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Slashdot Stories for 1998

Unix inventors win technology medal
vitamins are gud for me.
Canada to imposing Taxes on Blank CDs? - Is your Penguin 64-bit?
Jikes licensing problems
The Mouse Turns 30
Request for Geek Gift Ideas For Feature
Star Wars Lego
Dvorak thinks AOL/Netscape Bad Idea
PCWeek reviews RedHat 5.2
Raven needs help to port Heretic II to Linux!
Rob Begs for Christmas Presents
"Six Lies About Linux"
Partial JavaWorld Awards report
BeOS and Linux aren't at war declares ZDNET
SUN Renames JDK1.2 and moves closer to OSS
Silicon Graphics officially supports Samba
FDIC to track you
SUN does not plan to enforce the benchmark clause
USB Linux on the iMac
Netscape Prototype is one fast Browser
Sun Products To Work With Linux
San Francisco Power Down
Loki to port Games
Novell NOT opening code tomorrow
Erlang becomes Open Source
AT&T buy up IBM's Global Network Business
Why do Intel x86 Chips Run so Hot?
Can Cisco's ISL Run Over an SONET ring?
Christmas Card Making Using Free Software?
thebazaar update
NASDAQ to switch to NT
Silly Dialog Boxes
Review:Unix Network Programming, Vol. 1
The Secrets of Linux: First Steps
Is Linus the best dressed guy at the Palace?
Space station Construction being Documented in IMAX
KOSH - Kommunity Operating System & Hardware
DB2 Beta released for Linux
Jikes released as Open Source
Open Source Book out February
Upside article on The Onion
WebPAD fan club?
Is ClearType a 20-year old Apple II Tech?
Floppy Screens
Xmame gets a new Homepage
Sony throws its weight at digital music distributi
Ask Slashdot: Is there a C/C++ Code Repository?
x11amp update
NGLayout now called Gecko to be released this week
Applixware to make some source open
Interplay and Carmageddon 2
Sun bans Java benchmarking
FCC to rule local calls to ISP count as LD?
Lego MindStorms IR Communications Protocol
Proprietary MP3s
MkLinux Stopped?
CLOWN: Greetings from the 512-node Linux-Cluster.
Java infringes upon a patent?
Avant! finishes Polaris port
The Java Lobby: Should Sun make Java Open Source?
Should GNUStep and GNOME work together?
World's penguins are in peril
Star Wars as Religion?
Review of 'Bunny'
Description of Pixar Render farm
ZDnet article on "Delay" of 2.2 kernel
Hotmail Bug Clogging up the Net
PalmPilot Interface for NetWinder Admin
Linux Cluster Worldrecord Attempt
Sun to Support Linux
SGI joins Linux International
Public Enemy forced to remove MP3
LD-style pricing on Broadband access?
Feature:Ethical Programmers Guild
Mainstream Article on LDP
Marc Andreesen's Future at Netscape
China: Trial of Net Dissident
Xerox announces 19" flat panel display
E-Petition the Gov't to Eval Open Source
Suns take on Linux vs Solaris
Interview with Zoid about Linux
Ask Slashdot: Is there a secure NFS?
What is Adm. Grace Hopper's "Rope Trick"?
How do I get an X only console using Linux?
Help Needed w/ Sony Superstation Tape Drive
Huge Flood of Quickees
New QPL & QT
Wassenaar Arrangement Signed
Steal Cars With a PalmPilot?
"Idiot's Guide to Installing Hurd"
Tim O'Reilly on Open Source
Next generation Mac details Leaked
Slashdot Nominated for Cool Site of the Year
Washington Post on ESR shutting down
Gigabyte DRAM
Linux 2.1.131 released
GNOME Window Manager Compliance Spec
Diamond files suit against RIAA
Linuxbierwanderung:The Linux Beer Hike
On the Father of Mario and Zelda...
Performance Computing launches MadDog Column
PalmOS going Open Source
Palm VII
AbiSource switches to the GPL On Linux
nVidia obfuscates source in XFree86
O'Reilly Palm Programming Contest
IBM Brings Enterprise and Web File Sharing to Linux
Updated HOWTOs at LDP
Netscape vs
Transmeta News
A future for the DemoScene
OpenBSD 2.4 Released
Are There Problem Reporting Systems for Linux
Zip? Avatar? Syquest? Which Portable Drive is a Good Deal?
Christmas Shopping on the Net?
The Future of Pilots
Linux Gazette becomes
Quake 2 Now is a Spectator Sport
The Internet and Music Industry
First GNU Software for EDA
New NetWinder Versions
Red Hat in talks with IBM?
EU Proposed Legislation
600 mHz Alpha chip coming
Adaptec to Provide Ultra2 Support to Red Hat
FreeBSD 2.2.8 Released
New Linux Telephony Website
The ultimate TV gadget?
Worm strikes Linux
LinuxWorldExpo Press Info Out
New Playstation Console Uses GNU Tools
Feature:Hamlet In Cyberspace
VoxML - Voice on the web
Corel Pushes ahead with Linux OS
Novell to open parts of NDS source code
Mexico chooses Linux for schools
Another Rio Review
LinuxPPC Release 5 beta: It's alive!
Lego Death Scenes
Ask Slashdot: Are there NT specific Viruses?
Tom Clancy's and OSS
How do you produce BUS errors?
Getting Remote IR Mice Support Under Linux
What's the Best AGP 3D Card for Linux (and X)?
Looking For Old HardWare Suppliers
S.u.S.E. 6.0 will ship soon
Ask Slashdot: What can non-coders do for the OSS Movement?
More Wearable PC
Palm IV Delayed
Hacker's "suicide" Questioned
Pre-installed Linux better than the iMac
Singapore Linux Conference 1999
T-Shirt Update
Review:A Bugs Life
A Bugs life - the technical side on ZDNN
Nationwide deployment of DSL
Virtual Fish Tank
Sun's outlook on the Netscape deal
RootFest 99
Mozilla statement from Steve Case
Linux 2.1.130
Sun ending Netscape's "flirtation" with Linux?
SAP R/3 on Linux
Giving Thanks for Geeks
Open Letter to AOL
Quicken for Linux
DS1 Ion Engine Works Again
XFree86 3.3.3 Released
Yellow Dog Linux for Macs
Netwinders to Ship with KDE
FSF on Halloween & MS
Scott McNealy on Intellectual Property
Free Jitterbug for Open Source Projects
A Few MP3/Rio Links
Nerds 2.0.1 on PBS Tonight
AOL eventually to use Netscape's browser
Harmony project in difficulty
AOL has its own Open Source projects
SPI Discusses "Open Source" Trademark
Linux in China on Netscape/AOL
IBM to port AFS to Linux
Blender 1.5 Released
Macromedia to support Linux
Post Script: "Conquering The Internet"
AOL to renew Microsoft IE contract
Universal Networking Language
Cyrix's New Web Toy
Linux and the Consumer Market
Feature:Female Geeks
Oracle Posts Challenge
Quick Review of the Rio
AOL and Netscape merger confirmed
Library Censorware Unconstitutional
An annotated response to's Fred Moody
International Badass Machines
"Linux: Nothing to worry about?"
chips and chrisps
Zelda64 is Released Today!
Comdex 98 report and Pictures
The Netscape Tragedy
Open Source Initiative formally Launched
Larry vs MSSQL7
2.2 Kernel Coming
Slashdot moves up RC5 ranking
v1.0 of S.A.N.E out
art chicks, automobiles and fear
AOL in talks to buy Netscape
Adventures at Home Depot
New GNUStep Progress
AMD K6 laptops
Geek Partying
Webring Bought By Geocities
Apple loyalist's view of Linux
RMS accepts the QT QPL as Free Software
BusinessWeek on Linux: No Big Deal
HP 9000 System needs CPU and OS
Weird PPP Dialup Problems
Are there UNICODE String Literals in GCC?
How rugged are HDs?
Ask Slashdot: Linux and TV Tuner Cards
Zarya Animations
Bright thin Screens
Palm Pilots Can Copy Car Keys
Is Tetris "copyrighted"?
Linux Expo vs. Star Wars Episode I
Microsoft drops Java Support for Mac, Unix
Sun to loosen grip on Java licensing
Microsoft considered buying AMD and Cyrix
More Comdex Buzz
Fuji Photo Company to make own Linux Distribution
The Motley Fool predicts a weakening of Windows
Recommendation Technology: Techno-Boon or Nightmare?
O'Reilly reponse to "Open Source" Books
Linux Bails out Microsoft?
FUD 101
GPL program wins best of COMDEX
Random Prequel Hubbub
Review:Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns
Opensourced Netwinder? goes Linux
Space Station to be launched in about an hour
CDA II blocked for the moment
Linux database software gets Germans interested

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Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows? It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.


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