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Comment Re:You are a whiney little brat. (Score 1) 258

Fascism as well is an economic model with a centrally planned economy. It uses hatred of other races/nations rather than class envy as its means of mobilizing the masses, however. Fascists love to nationalize industries (much like socialists dream to do), look at what Mussolini, Allende, Hitler, and a bevy of other fascists did.

Comment Re:You are a whiney little brat. (Score 1) 258

Most of those are progressive, but were passed because of (or with stronger support than the Democrat) Republican support. Everything except the Great Society which has been an abysmal failure, that is... Perhaps the GOP really is the party of the individual, and the Democrats are the party of Big Business and Money. Shhh - don't tell anyone - but that is, in fact, the case...

Comment Re:Window Dressing. (Score 1) 258

This is just Comcast trying to get some good PR before they force their agenda through. There is no purpose in companies kissing up to President Barack "Lawnchair" Obama, as he has consistently caved to the demands of conservatives and big businesses every time it was important to do otherwise during his administration. Every. Single. Time. Remember how he said he was going to stand up to insurance companies, and offer a single-payer option for health care? Remember how that was going to be his crowning achievement as president? Did we get any of that? No.

Ah yes, Obamacare. How many Republican votes did it get? How many chances did Republicans get to put in their $0.02 in conference? How is this a cave to the Republicans when they were locked out of the entire process and the entire thing passed with zero Republican support?

Comment Re:Shame, shame! (Score 1) 158

The system has been rigged so that the wealthy and corporations have way to skirt around tax law that the rest of us do not

False. About $1500 to set up a Hong Kong LLC, and about $800 a year to maintain it. Profits earned overseas are then not taxed until you repatriate them to the US. And HK will not tax your profits as long as you don't do the work within Hong Kong. So a great way to defer your taxation until you decide you want to pay it. And quite cheap, too - it doesn't take much in the way of profit (as a personal consultant) to save $800 in taxation...

Comment Re:Shame, shame! (Score 1) 158

That statute applies. The difference is that the profits taxed under that statute are NOT taxed in their company's home country. If you're a UK or German company, and pay taxes under that US statute on some of your profits, you don't also pay taxes in the UK or Germany on those profits. Now, if you are a US company, and you pay taxes in Germany or the UK on some of your profits, you ALSO pay taxes in the US on those profits. Thus the reason to go Double Irish or Double Dutch.

Comment A radical thought about US corporate taxes... (Score 1) 158

Why not eliminate them altogether? They are about 10% of the total revenues of the US Government. So why not just eliminate them altogether? Here's my thinking...

Eliminate the corporate tax in the US altogether. Every company based in the US will suddenly exist in the greatest tax haven in the world. All companies world-wide will want to rush to the US to shelter their own incomes from their home countries. Lots of new revenue/assets flow to the US - as well as lots of jobs. How do those jobs come? Simple - if you want to incorporate within the US, then a certain percentage of all your jobs must be located within the US. You want to relocate from the UK or Luxembourg? Then, say, 20% of your workforce must be located in the US. That's tens of millions of new jobs coming to the US.

I bet taxes from funds spent inside the US (via personal consumption of the new jobs and spending related to construction and expansion) would more than offset the loss of corporate income tax. And we'd have more people working (rather than having nearly 100 million of working age sitting on the sidelines in the current economy). Not to mention the BEST way to raise wages is via competition - more jobs than people, which means more income for workers.

So little revenue gained from corporate taxes in the US, so eliminate them and turn that to the strength to draw all worldwide corporations into the US. And win from the economic benefits of their local spending and hiring.

Comment Re:Shame, shame! (Score 1) 158

The point is that only the US demands to tax on all revenues and profits made world-wide; no other G23/first and second world country does this. They all tax just profits earned in-country, since the company pays taxes on profits realized elsewhere.

Submission + - Apple Pay & Google Wallet Competitors Experience Rough Start (

baristabrian writes: Retailers such as CVS and Rite Aid made news recently by announcing they were no longer accepting payments from systems like Google Wallet and Apple Pay, a move in obvious concert with the Merchant Customer Exchange (MCX)—a retailer-backed consortium, which is developing its own mobile payments system called CurrentC and set to launch in early 2015.

On Wednesday, early adopters who signed up of the CurrentC launch were sent an e-mail saying that their e-mail addresses had been stolen.

Comment Re:Bang-bang control in action. (Score 1) 485

I guess you're not aware of how a budget works... The House proposes, the Senate votes/approves, the President signs. Two of those three entities are in the hands of the Democrats - and absent a budget, the previous allocations (with pre-determined increases for inflation and the like) stay in effect. Hard to change the budget when neither the Senate nor the President want to pass a budget...

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