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Comment Re:What happens in Thai Hotels stays in Thai Hotel (Score 0) 85

Sony (the electronics firm) is in death throes and the last time they turned a decent profit is when Dubya was pumped for a Middle East invasion. Samsung alone makes more profit in a quarter than Sony made in the last decade.

My point exactly.

Sorry to be obtuse, but my writing lacks the sardonic tone insinuated in the subtext. This is a response juxtaposed to the stupidity of accusing North Korea of the attack. If we're going to accuse a Korean rival of Japan, South seems more apropos because they in fact are beneficiaries of Sony's ebbing market dominance.

And yes, this too is stupid. Just like the other stupid. Stupid jokes for stupid folks. Geez, that went over like a lead balloon.

My sense of humor was way more appreciated when Sony was king, last century, before /.

Comment What happens in Thai Hotels stays in Thai Hotels.. (Score -1) 85

Unless, of course, you are David Carradine, in a pine box, wrapped in a wire coat hanger.

Thailand's international tourism trade of sinful delights and medicinal therapies means that the hotel attack could be from anyone from anywhere under the sun.

Its an all access, multicultural, public venue this is available to just about any business class passport holder on planet earth, regardless of their particular predilections or perversions, ulterior motives, shady dealings or illicit appetites.

So in other words, its probably a criminal or spy or government operation. North Korea is unlikely, but South Korea seems an obvious choice since they have the most to gain from Sony's market share.

Comment Its all downhill from here kid... (Score 2) 312

Welcome to growing older. Notice how there aren't as many Olympians in their 30's? The defending World Champion in Chess isn't even a quarter century old. I realize that your question was regarding new media and attention spans, but life is phenomenological in nature and you are describing an experience shared among aging humans for eons. Next stop: middle age. But don't worry, you figure out a work around to your diminishing capacity.

Comment Re:Repo Man (Score 1) 110

I think its also crap how you can buy an imported car at times with nearly 1% APR, but an education that does not depreciate or get repossessed must not only accrue ridiculous finance fees, it now must also involve indentured servitude.

I believe you answered your own question: in case of default, a car can get repossessed and sold, an education can't. If you were in the lender's position, why would you lend money to students knowing they could default and walk away from the debt?

Its the only guaranteed loan in the business. There is no risk.

Comment Re:$800k? Same racket, different mob. (Score 1) 329

how can they really be worth that? Isn't each medallion worth 1 taxi cab? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how 1 taxi cab can bring in enough money to justify that kind of value.

Come to think of it, I'm having trouble with the entire world economy adding up. This fascist groove thing has never added up, and it ain't a free market or level field.

People are unfair, in spite of natures gifts. Welcome to the primitive social human infection of reality - living organic systems led by intangible, experiential , desires.

Comment Re:If this gap exist... (Score 1) 110

Why is the government trying to help get students educated in CS. if this gap really exists then why don't I have a job in this field, I have an undergraduate degree, and the skills needed.

You're not supposed to ask that question. What are you, a communist? You might as well put insubordination on the resume. You should change your name to Mr. Smarty Pants. Radical Hippy Stoner Face experience.

Comment Repo Man (Score 2) 110

I love how the say they'll subsidize two thirds the cost of a tuition that they just tripled in recent years. I think its also crap how you can buy an imported car at times with nearly 1% APR, but an education that does not depreciate or get repossessed must not only accrue ridiculous finance fees, it now must also involve indentured servitude. The slavery might only last for a few years, but the loan will stay with you longer than you'll remember the curriculum. And that's how the smart and successful people channel their ambitions: serving master. Its a deal with the devil in the details. Slavery doesn't just grow on trees, ya know.

Comment Looking for Answers in the Debris (Score 0) 154

Maybe they shouldn't assume that it is debris. Its in one piece perhaps.

Also its a government gig.

This means they can spend forever using resources and personnel on this task without having to be accountable for the worthless results. In fact, their incentive is not to find it, else they'll have to go back to work doing the really important stuff: floating around in circles, looking at nothing, and taking orders all day. Furthermore, If they really wanted to find it they'd be looking near Bermuda, not Australia. How can we take them seriously if they're ignoring the Indian and the Atlantic Oceans, and the Bermuda Triangle.

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