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Comment Re:We can do that thing you like (Score 1) 230

Kinda. Thing is, the trend lately has been to decouple stuff. So for example, where Entity Framework used to be shipped in box with .NET (which in turn ships in box with Windows), it is now a NuGet package - and open source; but it doesn't ship with Windows anymore. In a similar vein, ASP.NET is a part of .NET Framework, and hence also ships in the box - but ASP.NET MVC, its replacement, is, again, an independent NuGet package. And .NET itself is moving into the same direction in general, being detangled from the OS and becoming more like Mono, a separate redistributable runtime that you can just put alongside the app.

I don't know if the same is going to happen with C# and VB command line compilers. Today, they also ship as part of .NET, so any Windows install since Vista comes with those compilers. The new ones were rewritten from scratch as part of the Roslyn project, and that is open source, but they might also want to stop shipping them as OS components.

I admit that I don't know much about the F/OSS MS story outside of development and admin stack, but there it's very heavy - VS does ship with a bunch of F/OSS stuff in the box, including some of its own components, and more so as time goes by. A bunch of Azure stuff, SDKs and admin tools, is also open sourced.

By the way, most new MS open source projects (and some of the older ones) have moved to GitHub, so that's the latest and greatest, not so much CodePlex anymore.

Comment Re:Why not the Golden Age? (Score 1) 495

Furthermore, the areas that will benefit the most from continued warming are in places like Canada and Siberia where there the population isn't gonna increase (due to societal habits) no matter how much food you can grow there.

I assure you, should Siberia really warm up and open large swaths of arable land, China will have a couple hundred million people to resettle in short order. Russia might object, but I doubt that will matter much.

Comment Re:Gay? (Score 1) 764

That's right..

And don't you remember your mom scolding you when you pulled some bone headed stunt and she ended up saying "I hope you are proud of yourself" in an attempt to shame you?

In this context, every time someone says they are proud of themselves, I think of the time I put a PB&J sandwich in the slot for the betamax tapes when I was 4 or 5 or the time I scotch taped a bunch of tampons to the family cat because I over heard dad saying something and took it the wrong way. And yes, strangely enough, I was proud of myself until I got the ass whipping I deserved.

Comment Re:Al Jazeera? (Score 1) 77

Al Jazeera took over many if not most of the staff of the Arabic BBC world service channel that was shut down by the BBC as a response to Saudi censorship demands.

That's a good point.

Also, it's not that hard to be better at journalism than any of the US cable news outlets. There are several non-US sources that are more reliable, I have found.

Comment Re:Gay? (Score 2) 764

I wouldn't consider that a homophobic asshole comment. I mean do people think their statements exist in a void where they only apply to some things but not all that they would otherwise fit generally tight with?

If you were born that way, others can be born "their" way too. If it is unconstitutional to ban gay marriage because of equal rights, it is also unconstitutional to ban polygamy, incest (without intent to reproduce) and possibly several other things. The arguments made simply are not limited to the topics of the arguments. Another example, abortion, Roe.V.Wade made it unconstitutional to ban abortions relying largely on the 14th amendment saying a right to privacy existed because of the due process clause in it. But what is uncertain is if government health care or Obamacare (PPACA) invalidates that right to privacy claim because it is now the government's concern about what health care you have and treatments that can be performed associated with it.

So it is a legitimate inquiry to want to explore and understand how these arguments and laws being passed impact other aspects of society that has been taboo or forbidden also. IF there is a legitimate reason why they cannot be used, then it is perfectly fine to state it. IF there isn't, then it is still fine, we just have to have another reason or way to discriminate against that which we do not like.

Comment Re:Gay? (Score 1) 764

General abuse, because it happened does not mean acceptable. It was and still is illegal to beat anyone regardless of if they were gay or strait or black or white or chines. At least during any of our lifetimes. Hell, it is even illegal to beat the holy hell out of an enemy soldier who just spent the last half hour trying to kill you.

Hell, in 1998, there was a national/international outcry against the murder of Mathew Shepard- a gay 22 year old who was robbed, pistol whipped, and tortured, then left hanging on a fence to die because of a bad drug deal.

Comment Re:Gay? (Score 0) 764

The problem is that there are still a lot of people who do care. In fact, they were the majority in this country until very recently, judging by public opinion polls on gay marriage.

Saying "I'm proud to be X" in the face of that is defiance of bigotry, not a statement of one's superiority.

Let me try to give an analogous example. In Turkey, they persecute everything Kurdish, to the point where Kurds often can't speak their own language or even publicly self-identify as Kurds. In the face of that, saying "I'm proud to be a Kurd" is an acceptable and understandable declaration of non-submission. On the other hand, in the same country, someone saying "I'm proud to be a Turk" would be more likely to be taken as an expression of nationalist supremacist sentiment - because there's no discrimination against Turks on account of being Turks.

Context matters.

Comment Re:BT (Score -1, Flamebait) 89

And you would be wrong about that. I'm a multi-millionaire who risked everything to create software programs that are used worldwide to make the car you drive better, the airplane you fly safer and make the heart pump that saves your lazy junk food eating ass safer.

I mean this in all sincerity: Good for you.

Those things happen only because I can protect my IP from the likes of you.

Let's be clear about this, though: When you say 'those things', you're referring to those specific things that you and your company did. Because there is a very large volume of life-changing —and life-saving— software that came about without any thought of recompense, and with very different ideas about copy-protection and ownership.

Without copyright protection, enforceable EULAs and copy protection/licensing software, I would never have created my products and all those products that impact your life would be more expensive.

I don't know why I spend my time trying to convince people like you that you are utterly, hopelessly wrong in your idea that it is OK to steal other people's work without compensating them the price they demand. I think it's because I have tons of spare time now that my wife and I spend our days travelling the world first class.

Again, in all sincerity: Good for you and your wife.

Having traveled in first class, I found it to be full of pampered, self-important twits with more money than sense, but hey, it wouldn't exist if there weren't a demand for it. I'll take business class myself, thanks.

So in summary, suck it bitch. I'm laughing all the way to the bank.

Ah, the famous 'I'm all right, Jack' defence. Astonishingly, this self-aggrandising approach to entitlement doesn't breed a lot of sympathy among those of us who have other considerations than ourselves. But that's okay. I've saved lives, you've saved lives —that's what counts. At the end of the day, the fact that the lives I saved were in the developing world and yours (probably mostly) weren't is not going to count for much when we're both rotting in the ground. The fact that I'm largely at peace with myself and don't get too exercised about what people do with the fruits of my labours is likely secondary as well. I daresay you're pretty content, too.

But there is this: My way of living and doing business is just as workable as yours, and my way doesn't serve only the rich. So fuck you, you self-satisfied, closed-minded, smug little shit. You think there's no other way but yours? You're wrong and I'm living proof.

Comment For all the idiots (Score 5, Insightful) 87

... to the masses of sarcastic "I though Open Source was more secure!" crowd: in an Open Source forum, when vulnerabilities are found, they are patched. Since it's a public forum, the vulnerabilities are disclosed, and patches / updates made available. The poor, sorry state of the first cut gets rapidly and openly improved.

With closed source, the vulnerabilities merely stay hidden and undisclosed, and you have no ability to know about it, or fix it yourself. the poor, sorry state of the first cut never improves. Yes, there are some cultures that take security seriously. You have no way of knowing.

This, right here, is what "more secure" looks like: public notification of the vulnerabilities and patches to distribute.

Comment Re:Politically correct travel restrictions claptra (Score 1) 294

In many states, you are forbidden from riding a motorcycle without a helmet. You will be fined if you do not have one.

In fact, there seems to be only 2 states that do not have restrictions on operating a motorcycle without a helmet.

Comment Re:Politically correct travel restrictions claptra (Score 1) 294 Way to take your thinking cap off and burrying where you won't find it for a good long while.

The reason you cannot shoot firearms inside the city limits is because people make mistakes and miss their targets sending stray bullets that could harm or kill someone else. This is no different because she could be mistaken and infect others or worse yet, infect the wildlife which will infect others.

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