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Journal KoriaDesevis's Journal: Children are awesome 9

This week I have been helping out with Vacation Bible School at the church where I attend. It started when I was asked to help with the music, and it has blossomed into working with 4- and 5-year-olds in craft sessions and story-telling.

I have had a most grand time with them. Aside from a room filled with genuine laughter and happy voices, I have seen a couple of these children go above and beyond to learn and to do well in the tasks I have given to them.

Most special to me - I have lost count of the gratuitous/spontaneous hugs I have received from them over the course of the week.

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Children are awesome

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  • now you're making me jealous ;)

    ah well, sounds like it was a good time.
  • Just a wonderful age. My nephew just turned five; when I visited back in late April I got a *lot* of hugs from him. He is a very sunny child, if you know what I mean. :-) Brightens the room just by being there.

    Sounds like you are having a great time of it. Working with kids that age can be *very* rewarding.
    • I hope there is a miraclous change from 3 to 4, cause Joey is just too much of a handful, lately :)
      • Ya me too. My 2 y/o turns 3 on Sunday, and MAN! what a trying time. Yesterday he decided he wanted to go poop in the potty, but he didn't tell anybody. He jsut took off his diaper (which already had poo in it) sat on the toilet and went (sorta) then decided he wanted a different bathroom got and and went to that bathroom. After he was done he just got up and went to go watch "clue" (blues clues).

        My wife looked up from her lunch to his him laying on the floor with his legs lifted up, and needless to s
        • There may come a point when your son will do to you as ours did to us... We had him at church one day and he disappeared. We found him - when he came out of the ladies room. He comes out to the foyer, pants around his ankles, and shouts: "Mommy! Can you check and see if I wiped good?" What fun! Everyone thought it was great, except for us (we were very embarassed). I, for one, am glad he specified that he wanted his mother instead of me.

        • Hey, there's nothing like pulling off the pants and laying a log (that you'd swear could NEVER come out of that small child) right on the carpet. I was looking around to find who let a dog in. :-)

          Luckily we have not had any major "smears" of any sort. So far....

          When my son is good, he's golden. Nothing is better than spontaneous hugs and 'I Love you Daddy/Mommy' and laughing his head off at something funny. When he's bad, it's enough to make me want a little rubber room for him.

          • Ya same here. My 2 y/o will come up and give the best hug (a "big squeezie"). Then 10 minutes later he's kicking and screaming because the baby has a car he wants.

            I think I'll take the rubber room for me though thank-you.
  • I used to volunteer with the Youth Group at my Church, even teaching Sunday School (yes, there was a Catholic Sunday School Teacher, me, at a Protestant Church!) and occasionally those kids would surprise me with hugs.

    Which really would always surprise me, because in real life I don't look like the most approachable person in the world - I have long hair, wear dark sunglasses, in the fall and winter I wear a black leather jacket, etc.

    Working with the youth was extremely rewarding while it lasted. Unfort

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