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Journal mercedo's Journal: My Reading Assignment 7

Since I'm Japanese, I mean my native tongue is not English, it takes three times to five or more to complete reading journals here in comparison to native speakers. Recently I found lots of very interesting debates occurred sponteneously among Journal writers, and it is a favourable matter, Journal sections seemed to be less active than main page for a long time. I've been spending too many time in reading these journals, but since many posts appeared so rapidly simply I can't catch up with. So here I summarise my reading assignment.

"Faith-based science"

Final score: Faith

This should be interesting ...

My quest for 1000 freaks, etc

Abortion - What I think and why you should flame me

Read well, think well, then I will be able to write well.

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My Reading Assignment

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  • Read well, think well, then I will be able to write well.

    That hit the point! My mother tongue isn't English either, but I can assure you that my English has only improved over the years by reading slashdot and other English websites. It is indeed true that slashdot features a lot of spelling mistakes, but it's not important.
    By reading, you simply enhance your knowledge about how to build sentences and the general structure of the language.

    My personal credo is: "use a language, or lose a language". I

    • Last night I was reading till 5 in the morning and I just finished reading the first one "Faith-based science".

      I am in a hurry to keep on reading other stuffs too, since we've got other 'journal erruptions' -this word refers to sporadic erruptions of journals with a lot of comments -at least more than 50, among those slashdot celebrities, I've got to catch up.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Arigatoh gozaimasu -Thank you
      Doumo arigatoh gozaimasu -Thank you very much
      Gomennasai -I'm sorry
      Sumimasen -Excuse me
      Hajimemashite -Nice to meet you
      Doh'itashimashite -Not at all
      Banzai -Bravo

      I recommed you to start memolising some common greeting phrases. If you used one of these expressions, their attitude would greatly change.

      Then you learn hiragana/katakana -Japanese phonetic words, each contains 50 characters. It's not difficult to memolise those characters.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • What would you guess would be the hardest thing about learning Japanese for non-native speakers?

          You see there are many types of non-native speakers. Chinese people use 5000 Chinese characters, that used to be completely the same before the World War II, and Koreans learn 1500 Chinese characters, although they ceased to use them in their daily life. So naturally both people can learn Japanese much faster than people in other countries. In standar Japanese 1850 Chinese characters are used frequently. Besides

Computers don't actually think. You just think they think. (We think.)
