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Comment Statistics as standalone field (Score 4, Insightful) 115

Statistical analysis is now more complex, and statistics are better understood in science than a decade ago. There are number of software packages and libraries that simplifies and standardizes techniques.

Correctly applying all of these require subject matter expertise. You need to understand what you analyzing. As a result pure statistician is not very useful - generic analysis can be performed by software, in-depth analysis requires specific knowledge.

This is not unlike complaining that assembly coding is dying. Well, yes, we now have less need to code everything that way because we have better tools.

Comment Re:Not worth it (Score 1) 251

I build my own PCs from carefully researched performance parts and have not had a single instance of OEM (me) installing any bloatware. I also purchase full version of Windows directly from Microsoft and keep legally using it on a single (but drastically changing with time) PC.
For multiple high end business-line Dell laptops I have purchased from vendors, not a single one had any bloatware on it.
Maybe you get what you pay for? That 299$ laptop probably has 20$ sponsored by bloatware companies.

Comment Re:I wish we didn't need something like this (Score 1) 595

>>>Why do enough members of my own gender have to be such creepy bastards that we need something like this to be developed?

You are welcome to self-loathing narrative, but I refuse to buy into evidence-free assertions of this kind. Men are not any more likely to be abusers, rapists, sociopaths and so on than the general population. Awful people exist, but gender is not a reliable predictor of this.

Comment Re:The world we live in. (Score 1) 595

People do awful things, and we should take measures to reduce or mitigate this awfulness. This nail polish is one good example of such mitigation tactic with no downsides to it.

What isn't a good example? Well, turning a large number of gender issues into moral panic where proposed TSA-like solution is arguably worse than the problem.

Comment Re:Welcome to the Information Age! (Score 1) 144

Understandably, I 100% disagree. It is possible to secure almost everything. How? Use the goddamn airgap! Don't network what you can't reasonably secure from tampering.

Everything from the elevator control panel to SCADA have no place being remotely accessible! If you do need remote functionality, you better secure it!

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