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Comment Re:It is good verbally (Score 1) 4

In this case, it is not so much that it is of interest to the reader, but that is lends support to the argument. Or, better put, it doesn't disagree with the argument and has a peculiar form that would make sense according to the argument.


On a completely unrelated side note, out of the multitudinous typos in the earlier drafts of this reply, i typed "ithe" in place of "with the". When i replaced the missing "w" and had "withe", i thought that was a pretty cool contraction.

User Journal

Journal Journal: In Passing: If i only knew then what i know now

As the two people exited the elevator, they started to talk about kids and graduation, who was in college and who in high school, one mentioned that she still had a son in high school (iirc): "Why did i space out the kids like that? If i only knew then what i know now."

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