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Comment Re:EFTPOS? (Score 1) 127

No choice. They are in your life whether you want them there or not.

They have a "service" where people whose credit scores are crap can get it boosted by giving Experian their login details and letting them rifle through their bank history to prove that they're making payments on stuff. It's pretty dystopian but I can see why people would go for it, your credit score affects your ability to participate in polite society.

Comment Re: I kind of feel for them (Score 1) 69

On one hand, NATO is basically the anti-Russia alliance.

On the other hand, Russia has a long history of aggression towards neighbors that have resources they want, and of claiming that they own those neighbors' land even when they were civilized hundreds of years before Russia. Europe needs an anti-Russia alliance, because Russia is so hostile.

Don't misrepresent the reality of things, it hurts you in the long run.

Comment Re:I'm not sure Zuck really wanted to bring that u (Score 1) 60

I have experience going back to System 5 of the classic Mac OS, and with most of the versions in between then and now, and I can confidently say that there has never been any significant span of time when Apple products were more reliable than average unless you did less stuff with them, under which conditions Microsoft products also become more reliable. Early versions of Mac OS X showed considerable effort that they really never put into the Classic Mac OS, but most of that effort was bought in and ultimately came from Mach or BSD. Of late my Mac-using friends have been complaining more about Apple's changes to their operating system.

Now that I have had the opportunity to spend some time with an iPhone without having to spend my own money on it, I can't say I'm impressed with that either. It is not amazingly worse than Android, except for the freedoms artificially restricted by Apple, but that is not praise. I have had it do strange things repeatedly, including failing to provide call audio. This is unfortunate bullshit like I used to get from my Windows Mobile phone, where I expected it more. My Moto Android phones have never done that, although my classic Moto Triplets and RAZR (V3whatever) phones would do it from time to time back in the day.

Apple products are popular and often considered visionary.

Yeah, but that's generally nonsense. They weren't the first to have a rows of icons interface on a smartphone. They weren't the first to do a GUI. They weren't first to make a disappointing VR headset. They are generally never the visionaries, they just round the corners off of someone else's idea. I've had to support macs both professionally and otherwise over the years and it's never been substantially less irritating than supporting PCs. Prior to some very late 68k and the PowerPC machines, Macintoshes didn't even have memory protection! Applications exploded at the drop of a hat and most users ran two antivirus programs (Gatekeeper and Disinfectant) because you needed both of them, badly.

Facebook is a terrible site, but Apple software is getting worse instead of better of late. Also, their game of chicken with the EU is harming both their product and their users. People are used to giving them money, but their product is inferior in most ways. If Microsoft weren't absolutely shitting the bed with Windows right now, I don't think Apple could make it in the PC market no matter how good the marketing is for their thermally throttled, memory limited ARM devices.

Comment Linus will abide... (Score 1) 112

Linus seems Zen about this whole thing, and it's quite refreshing. He's really is diplomatic about it, and it seems he's looking towards the future and whats coming vs what and who we have now. Younger devs will want newer better languages, Older seasoned vets feel encroached or ignored. That's IT. I'm seeing it now in SAP where there's core SAP, with ABAP and the older modules, the new fancy stuff like HANA and Fiori that's where the splash is. Until everything is replaced, which it never is, the Old Guard will have their place. Some new up-and-comers will eventually have to take it over, but until then they need to play nice.

I like Rust, I think it's a good idea for safe, secure code. It's complex, but everything new usually is. C is a good language, but Linus is right, it's easy to screw up unintentionally.

I with Linus on this and Rust devs, start small, replace fringes. Prove your work. Earn respect, then expand as opportunities arise.

Everyone's work on the Kernel is tremendously respected. You Kernel Devs have my Kudos, always. I think your code is amazing. (even with silly bugs that I'm sure exist). But you won't always be here, you will retire, you will leave the Kernel someday. Your code will eventually be replaced, and your hours on it will disappear. But your intent and ideas will remain. You did 'X' in the Kernel for a reason, your code will be replaced, but you reason for doing 'X' will remain. Eventually even 'X' will change. It's Life.

I can't tell you who invented the wheel, but I liked their idea. and millennia later we still use it.

For now Rust is coming, C is threatened. Natural cycle.

Linus is becoming the Dude, I like it.

Comment Re:What shocks me about this (Score 1) 29

That shouldn't be a surprise really. The majority of the clownstrike customers are very large companies, whose IT departments make very slow and deliberate decisions. Even if clownstrike had caused their servers to physically burst into flames the IT departments would take time to decide whether or not to drop them.

More telling will be decisions made well into 2025, which is closer to the decision time frame that these folks tend to operate on.

Comment Re:"continuously occupied by Jews for 3000+ years" (Score 0) 701

Speaking of which... If my wife's tribe put together some armor & artillery, and rolled back into western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee and set up a couple "CHAZ" like zones, say 100,000 sq/km or so, would you make a similar claims?

Nobody who brings up the short-lived CHAZ phenomenon is worth listening to.

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