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Comment Re:You missed the biggest downside (Score 1) 521

Auto-save typically saves to an alternate location and when you exit (or if you have a power failure, then next time you load) you are asked if you'd like to commit those changes to your actual document. This is true in office applications and video games, at least.

Comment Re:Money quote (Score 1) 688

The US has the most right leaning government there is. It also has the most racially, socially, culturally, and economically diverse population there is.

We certainly do have a right-leaning gov't, but your statement just isn't true. There are lots of gov'ts that are farther right than us. Particularly in the Middle East & Aftrica.

Comment Re:"not limited by plugs and external power source (Score 1) 130

Ya, so that's an article about a prototype but what I asked for was a link to the consumer product that the other post was referring to. Great job being a dick and still not getting the point. -- nothing. -- nothing.

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