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This discussion was created by bryanthompson (627923) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

an update, an apology, and whatever else.

Comments Filter:
  • Our Prodigal Son has returned!

    Welcome back! :)
  • Welcome back.. uh.. Kotter?
  • My BS is in IT- and I've got to say that while it was the right decision for my talents, such as they are, it was significantly the WRONG decision from a stable-income standpoint, or for that matter from a purely capitalist standpoint. Any chance you can go for the business degree and minor in IT?
    • I think the biz degree with IT minor is a definite possibility. I haven't talked to my next academic advisor, but I am going to push for that one. The next choice, assuming I can go that route, is which business degree to go for. I have absolutely loved all of my organizational management and communication classes... which is strange since I was sure I would hate them :) International Business has such a nice ring to it, and I would love to learn a few new languages and travel overseas with my boss. In
      • What you really want is something irreplaceable. Something that will allow you to settle down and build a real life- whatever that means to you. I don't see a degree in International Business as being very irreplaceable- in that field I'd forsee a life of forever being replaced by cheaper labor from elsewhere, a life of job searches. Perhaps something more concrete in negotiation and venture capital?

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
