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Comment Ahh. AFM speaking (Score 1) 904

I get so tired of fucking MBA types that BS without understanding what they are talking about. Numerous studies have shown that the grid and generators in america do just fine with 100% of vehicles moved over, as long as less than 25% charge in the daytime. In addition, if less than 15% charge in the daytime, there is a MAJOR savings to utilities. And as to the rest of your tripe, others have already addressed the fact that not a thing was true.

Comment Tipping point is model 3 in 2 years (Score 1) 904

Most ICE vehicles in 25-50k range are fairly slow. They will run 0-60 in 5-10 seconds. Model 3 will no doubt start in the 5s and go to 3s based on options. In addition, the vehicle will be considered superior to all other ICE vehicles in that range. My guess is that is when customers will insist that car makers quit focusing on masdive profits and focus on great vehicles.

Comment Re:But But This is Anti Homeless! (Score 1) 210

It's cheaper than either cigarettes or alcohol, especially in places where it's available "medicinally", like SF.

Yes, I've been to those places because THC suppressed epileptic seizures I used to have (but only for several hours while it was in effect- it's an extremely expensive anticonvulsant and insurance doesn't cover it). Legal pot is particularly expensive. On what basis is pot cheaper that liquor or alcohol? Per "dose" (whatever that is for any of those three)? Cigarettes and liquor never tempted me to cut up my ATM card.
Plus, you can't survive on a 100% Taco Bell diet... just eating the pot would be more nutritious.

Comment Re:This order is worthless without funding (Score 1) 223

yeah, so.
When has the neo-cons/tea* listened to any budget by Obama? Not a once.
They discard everything and simply run their own. Hell, they do not even listen to past GOPs BEGGING for the house/senate to raise taxes on fuel to bring our roads back to levels.
At this time, all they listen to, are the billionaires, along with Chinese gov.. Hell, this group has been working to kill America's new private space, by giving MORE MONEY to Putin.

Comment Have We Lost the War to Quid Pro Quo Complacency? (Score 3) 359

Time and time again I see news articles that seem to herald the idea that users are willing to sacrifice something like privacy for the use of software. Take Facebook for an example. You get a robust and snappy storage and website for communication at the cost of control over your life and privacy. And as I try to explain to people the tradeoffs most of them seem to be complacent. Even I myself use GMail, there's just no better mail service. Even if there were, I'd have to run the server from my home to be sure that I'm in control in it and it's truly free (by your definition). So given that much of the populace isn't even prepared technologically to harness truly free software, don't you think they have slowly accepted the trade offs and that the pros of your arguments -- though sound -- are only possibly realized by those skilled enough to edit source code or host their own mail server from their home?

Comment Companies Selling Actually Free Software? (Score 5, Interesting) 359

I found your piece on selling free software to be pretty logical on paper. However, has it ever worked in the wild? Can you name companies or revenues that currently operate on this idea (and I'm not talking about services or support of the software)? I simply can't come up with a widely used monetized piece of software licensed under the GNU GPL whereby the original software was sold at a single price and shipped with the source code -- free for the original purchaser to distribute by the license's clauses. Can you list any revenue generation from that? I must admit I'm not exactly enamored with paying for free software (as in your definition of free) before it's written yet I cannot think of any other way this would fairly compensate the developer.

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