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Journal TechnoLust's Journal: What a day at work... then dinner with MM (hottub girl) 8

Quick Recap: In a previous JE, I told about my friend bringing MM over, how we ended up kissing most of the night, and then she gave me her number. I saw her the next night, but she was drinking (a lot) and I didn't really enjoy being with her that night. Then she was gone for a week, and I went on a date with CR. I wasn't really planning on calling MM again, since I really like CR. Even though CR and aren't an item, I don't really care about dating other girls. I feel like that'd be ok, but why bother? So I bumped into MM at the grocery store and se hugged on me and we talked and I ended up telling her I'd cook for her one night. I think we're both on the same level that we're only friends, and the whole makeout thing was fun, but didn't really mean anything.

Fast forward to today. I was going to cook for her tonight. I had to be at work at 7:30 as usual. My boss promised the PM that we'd be using the new shipping program on the warehouse shipments by the end of this week. I had most of my stuff coded, but I needed some information from her, because she's writing an AS/400 program, and I'm going to call it from my servlet. So, I needed the name of it, and we needed to test it. She gave me the name of it about 9:00 this morning. And she told the shippinh guys to start using the system. So, at this point, I'm trying to hurry and get the program call coded in and compiled and uploaded to the server before they fill up a truck and do the release. So about 11:00 I'm realizing I'm probably hungry, but too busy to realize it. I grab a "mini-butterfinger" off the HR Admin Assit's desk (she keeps candy around) and tell her it looks like I won't be getting lunch anytime soon. About 6:30pm I've been there 11 hours straight with no breaks and no lunch. At this point, I'm so hungry I'm almost sick.

I called MM and asked if she wanted to go out to dinner. She said yes that would be good, but she was riding with a friend, but did I mind if the friend came too. I said of course not. So we went to a mexican place, and she introduced me to her friend.

Her friend was very cute, and was quiet at first, but she soon opened up. She started with the passive flirting, fishing for compliments: "I think this shirt makes me look small up top." "I put these higlights in my hair, but I don't know if I like them." etc. She wanted me to tell her she was cute. She was, and I was going to tell her, but not yet. ;-) Then she started in on the active flirting, the looks, and complimenting me. "Oh, I love your wheels. I looked at some of those in a low rider magazine." "MM tells me you love to cook, so do I maybe you could show me your kitchen." etc.

MM mentioned the hot tub to her, and I could see she was interested, but she said she didn't have a bathing suit. MM said, "And we're not skinny dipping..." before I could say anything. So I think they were going to go to Knoxville instead to see a friend. I picked up dinner, because they shared a plate and the whole tab was only $20. Cassie (That's the friend. I didn't catch her last name.) thanked me and pulled her car around beside my car to talk with me some more. I finally worked a compliment in there and said she was cute, which was funny, because I caught her off guard and it almost embarassed her. She was fun, but she wasn't CR. I could be friends with her, but it wouldn't go further than that. I'll still have to cook dinner for MM, so maybe Cassie will come with her that night. It's just as easy to cook for 3 as it is for 2. Anyway, I'm going to bed. I'm sure there are more problems waiting on me for the moning when I get to work.

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What a day at work... then dinner with MM (hottub girl)

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  • by MiTEG ( 234467 )
    reading the title made me think of tubgirl.jpg...
  • I'm sure there are more problems waiting on me for the moning when I get to work
    Heh, yeah... I have found when I do a coding marathon and the next day after it goes into uat/production/whatever shit hits the fan, even if my code is flawless (which hey, I have written the odd line of code which was just that)

    • even if my code is flawless (which hey, I have written the odd line of code which was just that)

      Yeah, it's those even lines of code that will stab you in the back when you're not looking.
    • I have found when I do a coding marathon and the next day after it goes into uat/production/whatever shit hits the fan...

      In January, I was bringing a system into production. The project was over budget, late and the users gave me a whole new list of requirements a week prior. So, I pulled a 46-hour marathon. Looking at some of the code, I don't think there is a single sane comment in that source code.
      • some of dthable's comments:

        oh my god i'm going to die here, what's that? what is that little elf like creature!

        i keep talking to myself, huh? what? i mean
        who am i talking to?

        this function returns false if, um, if the nervous twitch is caused by lack of sleep, true if caused by lack of food

        I've done a few of these marathons, haven't done one in a few years, thankfully! There's nothing quite like writing furious code and watching the sun rise, while you are still at the freekin off
        • Ummm... even if I pull an all nighter, they still want me here at 7:30. Apparently they dont' believe in comp time. Fortunately my manager doesn't believe all the rules apply to us. And who do you think controls the time management software? ;-)

It's hard to think of you as the end result of millions of years of evolution.
