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Comment Re:Boycott will end this in less than a week (Score 2) 204

The problem with this is that most of us have no alternatives and those few that do tend to have one (1) alternative and it's often another name on the list. The problem is that these companies know this; hell, they've payed good money to make sure it is like this and they're spending even more money to make sure it stays this way. The only way to fix this at this stage is to let your congresspeople know that you'll fire them if they don't fix this.

Comment Re:as the birds go (Score 1) 610

Why do "conservative" losers who make fun of others interest in wildlife conservation suddenly pretend to get worried about a trivial number of birds running into a couple of thousand windmills spread over a vast continent?

Some because they feel it's "payback" for all the arguments they loose and many others because they get paid to do so by the coal, oil and other environmentally hazardous industries.

Comment Re: Who cares? (Score 1) 399

You and I know this but, the base problem is that the average consumer just doesn't care. All they do is buy a "magic box" that the salesman recommends and after that all they care about is "does it work?." This is where Microsoft crushes *nix. The odds of everything working right out of the box is 99% better than any linux distro, especially when it comes to games where Microsoft has been able to corner the market (and the only reason I use Windows).

Comment Re:"Accidentally" (Score 4, Informative) 455

Though I can see your point, there are becoming more incidences either in fact or just in reporting of police officers behaving badly and lying to cover it up. I'm referring in general, not any specific case at the moment. One police department that has the mandatory cameras for officers and the police chief actually enforces it had a huge drop (88%) in citizen complaints and incidents where violence was used (60%). This makes a iron clad case for police cameras.

Plus sadly, this is where Google is correct. Privacy is dead. Any illusion of privacy we still have is just that, and illusion.

Comment Re:"Accidentally" (Score 1) 455

One of the simple ways to deal with this is have backup cameras and let the officers know that if their camera is off they are not on duty (and not getting paid!) and do not have the authority of a police officer. Exemptions need to be made for events where the officer was engaged in a struggle, vehicle accident, etc. where failure of the camera is expected, of course.

Comment Re:Mandatory panic! (Score 1) 421

No kidding, they would have locked up my writing partner and me in high school and thrown away the key! Our english teacher lovingly referred to us as the Jeffery Dahmer society. ...and our papers were no longer read aloud in the class. But, we still got high grades on them for creativity so I had to give the teacher a lot of respect. Plus, he didn't do anything stupid like this idiot teacher did.

Comment Re:Fleeing abusive companies? (Score 1) 257

What's ironic about this is Stalinist "communism" and modern American "capitalism" are identical in this respect (only). The common people are allowed to vote but, they are only allowed to vote on options that do not challenge the currently accepted system. It's wrong no matter what label you put on it. If people are not allowed to vote at the polls for real change then eventually they'll vote for change with their weapons of choice.

Comment Just until the news cycle moves on... (Score 4, Informative) 274

This is just until the news cycle finds its next shinny bloodbath and moves on. Once that happens, then Verizon will slap the bandwidth cap on all the time in every place. They're just trying to find a way to annoy these people into changing plans or switching to another provider without it making front page news.

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
