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Submission + - Young Whale Found in New York Harbor

LostinNY writes: Marine biologists were standing watch on Tuesday over a young whale that lost its way in New York harbor and nearly wandered into a narrow waterway notorious for industrial pollution. The animal, described as a juvenile minke whale about 15 feet long, was cruising around Gowanus Bay, the outlet from the mile-long Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn. It appeared to be in good health and not distressed, said Kim Durham, rescue program director for the Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation.

Submission + - A Last Hope for Internet Radio

Megatronium writes: In light of the ruling in favor of Internet radio royalty fees, Pandora's founder Tim Westergren has sent an email to Pandora listeners pleading for assistance. He links to a petition site where visitors can use a template letter and online submission form to write to their Congressmen. Let's hope it's not too little, too late.
Role Playing (Games)

When Tax Day Comes to Azeroth 141

1up is running a short piece originally from Games For Windows: The Official Magazine. It discusses the inevitability of taxation coming to virtual worlds, and a little bit about what that might mean in the indeterminate future: "Taxable income includes everything from tangibles like cookies to more ephemeral and subjective things like works of art, concert tickets, or advice. Those big, scary books that most sane people pay accountants to understand for them don't really narrow down what counts as taxable income so much as meticulously define it as damn near any piece of matter, energy, or information that should happen to pass into your possession over the course of the year. That goofy World of WarCraft gnome that GFW editor-in-chief Jeff Green's been leveling isn't any more intangible than, say, stocks."
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Child porn suit to be tossed due to open WIFI?

jqpublic13 writes: A Texas man charged with having child pornography has challenged the suit on the basis of his having an open wireless access point. Investigation has corroborated evidence that other people with access to the router may in fact be the suspect the police are searching for. The outcome of this case could impact other cases where the IP address is the basis for investigation.

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