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The Military

Journal damn_registrars's Journal: What is the Netanyahu Gaza End Game? 66

Conservatives have been tripping over each other to praise Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They claim that the Israeli attacks on Gaza are somehow very precise and targeted. He claims that Hamas is the target, and that they will eradicate Hamas.

The question I haven't seen answered though is what will he do with Gaza when/if he accomplishes that goal? Conservatives here and in Israel are happy to allow people to confuse Hamas with Gaza, and even more so Hamas with the population of Gaza. But even if he found a list of everyone who is part of Hamas and had them all killed, what happens then?

It is important to note that Hamas has a majority in the politics of Gaza because Israel has ensured they would. Israel has prevented elections from happening in Gaza, and now there has not been one there for 15 years. There are already people who have been elected, died, and not been replaced. Simultaneously because Israel controls immigration in and out of Gaza, they have prevented people from leaving.

So what would happen if all of Hamas were indeed killed off in this conflict? You then have a country with no ruling government. We've seen that the Netanyahu government does not want to see elections happen in Gaza, nor does it want to see people achieve any kind of economic or geopolitical mobility from within Gaza. Who then will they acknowledge as the leaders of Gaza?
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What is the Netanyahu Gaza End Game?

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  • I know what I would do: invite the U.S. to move the U.N. to Gaza and let the world's diplomats babysit. Let the punishment be mutual.
    • It would undoubtedly be an improvement for the people of Gaza to have someone other than Israel dictating who can enter, who can leave, and when an election can happen.

      That said, doing such a thing is not in Netanyahu's best interest. Similar to the fascists from Your Team, he is primarily concerned with holding on to power as long as possible. Also similar to the fascists from Your Team, he is not the least bit concerned about the fact that far more people from his country disapprove of his actions t
      • Similar to the fascists from Your Team, he is primarily concerned with holding on to power as long as possible.

        What a risible thing to write. Name *ANYONE* in power who is all "Yeah, I'll just turn that over now." Even Zombie Joe, who is barely aware he's President, seeks re-election despite ever common-sense argument to the contrary. Noise like this is why I laugh at you.

        • Name *ANYONE* in power who is all "Yeah, I'll just turn that over now."

          President Lawnchair freely gave power over to your Dear Leader. Before him President Clinton freely gave power over to GWB.

          seeks re-election

          Seeking reelection is vastly different from what your Dear Leader did after he lost the presidency in 2020.

          • President Lawnchair freely gave power over to your Dear Leader.

            There are those who claim that the presence of so many Obama holdovers for the Biden whitehouse, beside Obama's buying a residence in DC, makes this administration tantamount to a third term for President Personal Pronoun. Especially given Biden's assuming the position for Iran, this argument is hard to refute.

            • Obama holdovers for the Biden whitehouse, beside Obama's buying a residence in DC, makes this administration tantamount to a third term

              First of all, it is not the least bit unusual to keep cabinet and other administration officials around between terms. That says not a damned thing about who is running the show nor does it in any way fuel your silly conspiracy about some nefarious behind-the-scenes direction. Your Team does the same thing all the time; GWB brought on plenty of people who advised his dad. Bush Sr. brought on plenty of Reagan appointees, Reagan brought on Ford appointees.

              The only reason your Dear Leader didn't have a

              • This is #OccupiedResoluteDesk's third term.
                • Aside from the fact that he's been nowhere near the white house, and has not had any official communications on policy matters with the current POTUS? Sure, President Lawnchair has certainly been pulling the strings, right? That makes about as much sense as your counter-factual bit about the DNC trying to "take out" Harris from the VPOTUS spot.
                  • So, you're saying that unless and until BHO physically stands within the white house, that having his minions run things for Zombie Joe is just "coincidence"? [inhales deeply from non-existent blunt] *cough* OK! *cough*
                    • How many Obama advisors and "minions" are present in the Biden White House, and how does that number compare to any previous presidency? You certainly didn't accuse GWB of being a stand-in for his father, or of his father of being a stand-in for Reagan just because they brought a lot of people with from previous administrations.

                      The only reason why your Dear Leader had possibly fewer people in his administration who were from previous administrations of his same party were because he was fond of having
                    • This was so chef's kiss I had to go with a JE.
                    • Or you could address the fact that you are - again - very obviously moving the goal posts for Your Team. Things that you happily endorse from Your Team you are trying to raise as some sort of dire constitutional crisis when anyone else does them.
                    • It is not clear what you're talking about. Zombie Joe is BHO's meat puppet. How are goalposts being translated here?
                    • It is not clear what you're talking about.

                      Are you not reading what you are writing?

                      You yourself claimed that because a non-zero number of President Lawnchair's advisers are also advising Biden, that his Administration should be considered an invalid extension of the Lawnchair Administration. Yet I pointed out that this is a long standing tradition of both parties, and you - unsurprisingly - brushed it off entirely.

                      For that matter if you look back at the advisers who advised President Lawnchair, you'll find that several of them advised GWB a

                    • Look: Zombie Joe is BHO's meat puppet.

                      Staffing continuity between other administrations is not in dispute.

                      BHO stayed in DC after DJT was sworn in to manage the anti-Trump resistance, and then install a meat puppet in 2020.
                    • Thank you for sharing a new conspiracy with us. Certainly this nonsense deserves to be catalogued with a new JE [] . You previously paraded out a conspiracy that required a time machine, this one appears to require an army of body doubles.
                    • Did BHO buy a house in DC, or not?
                    • Who cares? Your Dear Leader owns property in DC as well; are you accusing him of being a shadow puppet master too? People in that economic bracket buy property where they please. As I pointed out before, his daughters were in a DC area private school while he was POTUS, is he not allowed to let them graduate from that school if he wishes?

                      I know you wanted badly to drive him out for the high crime of not being a member of the Trump cult, but you're going a bit far there to tell him where he cannot buy
                    • Who cares?

                      Americans who have had their lives economically sodomized during BHO's de facto third term care quite a bit. Hence the enduring popularity of the Eminence Orange.

                    • Who cares?

                      (silly anti-factual partisan nonsense)

                      OK so you can't actually point to any reason why anyone who isn't just looking to grind a partisan axe would care in the least where a previous POTUS chooses to buy property. Interesting that all of a sudden you want to restrict where people can or cannot buy property; your own Dear Leader owns buildings in or near DC as well, but you don't seem the least bit worried about that.

                      I'd love to know what causes you to think that some "precedent" exists for where former POTUSes can or cannot live after their

                    • We understand that BHO established a residence to run a shadow government. Don't really care whether you agree or not.
                    • We understand that BHO established a residence to run a shadow government

                      The only evidence you have of that is that he bought a house in the DC area. There is zero evidence of him running any such "shadow government".

                      Just because someone from Your Team imagined a precedent and then claimed that Obama broke it does not mean that some great conspiracy is unfolding. Naturally in line with the rest of your "rules for thee, but not for me", you have completely ignored the fact that your own Dear Leader still owns property in DC; by the "precedent" you claim, he should have sol

                    • Except all of the BHO holdovers in the administration, the pro-Iran moves, the general commie idiocy...

                      It's a shadow government, and if you didn't vehemently deny the obvious, you'd be completely out of character.
                    • Except all of the BHO holdovers in the administration

                      Which is not the least bit unusual. As I mentioned before, every previous POTUS of at least average intelligence brought over people from previous administrations. Some even were so daring as to bring over advisers who advised presidents of other parties.

                      the pro-Iran moves

                      Which is completely unsupported by reality.

                      the general commie idiocy...

                      Which is not connected to any definition of "commie" or "idiocy" that I have ever heard. Seriously, your use of various conjugations of "communist" only make you look foolish. Try a different insult, this on

                    • I admire your patience

                    • I also remember a time when smitty was pragmatic and willing to see humanity in people he disagreed with. That changed a while ago but I like to think that the old smitty is out there somewhere.
                • It's Caesar's (Augustus) 510th term, more or less

                  • Now THAT is a quality troll.
                    • Why "Troll"? You guys take top honors in that

                    • Oh no. d_r seems to offer some sort of vaguely sociopathic belief in what he's spouting. You, in contrast, come in like a Dr. Johnny Fever burnout character who is just trolling through the night.
                    • Oh no. d_r seems to offer some sort of vaguely sociopathic belief in what he's spouting.

                      He's a democrat, you're a republican, tell me how you're any different, I mean, other than the more pleasant writing style.

                    • I have not been a member of the local Republican Party in years, maybe a decade.

                      Small 'r' republican, sure. Minimal government/regulation, lowest level of delegation. Which is *not* what the GOPatsies are pushing.

                      The ship is off course, but we still have to use the helm to try to correct that course.

                      Which is why your "you can't vote for X" arguments sound completely feckless.
                    • Which is why your "you can't vote for X" arguments sound completely feckless.

                      Of course to you it would seem that way. I'm just reminding you that you are voting for the same old thing that d_r is voting for, thinking you're in the club

                    • Oh, I am not in the Swampeoisie [].
                    • Can't believe that, all your faves are regular swamp creatures too, with all their own cronies

                      And why am I not surprised that you would idolize Col. Jessup too?

                    • why am I not surprised that you would idolize Col. Jessup too?

                      I was literally doing the opposite of that, but perhaps your sense of humor is falling into damn_regristrarsian disrepair.

                    • Oops, sorry, you're right... I really don't differentiate one "former (or even present day) NSA and CIA chief" from the other.. and It's hard to tell which way you flip these days.

                      [reads link in the link]:
                      Oh, he insulted Trump... figures

                    • hard to tell which way you flip

                      I flip anti-establishment, and I'm increasing unsure of the Citrus Caesar's "outsider" status.

                      I was against what I saw as an Archie-Bunker-meets-Mitt-Romney candidate in 2016 because I figured they'd (actually) bury him in court and give us Her Majesty.

                      Now they are fake-burying Trump in court, and I find the whole thing a total farce.

                      Looking for the reform, sir.

                    • I flip anti-establishment

                      Hardly.. You're only taking sides inside the establishment

                      Looking for the reform, sir.

                      See? You don't even know you have the key.

                    • I flip anti-establishment

                      Right up until you're in the voting booth, where candidates conveniently have (D) or (R) after their names. Then that "anti-establishment" notion magically disappears entirely.

                    • Hardly..

                      Indeed, Article V done properly would be good and hard on the establishment.

                    • I have long since given up hope of doing anything to earn your favor, sir.
                    • But you can never explain how when you put it in the same corrupt hands you reelect now. Change comes from within

                    • I wouldn't expect you to aspire to do that. I would like to think you would aspire to be more honest though. I thought one of your obsolete religious leaders said something before about honesty, but I could be wrong.
                    •"same corrupt hands"...are...not...the...same...
                    • more honest though

                      While I think that Your Team are nothing but despicable liars, I have not called you a liar. If you think that I am EVER lying to you, just say so and we can quit exchanging posts.

                      We'll both stand tall before God Almighty and be judged at one point, and my failures will be multitude. But deceiving you will not be among them.

                    • While I think that Your Team are nothing but despicable liars, I have not called you a liar.

                      If you are saying that everyone on the team that you envision me to be part of is a liar, then you are indeed calling me a liar.

                      If you think that I am EVER lying to you

                      I believe that you think that the conspiracies you are spouting here are somehow connected to reality. You have said a great many things that have had zero connection to reality and zero facts to support them. I have not seen you actually lie, but with your conspiracies you have often walked up to the line and spat on it.

                    • Yes it is the same. corruption is corruption, balkanizing it just creates more confrontation and warfare

                    • No, I think it possible that you sincerely believe The Narrative.
                    • Well, know, we might reach an overall minimum. The status quo to which you seem to cling cannot hold.
                    • *sigh* again with the partisan delusion, you're still stuck in the monkey trap

                    • I mean, if you're going to cop out and dismiss an actual, non-partisan systemic analysis as a "monkey trap", then we may be unable to build any consensus for improvement.
                    • Please, you are hardly non-partisan, on the contrary you (and your doppelganger there) are extremely so, your denial of which are psychological, not political issues. And your Article V cannot work until the voters reform themselves, corruption begins, and ends in the home

                    • The only accusation more tiring than "partisan" is "hypocrite".

                      And your Article V cannot work until the voters reform themselves, corruption begins, and ends in the home

                      Today in endorsements of the status quo...

                    • Today in endorsements of the status quo...

                      Despite your denials, endorsement of said status quo is all you offer. And yes, you are extremely partisan, buried very deeply in the status quo, standing tall for your favorite faction within. And as usual, your accusations are just projection of your own choices

                    • Despite your denials, endorsement of said status quo is all you offer. And yes, you are extremely partisan, buried very deeply in the status quo, standing tall for your favorite faction within. And as usual, your accusations are just projection of your own choices

                      My choices? I'm offering you a sound organizational behavior analysis, and telling you that power in the hands of the few, who don't stand for election, is a Bad Thing.

                      "Despite your denials"...what? Next, you're going to tell me that, despite my certainty that I've been writing in American English on here to you for the last decade+, I have actually been communicating in Klingon the whole time.

                    • I'm offering you a sound organizational behavior analysis

                      Of the animal world, sure. The only revelation being that humans act like animals, nothing new there

                      and telling you that power in the hands of the few, who don't stand for election, is a Bad Thing.

                      And only the voters can fix that, there is no other way, regardless what your silly charts say, unless you want your dictatorship

                      "Despite your denials"...what?

                      Of your partisanship, which distorts your vision. You are a factional establishmentarIan

                    • What if--hear me out--the one stuck in a rut here wasn't me? Are you intellectually capable of entertaining the possibility, sir?
                    • Not yet, soon maybe, when you actually get out of that rut

                    • OK, as long as we're certain it's just me...
                    • and telling you that power in the hands of the few, who don't stand for election, is a Bad Thing.

                      Yet you are telling us that the January 6th insurrectionists were somehow victims. They were trying to stop a lawful election from moving forward.

                      I'll even accept that some of the people who entered the capitol that day were likely just caught up in the moment. If they walked in with no contraband, walked out without committing any other crime, then they should not have much to worry about. However we found that many of those from Your Team clearly had more profound intentions. Those who broke down

                    • No, not just you, your stunt double too, and 98% of the others strategically voting for the same thing, the rut is pretty deep and well traveled, but amazingly trivial to exit. Your choice

                    • We've seen what Your Team does to prevent those from happening

                      Please do enumerate, with links. I'm anxious learn more about this non-occurrence.

                    • I've got a JE for this.
                    • :-) You forgot to deny that you're in denial, should I take that as tacit admission?

                    • I've never denied my wretched spiritual bankruptcy and need for Christ. Shirley, you imagine things if you think otherwise.

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
