visa program in the state-but it is notable that the alleged misconduct was to have occurred three years ago, and the FBI's announcement comes a year after the state's own attorney general closed its own investigation without bringing any charges.

I am sure some sycophant on here will offer a Nuremberg defense.

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Just How Blatant Must The Democrats Be?

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  • I doubt you're much a fan of the Washington Post, but their view on the matter is that it is an investigation into a program, not into Mike Rounds himself []:

    The investigation "is active but I can't say anything more about it," FBI Minneapolis Division Chief Counsel Kyle Loven told The Washington Post Wednesday in a brief interview. He said the probe is focused on the South Dakota Regional Center.

    EB-5 is a federal program that allows immigrants to earn green cards by investing in U.S. job creating-enterprises. When Rounds was governor, the state officials in charge of the program there ran a problem-plagued operation. One of them, who authorities determined died by suicide last year, was facing an arrest at the time of his death for allegedly funneling state money to himself.

    That said, if this is supposed to swing an election, it seems like a rather feeble attempt to do so. For one, polls have shown Rounds up by as much as 24 points. Two, this would only be effective if people read about it - and it isn't getting that much coverage in the news. Three, SD has had a decided swing to the right wing lately and this investigat

    • Your attention is drawn to the second paragraph of the quotation.
      • Sure, but again the investigation is of the program, not the governor who was in charge when it was going on. I may be missing something here but by as much as I have seen so far the program ran under his government but not his direction. Hence it seems to be conjecture at this point to say that the FBI is investigating him personally.

        Now as to why this investigation was announced this week is open to speculate.
        • Now as to why this investigation was announced this week is open to speculate.

          I rejoice at your near approach to consciousness.

  • In the Oregon Governor's race, Republican Candidate has been filing all sorts of interesting corruption charges against the Incumbent Democrat. The sad thing is, most of them appear to be true, but don't expect the feds to jump on them until after the election.

    • Yeah, the wife's stuff was kind of dramatic.
    • The sad thing is that people still vote for republicans and democrats. The amount of corruption doesn't seem to matter, and mostly serves to keep the vote evenly divided between them. The charisma and propaganda conquers all and wipes the slate clean every time. And still you guys decide to single one out in the crowd of crooks you will vote for anyway. They are fish in a barrel, and you're just giving one to the dog while keeping the rest. Now, personally, this little charade doesn't bother me at all, it's

  • And very selective... It's gonna bite you on the ass some day. Nothing to be concerned about while you're top dog though. Not to worry, I know, like always, that's different! Like Beirut and Benghazi are "different", or Iran/Contra/cocaine and fast & furious are "different". Iraq and Afghanistan and "quantitative easing" and prohibition and civil asset forfeiture should have the entire government behind bars. One sided is your middle name, sir. Your "epiphany" is nowhere to be seen.

    • You're right: they've all sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Now, can we get you off of pompous ass top-dead-center and recommend what you, yourself, would actually do, beside disengage?
      Half the battle in politics is showing up; the other half is staying engaged. I'm not out to cast the GOP as heroic; it's a rotting carcass, as KS and MS this election year reveal handily.
      I interpret your "sad thing is that people still vote for republicans and democrats" up the page as a passive thumbs up to stat
      • :-) Like you always tell me, *you da funny!* And.. your partisan bullshit and cult of personality remains as dominant as ever.

        I interpret your "sad thing is that people still vote for republicans and democrats" up the page as a passive thumbs up to statism.

        Of course you do. I know that. Tell me something new. I always said that you (and pudge and RG) think that anyone who disagrees with you approves of what the other guy is doing. Adding to that, you have no idea of what "statist" is, and who the st

        • You're full of it. I am engaged. I have been trying to get you damn people to clean up your damn house! I'm doing my part. What are you doing besides crying for the dead past?

          Yeah, yeah, yeah: beyond being Slashdot's version of Wally from the Dilbert comics, what, precisely, are you doing?

          • Well, at least I'm not pushing the same old crap that you are. Sometimes, when you're doing the wrong thing, just stopping is the best action to take.

            • the same old crap that you are

              The argument that yours is in any way a new flavor of crap is neither (a) novel, nor (b) an escape from the craptacularity of existence.

              • Well, that's the kind of response I expect from people who have an interest in keeping things the way they are. I still marvel at why you complain so much though, and then carry on doing the very things you complain about. This is a fascinating paradox. To me it proves the science of psychology, fixations and obsessions. You're like a living, walking, talking textbook. The quantifiable syndromes are countless. It also give you a certain machine like quality.. A machine that simply disregards any parameters

                • The world is an evil place. The best you can do in the general (secular) sense is minimize the evil.
                  The crucial thing to do spiritually, as an individual, is reconcile with the Almighty.
                  These thoughts can appear paradoxical, or even machine-like, to the simple, I suppose.
                  I pray you achieve consciousness.
                  • The world is an evil place.

                    No, it is not! You make it evil, no, you imagine the evil. If it is so evil, what is the point of lingering? You really make no sense sometimes.. Maybe your world is evil, mine is fine... I only see evil where people try to interfere and meddle where they don't belong. Your definition appears to depend on the target of the meddling.

                    I pray you achieve consciousness.

                    Trying to be funny again, I see... Don't know whether you are trying or not, but you do get points for irony.

                    • Fair point. The world itself is God's creation. The people populating that world are born evil, and only restrained by the Holy Spirit. Good catch.
                    • The people populating that world are born evil...

                      No, they are not! You're just saying the same thing. People were created by the same god. People are not evil. They are weak and/or sick, with real physical causes. There is a difference. You're only trying to justify their subjugation, and you judge too harshly. You seem to interpret your bible as badly as you do my politics. Cultural filtering strikes again.

                    • You. . .frequently argue the basic, meaty, carnivorous nature. I'm restating it from a theological vantage, and you're all "People are not evil. They are weak and/or sick, with real physical causes."

                      Cultural filtering strikes again.

                      Oh, you're filtered, all right.

                    • Theological is theoretical. I prefer to deal with reality.

                    • The reality is that you never know when you heart will beat its last, and you get to discover whether all the shenanigans under the sun are really impressing the Creator or not. Hence my encouragement to use wisely the time you're allocated.
                    • The "creator" does not care. It is indifferent to your human "values". You are trying to personalize it, in order to deify man's authority to justify its abuse (when perpetrated by the right person for the right reasons, of course, no "rodeo clowns" allowed). I ain't fallin' for it. Your cultural biases always shine through above all else, you only reveal what you read in those websites for crazy people. Whether you read real news, I can't tell. If you are trying to look like a goof, you are succeeding. I d

                    • Wow, you did some "heap powerful" projecting there, kemo sabe. You have neither understood my personal views, nor characterized them fairly. I'll all, for diplomatic reasons, that there may be some general basis for what you're saying in the broader scope of "religion" and even "christianity". However, aren't capturing the Gospel in any meaningful way there.
                    • I only see what you post. In that regard your views are crystal clear, no matter the silly games you play to obfuscate them. They simply reflect those pages you read, almost word for word. What I cannot do is verify that those are your real views. If they are, more is the pity, and as noted, there is no getting through to an idealist clouded by his fantasies. All indications are that your "epiphany" is an utter farce, simply following along with pjmedia and Rush and FOX..

                      In the meantime, I'll just stand by

                    • Oh, let's just admit that we're communicating in brief notes over a low-bandwidth medium. It's not likely that you're as daft as you sound online. I do read pjmedia quite a bit, but see scant FOX news and even less Rush--and so, what?

                      there is no getting through to an idealist clouded by his fantasies

                      I just laugh at how *I* am the one shouldering 100% of the issues, while YOU relax from your Olympian vantage. It's among the chief reasons I just cannot take you seriously.

                    • I do read pjmedia quite a bit, but see scant FOX news and even less Rush--and so, what?

                      That is all you post here. Purely issues of distraction, selectively focused on specific individuals. Did you ever hear me single any one of them out from the crowd? No, but you do exactly that. It destroys all credibility, even if you do have a good argument. You show no desire to apply them equally.

                      "Olympian vantage?" That's funny... I'm in a hole, looking up your skirt... I live in whatever trickles down.

                      No, I'm only o

                    • See my previous mockery of your objectivity claims.
                    • Yes, and see how your vision remains clouded with cultural garbage. Those are the simple facts, despite your attempted mockery and projection. So there you are. And yes, you win the internet. I surrender... just watch out for the occasional tomato...

                    • I still think you're Teh Best. Never forget that.
                    • Thanks... dad *sniff*

                    • Interesting. I always picture you as an older "Dr. Johnny Fever" character.

Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
